Nubica Felidae
We are well and truly forked...
It was a standard mission — which always sent a subliminal message that you should expect something really bad.
The request was simple — some medical supplies were required on the Republic capital on Onderon, and the Jedi gardens had the plants that could be used to produce them. It was such a simple task that they even entrusted the run to two Padawans and let them use a Jedi Corvette to transport the plants in.
So Nubica and Damon were selected. The young Padawan knew nothing about her companion for the journey, so stood by the landing ramp expectantly. She was keen to get going and was tempted to head straight for the cockpit and get them underway but figured some sort of protocol ought to be exercised and at least say hi to him before rushing to the cockpit.
She’d already stowed her gear in the main cabin and stood there in her Jedi robes. They were darker than usual, a shade of brown that was almost black and she’d recently cut her hair, so from a distance could be mistaken for a young man. But up close her figure revealed she was most definitely a girl. Her training saber dangled from her belt and she checked the time. She had been early but he was in danger of being late.
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