Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Cir'focri

NAME: Cir'Focri (Cir for short)

RANK: Slave

SPECIES: Twi'lek

AGE: Early-Twenties

SEX: Female


WEIGHT: 45kg

EYES: Dark purple turning more vibrant closer to the Iris.

SKIN: Rose red with darker crimson dots and marks covering the body.



Easily Angered: Due to her past as a slave, Cir doesn't take kindly to orders nor insults. If looks could kill, Cir would be a master, often she was unable to hide her true emotion especially when it came to frustration.

Stubborn: Cir doesn't take kindly to orders, being very much set in her ways and wanting to do things her own way. Which has often been cause for punishment during her time as a slave.

APPEARANCE: Cir stood at a fairly average height of her kind, however she was scarily slim. Having been underfed as a common punishment, her form doesn't seem to have much meat to it. However that's not to say she is a weak individual. Having worked her entirely lifetime Cir was a fairly fit individual, with her muscles being accentuated due to her slimmer form. Her skin was rose red, like her parents and had naturally grown with swirling, circular patterns all across her body, which too was covered in small scars again as punishment from her time as a slave. None of them were overly obvious and mostly faded, as her previous owners didn't want her to seem to damaged.

Most of her clothing too was mostly tattered, she was given cheap clothes or often rags to wear unless there was purpose to give her something else.


Cir had been born into a life of slavery, as she was 'unfortunate' enough to be born into part of the galaxy which allowed it. Almost immediately she was separated from her parents, never having the chance to even see or remember them. Instead she was brought up among other slaves as she was transferred from owner to owner. It was during her early life where she picked up her more rebellious spirit, having grown up among other slaves hearing them talk of freedom yet never achieving it and falling into 'line' only ever caused her anger and to lash out. When small this was simple things; purposefully destroying or stealing clothes to be later sold, stealing small pieces of cutlery or coin, complaining and doing every job to the worst of her ability. It wouldn't be until her teenage years where she knew she had some sort of power. During this naturally rebellious time, she used her powers to subtly help herself or cause her owners more distress. This time too, was when she got bolder and began to take heavier punishments, as she openly defied and argued orders. Fought with guards, destroyed property and tried to inspire uprisings. Quite often this was met with physical violence, and sometimes more serious measures like small wounds. Though the most common was underfeeding, trying to keep her weaker, if not for her stubborn spirit and ever brewing hatred this may have worked...

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