Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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CIS Interest 'Poll'

Silens Telum

Blackcraft Interventions 'CEO'
Before I go into working everything up and all that good stuff, I'd like to know if people would actually like to see, and be part of, something like this.

Let's see, more info.
The idea is basically to take the idea of the faction from the prequels without having them had been a ploy by a Sith to cause fear in the public. It would be a group of planets looking to become prosperous by giving 'freedom' to corporations and industrializing the worlds involved, while knowing they need to band together militarily to maintain said independence.

It would be a 'safe haven' for corporate headquarters looking to be free of heavy regulations seen with Republic/Sith worlds. I see it being a place for 'business-minded' individuals, mercenaries involved in corporate activities/PMC-types, anarchists looking to have as little government as possible, and of course, droids.

If there's anything else I can let you know feel free to ask and I'll fill it in as I'm kinda... free-forming this at the moment.
So basically you are looking for players outside of the grid so to speak, correct? Well the only player I know who fits this description is Alli since she runs a player controlled corp.

Silens Telum

Blackcraft Interventions 'CEO'
That would work, actually. Given that the Rebels are around, I suppose brutal corporatism is necessary to differentiate between this group and the Rebs(on this site anyway).

Although I'd probably go into it with more of a Objectivist mindset.

...Who wants to make Rapture in space? >.>

Alli Wren

A place where I don't have to worry about the laws of another goverment and can work with the thought of my corporation first?... and can do all sorts of fun expermiments that others call dangerous and inhumane. sign me up! I mean Baktoid Industries, is a respectible organization based on safe and humane testing practicies. We would never put any creature in harms way, and strive to maintain top of the line humane testing centers, open for the public at Druckenwell. But if it really gives my organization freedom... and I get to be on a board or something of like minded corporations, well sign me up :D

Silens Telum

Blackcraft Interventions 'CEO'
Everyone knows children are best behaved when working. >.>

Also, I imagine that there would be no qualms with indentured servitude.

I suppose that really goes for the mentality I'm going for here. Not just laissez-faire economics, but laissez-faire society. As little regulation as possible short of murder(officially, at any rate), theft(Don't want our corporations worrying about profits), and the like. And of course aggressive expansion would be necessary to find new, completely 'willing' planets to provide us with resources/labor forces.

...I mean allies. >.> Anyway, it seems like I do have some interest. *Starts making notes of people*

As far as faction organization would go, I see it being broad-brush as something to the effect of corporations paying for their own military to defend their interests and acquire territory to expand in. There wouldn't be a 'government' so much as a 'board of directors' that come to agreements on what is most beneficial for all members in terms of 'law', while individuals would be free to pursue their own benefits behind closed doors, as it were.

As far as 'joint faction membership', I don't see any reason why we would close off our borders to others. As long as you don't go trying to bring talk of crazy things like democracy or empire and understand that we do business our own way we'd get along. Of course, how other factions see us, especially competing 'corporate' groups and I imagine the Republic might have some qualms with our labor laws, is entirely up to them.

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