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Approved NPC Clan Fett

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Citrus Dreams
  • Intent: To expand upon the Clan that I am the leader of.
  • Image Credit: A resized picture from here
  • Role: Clan of Mandalore
  • Links: /
  • Group Name: Clan Fett
  • Classification: Mandalorian Clan
  • Headquarters: Nomadic
  • Loyalties: Itself | Koda Fett
  • Group Sigil: See header
  • Description: Clan Fett is smaller in comparison to the majority of Mandalorian Clans that continue to plague the galaxy. The members of such thing are known for their independent natures and inability to coincide with rules and regulations. It is their respect one must wield, and their Alor does so correctly. Otherwise, he/she would not hold such a position. There are no more than two-hundred Fett's that roam the galaxy.
  • Hierarchy: Clan Fett follows the traditional clan hierarchy. Alor -> Alor'ad -> Talyc (blooded) -> Dar'talyc.
  • Membership: Clan Fett operates like any other ordinary Mandalorian Clan when it comes to the membership of such a thing. However, they are typically more hesitant and harsh when it comes to potential clan members. Previous history has left them brutalized and scarred, and so trust isn't easy from a Fett. It is a grueling initiation process that involves near suicidal hunts, intensive battles and a training regime like no other. It is then that a Mandalorian can hold the name Fett, despite the stigma that comes with such a thing. The two-hundred of them that roam the galaxy do so proudly.
  • Dogma/Doctrines: Independence is valued above all else. When one tells you what to do you cast them aside like dirt, for nobody can order a Fett. You are, at all times, your own man. A way of life heavily encouraged by their Alor.
  • Curious: /
  • Goals: Survive. Destroy an Empire.
Koda Fett - Alor
Daras Fett
Talia Fett - Mandalorian Exile
Cato Fett - Mandalorian Exile
Tonka Fett - Mandalorian Exile
Oberan Fett - Former Alor
Sylas Fett - Mandalorian Force User
Bobbec Fett - Selkath Mandalorian Quartermaster
Matsu Fett - Alor'ad of Clan Fett


There isn't a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the name of Fett, and what little there was died with the Gulag Plague. It is known that men with such a name have existed for thousands of years, and held the title of Mand'alor in the past. Though it is plagued with infamy, that much is certain.

With the Mandalorian Civil War, Mandalore found itself divided. The Death Watch and Mia Monroe's Mandalorians. For those of Clan Fett, it was a 'lesser of two evils', and so the majority sided with the Death Watch, despite their hatred for such a thing. There was deep history between Fett and Vizsla, specifically the Death Watch itself. When the Civil War ended those who fought alongside Mia Monroe were either killed or forced into exile. Others had folded within the ranks of the Mandalorian Empire.

Oberan Fett claimed the title of Alor after the Civil War. His leadership was looked down upon, and as Koda Fett joined the Mandalorian Empire the position was thrust upon him. Attributing his pseudo celebrity status as a bounty hunter as for the reason why. He accepted the role with reluctance.

When Yasha Mantis staked her claim for the title of Mand'alor she was met with dismay. Clan Fett stood against her alongside both Vizsla and Shysa. The three clans had often found themselves at odds but on that day they were allies. In the ensuing chaos Clan Fett found itself decimated. They left a mere fraction of what they once were.

On Wayland, alongside Clan Vizsla, they burned their dead. It wasn't often a Fett found itself concerned with the problems of the many, but now more than ever each one knew that they would return to Mandalore with a fire in their eyes.
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