King of Makrosia
Taking his first steps into the courtyard of the Sanctum’s, Voss temple Akhilleus took the sight in. These had been the training grounds of Nikias when he had still lived, and now Akhilleus walked the same circles. Partially to understand more about the galaxy as a whole, and what better place than the one that had been responsible for teaching his sibling? The other reason was that the young Hellyni needed to test his skills in combat and he had heard rumors about many of the jedi apart of the Silver Sanctum. How they were so powerful that nearly no one dare attack their territory. They were also in possession of Sith worlds which would aid in Akhilleus’ further study into both sides of the force. The wind blew causing the black and crimson locks of Akhilleus’ hair to billow for a few seconds before resting back around his shoulders.
Closing his eyes Akhilleus took in a deep breath centering himself in the force as he waited for the one he had issued the challenge to too arrive. The man’s name was Jericho, Akhilleus only knew rumors about the force user. When the Crimson Lotus had been alive Jericho had been named Grandmaster of the order. While it had been short lived the fact that he had been named Grandmaster when there were many other Dark Jedi Masters spoke magnitudes too Jericho’s skill. Akhilleus probably had no business challenging the man, but if anything it would be a great way to test himself and learn where his skills were lacking. A singular devotion to nothing but telekinesis had left Nikias with the skill to combat Master force users… Will it be the same for me? Akhilleus thought not too sure in his own abilities.
The temple grounds that Akhilleus had picked for them to fight in was instead more akin to a field instead of an arena. The grass was freshly grown still wet with dew. It was better to fight here, if the rumors about what Jericho could do where true Akhilleus believed there would be a lot of collateral damage. On his hip sat his lightsaber and on his wrist sat the Makrosian shield. The two main weapons he would use, the ball bearings and throwing spikes he had inherited from Nikias had no place here due to their lethal nature when used.
Closing his eyes Akhilleus took in a deep breath centering himself in the force as he waited for the one he had issued the challenge to too arrive. The man’s name was Jericho, Akhilleus only knew rumors about the force user. When the Crimson Lotus had been alive Jericho had been named Grandmaster of the order. While it had been short lived the fact that he had been named Grandmaster when there were many other Dark Jedi Masters spoke magnitudes too Jericho’s skill. Akhilleus probably had no business challenging the man, but if anything it would be a great way to test himself and learn where his skills were lacking. A singular devotion to nothing but telekinesis had left Nikias with the skill to combat Master force users… Will it be the same for me? Akhilleus thought not too sure in his own abilities.
The temple grounds that Akhilleus had picked for them to fight in was instead more akin to a field instead of an arena. The grass was freshly grown still wet with dew. It was better to fight here, if the rumors about what Jericho could do where true Akhilleus believed there would be a lot of collateral damage. On his hip sat his lightsaber and on his wrist sat the Makrosian shield. The two main weapons he would use, the ball bearings and throwing spikes he had inherited from Nikias had no place here due to their lethal nature when used.