Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private City of Night

The cyborg was out exploring Nar Shadda's nightlife to reacquaint herself with everything that had happened in the Galaxy since she was awoken. This was the planet where she was found by Daxton and possibly where she was disabled all those years ago.

Hearing the sounds of the hawkers, she followed her ears, which led to a club of some kind. The woman waited in line to enter and was soon surrounded by others. Listening to the conversations happening, she quickly learned it was a fight club, and the fights tonight were the champions of the week. That might explain why there was such a crowd and so many people wanting in.

Music pumped inside, and Bryn nodded her head as the beats filled her senses. Others around her might have been doing the same thing, and after just a few minutes, she was in the building. Putting away her money, she picked up her drink and headed toward the fighting ring.

It was still early in the evening, and no fights had begun. People were still arriving, and she was just another spectator. Getting lucky, she found a seat and took it. There were still spots available, and the arena was dark.

Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu

It was rare for Kasir to be found anywhere within Hutt Space, as the majority of the planets in this region held little appeal to him and conflicted with the beliefs of the cult he served. The only recent occurrence took place during their time on Groth, where they freed enslaved individuals from one of the cities.

Nar Shadda felt like an ideal place to begin gathering intel and report back to his superiors. He moved through the space with a sense of disinterest, unaffected by the music and the energy of those around him. A simple black tunic along with a calm demeanor contrasted with the more vibrant atmosphere of the club. The arena, however, did carry a certain allure, pulling Kasir towards it like a moth to a flame. As a student of all fighting techniques, it was the rawness and intensity of hand-to-hand combat that fascinated him the most.

He finally found a seat near the arena, taking in every aspect of the environment that would display the fighters' skills. Knowing the caliber of his own training partners, he couldn't help but raise his already expectations higher than what they probably should've been. Folding his hands in his lap and shifting his gaze, he quietly observed the diverse group of individuals surrounding him. His attention was drawn to the mechanical limbs of a woman holding a drink. He met her gaze for a mere second before eventually redirecting his focus back to the arena.
As Bryn looked around, her eyes met briefly with another patron who quickly looked away from her gaze. Perhaps he was also just making observations. Something the cyborg found slightly odd about the man was that he didn't have a drink. To each their own, but it raised her curiosity a little. The pumping song ended, and lights turned on around the arena that held the fighting ring.

The atmosphere grew expectant, and people started making their way in haste to find seats. In the seating area, the lights were dimmed, and a hush fell over the crowd. A spotlight focused on an announcer as she stepped out of the shadows.

"The first round will be against Anastasio Montero and Maura Soldati. Two victorious fighters from the beginning of the week. You know their strengths and weaknesses. Place your bets now, and the fight will begin in five minutes!"

A new song started to play. It was still a loud song; it seemed subdued and not as pumping as the previous one. That was fine with the former Sith as she continued to nurse her drink. People moved around her, and an argument began nearby. There was a feeling in the Force, and she stood up as the argument turned violent. A body flew through the air, and it would have hit her if she hadn't gotten up.

Drawing in a breath as her seat was taken, she chose not to press the issue and tried to find another place to sit. Looking around, there was space near the man she had caught looking at her earlier. Taking a sip of her drink, she headed in his direction. Tipping her head at the empty spot beside him, she waited a moment before speaking.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

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