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Approved Location City of Devit

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  • Intent: To create a submission to flesh out the city for use in RP.
  • Image Credit: All images in this submission were created via by me.
  • Canon: Devit
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Laz
  • City Name: Devit
  • Classification: Metropolis
  • Location: Lazerian IV
  • Affiliation: Kingdom of Devit
  • Population: Heavy
  • Demographics: Lazerian is populated by humans called Lazerians, and by the Akwin. The latter stick to themselves within the oceans. The city itself is roughly 95% human and 5% assorted non-human species who have either immigrated to the world, or represent some form of corporate/government investment in the world.
  • Wealth: High. This is the capital city of the Kingdom of Devit which controls nearly all of the planet and is deferred to by the part that isn't controlled by it in matters of the galactic scale. The major wealth of the Kingdom is congregated within this city as the Royal Family also calls it home.
  • Stability: High. There is a high level of stability on Lazerian IV due in part to the leadership of the Royal family and consistent import and export of goods. The latter is facilitated by the worlds location on the Kira Run and Harrin Trade Corridor.
  • Freedom & Oppression: People exercise the same freedoms experienced on worlds such as Coruscant, but are bound by the same laws as the rest of the Kingdom. Drug usage, slavery, and similar things are outlawed. The city, like the rest of the Kingdom, has a security force designated for the enforcement of laws delineated by the King/Queen. These laws are imposed fairly.
  • Description: Devit is a prosperous commercial city that is the seat of power of the Kingdom of Devit, which governs three out of the four major continents on Lazerian IV. It is home to a predominantly human population, with several districts catering to different needs and desires. The city is the major transportation hub for the entirety of the Kingdom and the only one that possesses a starport. It's also protected by a city shield (ray and particle).
    • The home of the Royal family is located within the heart of Aereena Park, surrounded by plant and wildlife that thrives within the protected woods. While people are allowed to wander the park, the perimeter of the Manse is fenced and guarded continuously. The home is not as large as one would normally consider a royal family to live within. It has no spires or tall towers. It functions similar to most homes on more rural worlds where homes have space between them. In the main courtyard is a cozy pool that is heated naturally from hot water springs. Through the main door is a foyer, decorated in purple tapestry and housing numerous paintings of past kings and queens. To each side of the foyer are spaces for hosting guests, access to a lift and stairs to upper and lower levels, and at the end of the hall is access to the kitchen, which functions like a commercial kitchen. The upper floors are reserved for family living spaces. You won't find a throne room in the manse. The kings and queens prefer a more informal meeting in a sitting room or one of the other entertaining rooms. Beneath the manse itself are several levels housing family and kingdom heirlooms, stored in such a way that they function like a museum, albeit a private one. The deepest level is the kingdoms vault, storing their most valuable gems and Boullion.
    • Aereena park was renamed when Princess Aereena deposed her father and withdrew Lazerian IV's support from the Galactic Empire. It is a large, mostly wooded, green area in the heart of the city, which has remained in place by royal decree to preserve a green space for the city. There are numerous fields, a vast wood, several small ponds and streams scattered throughout the park. Nothing is off limits except for the area within the fences the house the Royal Manse.
    • A tall building near the center of the city, bordering Aereena Park, the Devit Security Headquarters is home to the security force of the Kingdom. This is the administration, training, and central operations facility for all of the outlying cities and villages. Here are the people who make the final decisions on punishment of crimes, and temporary holding cells for individuals destined to be deported to Acorvus, the penal colony within the Lazerian System.
    • The military base lies on the outskirts of the city, directly accessible to the starport. Here the Kingdom's military force maintains readiness, conducts training and drafting of individuals, and maintains the projectors that keep the city shield online.
    • Devit Starport is a bustling trade hub that is never wanting for activity. Ships come in and out of private hangar bays and larger field landing pads regularly. Within the main building itself are several commercial enterprises selling goods and food to travelers and ship crew during any layovers they may have. It functions almost like a bazaar with constant pedestrian traffic mixing with workers going about the business of unloading, loading, and refueling ships.
    • The Neon District is the city's main commercial and entertainment area. It's called this because at night it lights up with a consistent glow that's visible even from orbit. It's impossible to walk through the district if one suffers from epilepsy because of the flashing lights and signs enticing people to visit businesses and venues. Some businesses are outlawed, but still find a way to survive in the underbelly of the district. Almost anything you want can be found here if you're willing to look hard enough and risk penalty at the hands of the ever-present security forces.
    • Unlike most cities where the residences are spread throughout, Devit was designed with a belt that separates the center of the city, where the park and Kingdom administration are located, from the Neon District. This residential belt is where the inhabitants of the city reside in various buildings ranging from the highest of the high end to what could only be described as a hostel. However, this layout generally prevents the pollution from the Smokes from reaching the homes of the people that live in the city, allowing most people to live in comfort.
    • The industrial and civic sector of the city is located on the far outskirts where off gases and smoke won't cause problems for people at their homes. It's a grimy, dirty place and not one meant for living in, but as is always the case, the homeless will go wherever they can, and since the Smokes tends to even be warm when it's cold out, they congregate their frequently. In addition to the factories, power plants, and other such industrial structures, numerous greasy spoon joints operate either in small buildings or mobile carts to feed the workers during their breaks. People willing to take on a little lung damage can make a killing working out here.
As the central seat of the Kingdom of Devit, security is ever present. A central security force is utilized throughout all of the Kingdom's cities, with its primary headquarters located in Devit. Additionally, Devit is home to the Kingdoms military. They possess a small army, and two squadrons of snubfighters which they regularly upgrade when newer models come out. The latest model being E-wings. The city is protected by a domed ray and particle shield to ensure the city isn't struck by solar debris that penetrates the atmosphere, and to protect the city long enough for help to arrive if the planet comes under orbital attack.

  • Galactic Republic Era
    • During the era of the Galactic Republic, the Kingdom of Devit was a loyal member and had a senator. They faithfully supported the Jedi and revered them. Both Jedi and Republic members were openly welcomes within the city.​
  • Galactic Empire Era
    • King Alarik X was the occupant of the Royal Manse at the time of the transformation of the Republic into the Empire. He swore the Kingdoms allegiance to the Empire and the forces of the Republic that were within the city were summarily imprisoned and eventually killed. Numerous outbreaks of political violence became common within the city as a revolt spearheaded by Princess Aereena sought to destroy the Empire's hold on the city and the Kingdom. Eventually she would prevail, deposing her father.​
  • Post Empire/New Republic Era
    • With the fall of the Empire and the transition of the Kingdom to supporting the Republic once again, Aereena and subsequent royals began the process of revitalizing the city. The Security Headquarters was constructed in order to centralize the force and make it more publicly accessible. This would provide civilians with full access to the force, helping to prevent corruption. The Neon District was officially established between the Smokes and the Residential Belt in order to provide a barrier between the two to improve quality of life.​
  • The Darkness
    • With the rise of the Gulag Plague, Lazarian suffered greatly. The population of Devit plummeted. Trade came to a standstill. Stability was almost unachievable. The King and Queen at the time used what they had to provide for their people, but so many had died, it was difficult to keep the city afloat. Parts of the city became dormant, abandoned because there weren't enough people to occupy them.​
  • The Republic Returns
    • When the Republic returned to prominence following the 400 year darkness, Lazerian once more pledged itself to it. Supporting it until the events at Roche. This failure, and the subsequent revelations about the Chancellor, caused the King and Queen to withdraw from the Republic and declare independence. The city of Devit became a local tradehub for the various systems in its vicinity, which provided a boost to the population and brought commerce back to the city. The areas that had gone dormant, falling into disrepair, were revitalized as more people moved into the city.​
  • Post Republic
    • After the fall of the Republic, the Kings and Queens of Devit have maintained their support for freedom and democracy, often assisting local worlds and governments that embody the spirit of the people. When the Galactic Alliance rose, they pushed to support them even though they were outside the main influence sphere of the governing body. Serving as a waypoint for worlds wanting to join, they have maintained their anti-Imperial stance ever since Aereena.​
  • Current Time
    • At present, Devit is still the central seat of the Kingdom of Devit and the main point of contact for governing bodies with the people of the world. The city continues to prosper as the trade corridor grows in use, and people enjoy comfort for as long as the world remains free.​
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First I would just like to say that I really enjoyed reading your submission, I always love seeing new history and lore being added to canon planets, especially ones that don't really have much going.

That said, there are a couple of things that need addressing before I can push this on to be approved.

1. I know you made the images yourself through AI, but I will need a link to the AI engine that you used in the credits section.

2. I'd like the security rating to be bumped up to High. Given that you have more than a typical Security Force protecting the city and a small military base just outside of it, this would warrant a higher security rating.

Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
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