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Good Men Don't Need Rules

Abandoned Cave Entrance

A forgotten cavern stood before me. One that has been here for generations. I knew of its existence since childhood. Hell, there were myths among my people of an Order of "Paladins" that roamed the sky and visited other planets. People who brought peace to many. In a funny way, they were right. It was only after I had left my planet, leaving my home behind, that I could finally see how these stories came a reality for me. The planet of Weik has been forgotten for so long, that many didn't remember its existence after the Gulage Plague. That whenever I spoke of home, most would never know its name.

Years ago, before I was born, there was a "plague" that had struck our people. Stories of this sickness lasting for years was told to me again and again. With it finally dying out due to these "Paladins of Adamite Tower." Instead, I wished it had been the truth. Breaking my heart as a child, my own mother, who was a one such Paladin, spoke of the plague being eradicated not by defeating some evil, but by happen chance. That one story, had sent me down the path I am now. The path I have chosen to be the "Paladin of the Stars." as they would so determine here on Weik. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned around to see my father. Dressed not in rags of a Farmer, but a set of armor. Beside him. my mother as well as the other Paladins. totaling in almost a dozen people.

A smile brightly lit my face as they were ready.

"Thank you for showing up. I have friends who will arrive soon. So please, follow me."

Entering this cavern, It came to a rather spacious room. Empty except for pillars of stone that had once been holding up much weight. Now as some of them began to crumble and break, others were holding the world against the ground. Walking down the center of the room, a ragged and broken tapestry of "Sunsword" wielding warriors. Blue blades clashing with Red. Fighting with powers that some could ever fathom. Leading directly up to a singular wall. One that suddenly began to brighten at our presence. At first a holo blue, and brightened to White. Stopping for a moment, I began to hold out my hand. Almost touching the wall when I could feel the hand of someone on my shoulder. Looking to see that it was my father. An armored hand as he nodded his head.

Breathing in, I faced the wall once more and placed my hand upon its surface. The emblem continued to glow, then went dark. Mere moments before the wall opened up in front of me. Leading to another room. One that could clearly be seen in the center. A singular table which upon seats were missing from it. Some were there, others were thrown about the room. Others lay broken and in shambles. Turning to those who were with me, I smiled and nodded.

"This is where the Wardens of Light will convene. Please, take your places."

Caedyn Arenais

Location: Weik, Wild Space.
Wardens of Light: Kaleleon Kaleleon (And others TBC).

Caedyn Arenais had traveled from the Outer Rim at the behest of Kale Seleare, one of the more recent acquaintances that he had made within the greater number of Jedi spread thin across the Galaxy, since his establishing the Enclave of Svivren and setting it into motion again as a fully functioning branch of the Order. Kale and Caedyn had come to realize the nature and intent of one another, though they lacked the experience and any true knowledge of one another in terms of creating a bond outside of their common ground; These things would come with time.

Today however, concerned not the Jedi of Svivren but the Wardens of Light whom Kale had been discussing via holo-communication lately. Setting the Repertoire down upon the coordinates provided to him, Caedyn left the Corvette in the care of his droid co-pilot and set off towards the mouth of the cavern entrance, the forgotten vale for which Kale intended to hold this meeting of likely minds, to discuss the future and the state of the Galaxy.

Caedyn's father had taken part in many of these sorts of meetings, but for Caedyn himself, this was a first. He had never been on the forefront of pushing an organization together in such a manner. He had lived his role as a Jedi, and before that as a Journeyer of the Je'daii Order but never pushed the subject of a conclave or dabbled in any real Jedi orientated political jargon. Times were changing however, and with Caedyn stepping up in stewardship over Svivren, it seemed that responsibility was quickly following in what seemed to be a greater calling.

The next stage of his Jedi Path.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
A hacking cough ripped through Ryv's body as he moved through the caves. He managed to quit his addiction cold turkey months prior, but death sticks and booze had left a lasting effect on his body he was still working his way past. His training under the Imperator provided him with physical and mental clarity, helping him overcome the haze that once addled his mind while reminding him of what his body was once capable of. He'd been a padawan for so long he should be much further along in taking the title of Jedi Knight. Unfortunately, years of debauchery had extended that path for him. There were times he wished he could go back and beat some sense into his younger self, but it wouldn't have changed a thing. His old man's passing was a hard one for him.

Ryv spit off to the side as he trudged on, one foot in front of the other. Murmuring voices could be heard from up ahead, leaving him very little time to mentally or physically prepare himself from the meeting. The best he could manage was a series of deep breaths alongside dusting off his shoulders in a vain attempt at creating a more presentable look. Light pierced the shadowy cave the closer he came to the meeting and soon enough, light washed over him as he stepped into the chamber. Instinctively, the young Kiffar's hand rose to block the bright lights to give his eyes time to adjust from the stark contrast of the dark hall behind him. Unfortunately, the excuse his hand presented in not having to look at anyone disappeared as his eyes adjusted and his hand fell away.

"Hey, uh. . ." Ryv waved awkwardly at the gathered individuals before awkwardly shuffling to a nearby chair. "Name's Ryv, I heard some people were throwing a party? I'm just gonna- yeah. . ." the awkward youth settled in his chosen chair and fell into himself. Jedi often presented themselves as something great, beautiful or radiant. While Ryv, well, he wore a stained and patchy jacket he inherited from his father when he passed away.

Life never ended up taking you exactly where you thought it would, some people said it was the will of the force that guided them, that left the citizens of the galaxy dancing to its tune. Asaraa could never really get behind that, that there was a force that existed above them that had a plan for them, that controlled their lives and stories. She had always believed she was her own person, that the decisions she made, the choices in her life were hers and hers alone to bear the responsibility for.

It was what had led her away from Kashyyyk in the end, away from the Silver Jedi that had been her home for such a long time. It wasn't that they had done anything wrong, but it no longer felt like they were a good fit. It was like her childhood blanket, comforting, relaxing but not what she needed anymore. The Silver Jedi were a place she could go to feel the comforting sensation of the light wrapped around her, like a warm embrace but not somewhere she could grow could discover who she was...who she was now.

For a moment, as she closed her eyes she could feel the Dark Sun looming over her again, the touch of his mind on hers, slick and dripping with the darkside, a wave that had washed over her. It had been a moment that had left her reeling, drowning under the onslaught of the man's thoughts and emotions, an attack that had battered through what walls she'd been able to construct, walls to keep him out, walls to keep herself in. It had left her longer able to hide from the memories and emotions that her body had once felt before she'd stepped into it.

Now though, now she was just as lost as any other Jedi, just trying to find a path that worked for her, a path through the darkness that surrounded everyone. Well, as most Jedi, the young woman felt her lips curling up into a smile as she spotted a familiar back ahead of her, footsteps sped up, echoing around them as she draped her arms around Caedyn's neck, lips brushing against his cheek.

"Well, imagine running into you out here Mr Arenais."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
It seems for now only three showed up. Caedyn who I have met before, Steward of the Enclave within the Outer Rim. However, the other two I had not met. An individaul who seemed more like your typical Street urchin, and the other, a lady with bright pink hair, and was closing the distance and even clinging on Caedyn. Closing the distance to the two, I smiled and offered a hand towards Caedyn.

"Thank you for coming. I suspected you would. And uh... Who is this friend of yours?"

Ryv, as he introduced himself, just came and sat down in one of the chairs. Almost as though he had nothing better to do. Looking over to him, it seemed very clear he had a rough life before. One that he was not too fond of. Maybe he had been told to come here? Either way, I welcomed him as well.

"Not really a party, but you are more than welcome to join us."

To be honest, I couldn't say much against him. I needed to learn who he was, where he came from. Why his... entire being seemed to exude sadness and despair even if he was supposed to be a Jedi.

Caedyn Arenais Asaraa Vaashe Asaraa Vaashe Ryv Ryv
Raigeki rested ceremoniously in its saya, tied off in ornamental string to signify binding. When he entered these grounds, he did so under the pretense of peace. Calamity in the Galaxy beyond did not trespass in these forgotten halls, and while their outward purpose was purportedly action, there needed be no discord inwardly.

He wore the weapon at his side during his approached, but held it in hand when he reached the entrance. When he reached the central convocation area, he placed it at his feet and crossed the threshold. It was a symbolic gesture, born from ancient tradition.

Arashi entered the talks in a black haori, where many would have opted for white or some other light color in their garb. He made no comment on the choice, as he seemed such unnecessary. Instead, he crossed to where they stood, offered a bow, then continued to where he would take his seat.

On the floor at the edge of where they staged the talks, the half-Atrisian dropped to his knees and sat seiza. Many of them knew each other. Arashi knew none of them.

With quiet patience, he waited.

Kaleleon Kaleleon | Caedyn Arenais | Asaraa Vaashe Asaraa Vaashe | Ryv Ryv

Caedyn Arenais

Location: Weik, Wild Space.
Wardens of Light: Kaleleon Kaleleon , Asaraa Vaashe Asaraa Vaashe , Arashi Hagane Arashi Hagane , Ryv Ryv .

"Well, imagine running into you out here Mr Arenais".

The words accompanied the feeling of warmth to his back, her arms falling down over his chest from behind and forcing Caedyn to flinch a little in surprise; however quickly washed away with the realization and familiarity of her embrace. "Asaraa?" he answered rhetorically, looking sideways to catch her pink hair in his peripherals, "I didn't know you'd be here...-I'd have picked you up, had I known" he smiled, leaning his head a little in to press his temple to her forehead. He'd missed the intimacy of her company, the feeling of love and companionship between them, always going the distance to brighten his days. It was one of the downsides to being on Svivren and working with the Outer Planets Alliance; they rarely saw one another these days.

"Thank you for coming. I suspected you would. And uh... Who is this friend of yours?" Kale Seleare greeted them both, Caedyn having to stand upright a little more, leaving Asa's embrace for a moment to shake the fellow Jedi's hand and offer him a firm and appreciative nod.

"Kale, this is Asaraa Vaashe" he introduced his Girlfriend, "She's a skilled Jedi Knight and up until recently has been working with the Order of the Silver Jedi" he explained. He and Asaraa had shared in many exploits for the Silvers, including a number of fierce battles that had almost seen to their early demise on a number of occasions. "I wasn't actually aware she'd be present today, but the contacts she also has ought to do wonders for this group of yours" he smiled, glancing back to Asa with a hint of approval in his eyes.

It was pleasing to find her still fighting the good fight, and even more so following along a similar path as his own. While she herself didn't believe so much in the Will of the Force, Caedyn was quite the opposite and an enthusiast in the spiritual nature of the Force. His curiosities indulged in his early training under the Je'daii and his first and only Master, Lief Lief .
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
"Uh," Ryv leaned back in his chair and looked over his shoulder at Kale. "It's a figure of speech, my guy. You know what? Never mind, it isn't important," his gloved hand scratched at the back of his head as he shifted the chair with his legs. His amber gaze moved about the room and took in the latest arrivals. He couldn't for the life of him place any of the faces. It wasn't surprising given how many of his recent years had been spent galavanting through the Outer Rim doing terrible things to not so terrible people. Better that sort of thing not be brought up in the company of other Jedi. At least not right, the trust had to be established before the kiffar sought to put himself out there.

When other orders were mentioned, Ryv furrowed his brow a bit.

Silver Jedi Order again, huh? Who names an order after a color? And silver? Like dude, c'mon, Ryv kept his opinion to himself on that one, given how shallow it was. Instead, he continued to listen in on the others and awaited an opportunity to present some of the more basic information about himself. And soon enough, there was a pause in the conversation long enough to get in a few words.

"I don't know if it matters much, but I'm with the Imperium. I'm the big boss's apprentice," he knew it could be a risk to present that information. So many had a harsh opinion on his master, one the kiffar felt was undeserved. Yes, Cedric Grayson was willing to wage war, stomp out threats to his empire, and rule it from an ironclad throne. However, it didn't matter to Ryv anyway. The galaxy was in chaos and it needed people like the Imperator to set it straight. Talking to Sith never got anywhere.

"He over exaggerates my contacts with the Jedi, I assure you."

The young knight slowly disentangled herself from around Caedyn's neck, her hands coming up to dust down her top before she glanced up ad Kale, a small smile playing across the corners of her lips.

"I know a few of the senior Jedi around but I'm not even sure if they'd remember me after all this time. Whatever I can do to help out though, just feel free to ask."

The Silver Jedi would always be home to the girl, would always be a safe haven where she could return to when needed, to bask in the comfort and security and recuperate. To lose herself in that feeling. But it was her past. That safety, that security, it draped over the Jedi, over the worlds under their protection like a comforting blanket and it was easy to not step outside it. To not experience the galaxy and go where you were needed. There was always another mission, another crisis or world that needed something, always another request from the Assembly.

Only, the young Jedi wasn't sure she could just fit in there anymore. Ever since the last time she'd faced the Dark Star she had found herself...different. She had run away from the history of the Sith, the legacy of blood that she had inherited with her body. For a time she'd been able to do that but the Dark Hand had washed that security away. She remembered everything now.

She had seen the perfidy carried out by the Sith, by the forces of darkness that swept over the galaxy and she couldn't sit on one place to meet them anymore. She had to leave, to see where she could help outside of the safety of the Order she'd grown up in.

A wry smile tugged at the corners of Asaraa's lips as she let her hand fall into Caedyn's, tugging him towards the table that had been set up. It was funny, she'd run from the Jedi onto to find herself drawn back to the light, one way or the other. The pink-haired knight nodded at the others who'd arrived as she let Caedyn take his seat, considering the seat next to him before shaking her head. A small gesture of her hand had his chair sliding backwards as Asaraa settled herself carefully on her boyfriend's lap.

"Much more comfortable."

No longer a member of the Silver Assembly, Josh found himself with a fair bit more time than he had known what to do with. Perhaps it was a sign? If he was not needed in one area, then perhaps it was time to find where he was needed. The galaxy was filled with many who could use the help of someone with his experience, and this Wardens of Light thing seemed like as good a start as any.

After assisting with a prior expedition, he had been invited to a meeting with a group of them, hoping to convene. To discuss the future of the Wardens, perhaps? Either way, if there was a way he could be of assistance... He had decided he would be there.

The meeting had just started as the Jedi Master strode into the chamber, hands in his pockets as he scanned the faces of those around him. He recognized some faces, not others. He knew Kaleleon Kaleleon from the last expedition, and Caedyn Arenais from prior missions. His expression moved though, to the woman that hung on the neck of Arenais. He quirked a brow. Asaraa Vaashe Asaraa Vaashe who had been his Padawan for a time, and who had disappeared from the Silver Jedi Order, was here as well. Interesting.

He remained quiet as he stopped, not having input to give just yet.

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