Aspect of Defiance
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Atrisia was a black mark on the CIS intelligence community. It had been one of many in recent months. That mattered little for a certain division of the Confederacy Intelligence Community. This certain group was tasked with the ongoing effort to secure, contain, and protect, Confederate space from the unusual, supernatural, and otherwise unexplainable. While the events on Atrisia themselves were not inexplicable, the Blackwing Virus was something of potential value, and certainly rather dangerous. There was plenty that could, and likely would go wrong, but the Confederacy wanted it anwyway. It had been weaponized against them, perhaps it could be weaponized against others. There was only one issus.
Victims of the virus itself did not seem as though they were controlled by anyone, or anything, in particular. What point was there to a weapon that one could not have control over. The last thing anyone wanted was to see their own weapons turned against them, and the potential for that with the Blackwing Virus was high. There was only one way to determine a solution.
The idea was dangerous, and even more so for the extraction team. Recent reports indicated an isolated are where the virus was still active, but contained. This was where a team was being sent. The objectives of the operation were two fold.
- Capture a live sample of the Virus
- Eradicate any remaining traces and victims
Several dropships launched from the carrier which was designed for stealth missions such as this. Each pilot flying well beneath the radar to avoid detection of any kind. This was a mission that not every member of Confederacy leadership was aware of. Everything was on a need to know basis, and the list of people on that list were limited. Even the tea, going were either trained to keep secrets well, while other assets would have their memories purged and replaced with something else to account for their absence.
The target village was surrounded on all sides by jagged mountains, high peaks which made the place cut off from the rest of the planet. How there was any kind of civilization there was something of its own mystery, but it existed. Another question would likely remain unanswered, and that was how the virus found itself there in the first place. Perhaps the attackers, or those responsible for the assault on the CIS, had used this village as a testing ground of sorts. The risk of the infected finding a way of the mountains was minimal, but not improbable. They needed to be eliminated, but not without a sample.
A live sample.
As the teams dropped, Alpha Group, took to the ground first. It was their task to capture a living sample while the rest of the teams eradicated the virus from the village. There was to be no trace of the virus or the village left by the time they were finished with the task. The window was short, and there was no time to waste.