[SIZE=14.6667px]It’s funny really, how history repeats itself. How time and time again, we make the same mistakes….mistakes like believing that love could change us. I was raised a slave to men, reborn a slave to the darkside. I clawed my way through the ranks of an Empire, devoted...enslaved by their ways. I thought freedom would grant me something, a new outlook on life, that love would set me free... The truth is, I was born a slave...and forever I will remain a slave....to him. Because in reality, I don’t know what it is to be without a master, what it is to be without someone to tell me where to use my gifts.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]But perhaps she can. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Perhaps she can break free of the chains I couldn’t.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]The familiar click of her heel resonated down the facilities corridor, the crisp smell of sterilized corridors burning her nose. Kaminoans seemed to pay little notice of her as she walked a familiar path down to Bay 87. There were watching though...always keeping a close eye on her. They’d been asked to after all.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]She passed beneath panelled ceilings dotted with white lights adding to the sterility of the corridor before entering a transparisteel tunnel that granted a wide view of the facilities workings. Thousands of clones linked to nutrient tubes, ranging from the size of a fetus to that of a full grown man, ready to be awakened. She might have paid attention to it once, pausing to observe its breathtaking magnitude, but after the first...hundred perhaps, times. It lost its awe factor and simply became an eyesore in the background. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]He was there to greet her on the otherside, tall and elegant Taun Wa bowed deeply and fell in step next to her, one stride to her two. “It is an honour, to once again be in your presence my lady.” She shot him cold glance but did not respond. “I can assure you your frequent visits are not necessary, in fact if anything, they are…” he seemed to be hesitant to finish his sentence, eyeing the volatile twi’lek. “...damaging.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“Do you have any children, Taun Wa?” she countered. He shook his head slowly in response, bowing it sadly as they walked, fearing that once again he was to be met with a torrent of abuse. “Would you trust a stranger, with the life of your only child, based on his word when He is only a hairsbreadth away?”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“Perhaps not, My Lady, but your ritual visits are drawing attention.” he paused again as they reached a secure door, slender finger tucking into his robe to reveal and access card that he swiped with ease. The doors parted, and Anaya’s frustration with the Taun ebbed away as she stepped into the room. Suspended in fluid that made her hair float around her like a halo, Calina’s eyes were shut, a mask covered her mouth a tube running from it that provided her with food and air.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Anaya Fen raised her fingers to the glass, a softness appearing around her features, that reminded Taun why he did what he did. He did not believe that such gentleness had been revealed to anyone else. Anaya Fen had placed great trust in him to keep this project a secret, great trust to protect her only child, albeit one grown in a tank.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“My lady…” he stepped forward, moving to rest slender fingers upon her shoulders. “The board of directors is placing great pressure on me to reveal the nature of this project. Your presence has been noted by them...and by Him.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“Do you think I am unfair in keeping this from Him? Denying him the right to take part...the opportunity to ruin me over and over...to ruin her?”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“I think, that you are afraid, My Lady. I help you, because no one should be afraid of people like Him.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Anaya smiled, bringing her forehead to rest against the glass and closing her eyes, reaching out to her daughter in the force. “You are a good friend, Taun Wa.” she breathed before stepping away and facing him. “But i will not hesitate to kill you.”[/SIZE]