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Approved Tech Clan Dem'adas Mandalorian Battle Armor

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Intent: To create a new and interesting suit of body armor
Image Source: NA
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: Nagai Electromesh / Reinforced Fiber Armor / Mandalorian Armor / Skira Beskar'gam /

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Model: Clan Dem'adas Mandalorian Battle Armor
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: None
Production: Limited
Classification: Heavy Body Armor
Weight: Heavy
  • Blasters: Very High
  • Kinetic: High
  • Lightsabers: High
  • Ionic/EMP: High

Armor Underlay Systems
Built-in Components
Helmet Systems
Weapon Systems
  • Void-sealed
  • Strength Augmenting
  • Helmet protects against mind altering force-based attacks
  • Only one of the suit's Shield or Disruptor systems can be active at any given moment
  • Helmet inhibits wearer's ability to use force-based senses and abilities


Stylized after the armor worn by Alor Olivia Dem'adas, this traditional Mandalorian Battle Armor incorporates incredibly durable plates of Beskar as well as personal energy shielding and an individual field disruptor. Combined with a comprehensive system of De-ionizors, this suit of armor is incredibly resilient to most forms of attack and even incorporates an integrated Force Mask in the design of the helmet, protecting the wearer from the mind-altering force powers of Jedi. Beyond merely providing protection from external forces, this suit of battle armor is designed to augment and enhance the physical capabilities of the wearer. From strength augmenting electro-stimulants and servos to an exorbitant suite of sense-enhancing audio-visual systems, this armor is designed for those who expect nothing but the best from themselves.

Enhancing the mobility of the wearer are a series of rockets and jets built into the back and boots of the armor that enable limited flight for the wearer. Additionally, the armor included magnetic boots and a wrist mounted magnetic grappling cable launcher to further aide in the mobility of the wearer. While the wearer of this armor is expected to be wielding an assortment of blaster rifles and pistols, the suit itself comes with a number of weapon systems fully integrated. These include complex crushgaunt-combi-weapons worked into each gauntlet, a wrist blaster incorporated into the right gauntlet, and a shield gauntlet incorporated into the left arm.
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