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Approved NPC Clan Horn Retinue

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  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Combat Function: Acts as a personal retinue and elite bodyguards to Jocko Horn. Defends him in battle and performs dangerous missions unsuitable for all but his most tested companions. A single-member may lead a larger formation of less-skilled Mandalorians in large scale combat. Individuals from the Clan may also be called upon to perform more sensitive tasks, such as reconnaissance, sabotage, and assassination.
  • Mandalorian Warriors: Among the most feared combatants in The Galaxy, the warriors of Clan Horn uphold the highest of Mandalorian standards. Highly trained in hand to hand combat, swordsmanship, marksmanship, tactics, and strategy.
  • Tight Knit: The warriors of Clan Horn are a small and tight-knit brotherhood. The men and women of The Clan were raised together, each member knowing each other very well and understanding each other's tendencies and preferences. This gives them unique synchronicity in battle.
  • Small: Clan Horn is small. The Clan was large and feared in ancient times, but has since waned. There are only a handful of Mandalorians bearing the name Horn left in The Galaxy.
  • Irreplaceable: The bonds formed by the clansmen are unique, forged during their common upbringing. Each warrior is unique and irreplaceable. When one is killed, they are mourned as a devastating loss to the clan, and their unique bonds and skills are impossible to replace.

Clan Horn is an ancient Mandalorian clan, though in recent centuries it has fallen from prominence. Since the invasion of Mandalore by The Sith Empire, it's few remaining members have spread throughout The Galaxy, working as bounty hunters, mercenaries and bodyguards. Though the warriors of Clan Horn have not forsaken The Way, their current occupations are unworthy of them and they hunger for the opportunity to serve the Clan and the Mando'ade again. Jocko Horn Jocko Horn , the chieftain of The Clan has once again called his clansmen to service, and they have rallied from across the Galaxy to come and join him in his quest to liberate Mandalore and redeem his honor.

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