Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Claiming the Darkside

so I was surprised how well the OS responded to the skirmish....and I'm loving the thread!


why not go after other Sith/Darkside Factions like the First Order and the Sith Triumvirate?

Win or it not about making a name for ourselves?

Whether we go Major or not.....we should make our claim of fame known (unknown) to draw other writers in. I know four writers that want to join.....but they are reserved to see what we do.

If I'm overstepping my apologies.
I believe that if we persue an attack on the One Sixth we should do so on valuable assets. Harming a few With won't do much, but crippling their war machine will. Factories, outposts, whatever have you
[member="Darth Ferus"]

As Sabrina said, her faction is in talks with doing a raid with the GA....however, they seem to want it to be in their favour....or more to the pointe....they want it to have rules like an invasion. I tried to lay down some fair terms but they have grown silent since.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]

I was unaware on both fiddling anyone's diddly. :)

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