Maria Savilia
"The Art of Science"
Ten Miles Outside of Theed City - Royal University Plains Micro-Robotics Facility
Time - 20:00
Maria Savillia
Tags - [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
[SIZE=12pt]It was a pleasant afternoon in the plains world of Naboo - everything was seemingly 'normal' and the weather was actually fairly nice. Inside of theed, business was as usual as trade ships and personal yachts flew in and out of the star-port. In the city civilians wandered in and about the streets, trading, communicating and simply enjoying themselves. Nevertheless, outside of the city was where the story is taking place at a somewhat larger facility out in the plains of Naboo. This facility was the Micro-Robotics Institution of the Naboo Royal University, aka, where Maria Savillia spent her time when she wasn't off wandering the stars. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Moreover, At the somewhat 'impressive' facility Maria was working with her colleagues, however, as it began to become later in the afternoon, all her colleagues had decided to take an early day off and head off to the onsite dormitories a bit away. However, instead of taking this somewhat needed break Maria decided to stay on site and continue to work on her project for the institution.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=12pt]The project at hand was Maria's.. metaphorical child, her 'claim to fame'. What she was working on being a form of synthetic clothing that is created from nanotechnology, in which would form around the wearer's body at the wearers request through a spinal or neural implant. However, what made this technology so special is her attempt at making the technology cheaper to manufacture so it can be used by the lower class for cheap and affordable clothing. However, that did bring up the problem; could the technology be used to create cheap - however effective armor for combat; which, brought Maria to hiding her work from the public.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Likewise, sadly for her, it's not that easy to hide such things in this ever growing galaxy. As the sun set in the plains of naboo, Maria decided to take a small break and brew herself some tea before continuing on with her work, She paused, her holo menu and deactivated the work station she was at temporarily as she rose from her stool and head to the break room, "Maria to Sentinel - Can you send in my report to the Institution, I think I have a break through" Maria simply asked her computer as she Began brewing her tea in the futuristic looking kettle. "Will do Ma'am" the computer responded as the files shipped off. It wasn't long before the tea was done and she poured it into a cup, and with that grabbed a small snack as she sat at a table and began eating.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Nevertheless, it wasn't long before.. Something happened, as night fell on the facility and lights began shutting off, across the somewhat small campus, a mysterious vessel landed on the landing pad right outside of the facility, and with that, two groups of eight armed soldiers along with a larger sized alien stepped out and began heading for the facility. "Ma'am, unknown figures spotted outside" the computer spoke up, "Any.. Idea on who it is? Maybe it's just some students.. bring up camer-" Cameras shot up before she finished speaking and with that she dropped her tea, and began making a run for her quarters at the facility, after of course placing the facility on lock down and shutting down power and letting off a panic alarm to any local authorities.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]"Computer, shut all power off, and lock all doors when I arrive in my quarters, I- I don't know who they are but.. they don't look friendly" Maria said with a fearful tone in her voice as banging was heard on the front door. It wasn't long however before Maria arrived at her quarters and with that locked all blast doors in the facility. Nevertheless, that wasn't going to stop the thugs as they used a sonic ram to blow down the entrance door and with that begin their assault on the facility while a distress beacon was sent off to all and any nearby authorities[/SIZE]