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Approved Lore Clan Gargon

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  • Intent:To create my custom clan
  • Image Credit: Clip Art:
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Organization Name: Clan Gargon
  • Classification: Clan
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Organization Symbol: See Image above.
  • Description: Clan Gargon is a mandalorian community living in the planet of Gargon. They desire to protect their families in the clan and are loyal to the Resol'nare, the way and traditions of their culture.
  • Hierarchy: The mandalorian clan has a typical rank structure as most clans do:

    1. A'lor : The clan chieftain, often chosen by full clansmen or can be claimed by an honorable duel for the position.
    2. Al'verde: Much like a commander and right hand man of the A'lor.
    3. Rally Master: Think of these men as like sergeants in the modern military. They tend to be well respected in the clan, and usually have experience or some heroic accomplishment.
    4.Verde: These are full members of the clan, and as a result have full rights in their community. Verde Translates to warrior or soldier, they are respected to fight for the clan's defense.
    5. Adik/Foundlings: Children born into the clan are Adik and foundlings are adopted mandalorian children in the clan. They have no difference in rights and both must go through a Verd'gotten in order to become a full clansmen.
  • Membership: IC: There are currently one hundred members in the clan, the clan at it's height before the destruction of Mandalore had five hundred souls. To join the clan one must go through the Verd'gotten to become one of them. The Verd'gotten consists of learning Mando'a, mountain survival training, marksmanship training, as well as learning about the beskar'gam training. At the end one must swear an Oath to follow the Resol'nare , which by default is also an oath to the clan. Children born/adopted into the clan may also have extra tests from their parents to prepare them as Mand'ode.
    OOC: Just ask me and I will mostly say yes.
  • Climate: The clan is a small mandalorian community loyal to the mandalorian protectors, most of their existence focuses on a martial lifestyle sticking to the Resol'nare tenants as a guide.
  • Reputation: Neutral
  • Curios: No, the clan is currently too poor to have any special gear, at their height however they were known as good architects and combat builders.
  • Rules: The Resol'nare is what this clan follows as their guiding principle of their legal system as well as any laws that the Mandalorian Protectors pass in the future.
  • Goals: The goals of the Clan are to grow and reattain past glory before the destruction of Mandalore that left them poor and ravaged. As well as to support the new fledging nation of Mandalorian Protectors.
PC: I'dadr Gargon

NPC: Will be Submitting the A'lor as an npc.

Originally a single family, Clan Gargon was founded during the Clone wars on the planet of Gargon after the "Peaceful" mandalorians had spread their disgusting culture on Mandalore. Settling north of the Old Spice Vaults in the mountain range their they lived for many centuries before growing in enough size during the great of the Palpatine to build an official settlement. This Settlement built inside Mount Gargon, the tallest mountain of a five mountain range north of the Old Spice Vaults. Due to the rich resources surrounding the mountain range and it's natural defenses such as a nearby swamp. The Mandalorian clan thrived as combat engineers for hire throughout the majority of history, where they managed to stockpile beskar throughout the various era's. With much hard work and sacrifice the clan went from a single family to five hundred souls throughout the generation. Known for their great skills as builders, they were a small but rich clan.

However this all changed when Mandalore was attacked by the sith, seeing uncertainty Clan Gargon and all it's clan members sacrificed all beskar made material into building a reinforced Mount Gargon, capable of being a safe haven for the next generation. Using their knoledge and all of their beskar they developed a reinforced concrete ceiling and pillars inside Mount Gargon designed to further reinforce the mountain from the inside. Making it virtually impervious to bombardment, this sacrifice shows their respect to the great traditions of the Resol'nare. One of the tenants being Allit or family, which is one of the most important aspects of mandalorian culture.

While a proper sanctuary was built, it has left the clan poor and with very little resources. To this day, no mandalorian in the clan has access to any Beskar Items. To add on to their current predicament , the once five hundred strong clan is just down to one hundred souls. A direct consequence of their loyalty to the mand'ode, where four hundred souls went to protect Mandalore, only to all perish. Clan Gargon is in a historical decline after losing eighty percent of it's people, can they reclaim glory? Or like the past will they decline into extinction?
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I've had a read through this. It's a cool clan idea! They gave up everything to protect what's left of the clan, giving up their beskar to reinforce their home. The whole mountain base I helped you get approved is actually made cooler now knowing that the clan are a clan with the reputation for being amazing builders and craftsmen.

You've chosen the best template as for what you're submitting which is good. This doesn't read to me as an army and definitely isn't a fleet. There's no reason I can see as to not put this through. However, due to being a trainee judge it will have to be passed up for final review. I'll stamp this as trainee approved and pass it up for you.


I'dadr Gargon I'dadr Gargon | Srina Talon Srina Talon
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