Commander Lusk
Location: Carida Academy
Objective: Classified
Operation: Classified
Allies: Classified
With the Republic giving Carida to the Galactic Empire as sanctuary against the Sith it was a place where the former remnant could feel safe against the One Sith, where they could have allies to protect them from the doom brought on by the Sith. It was a safe haven for those who had fought with the Republic on both Contruum and Balmorra, however the winds of change were blowing on a stormy night upon the darkside of Carida.
A lone shuttle touched down on the imperial academy and remained still for a few moments before the ramped dropped down and the face of change presented itself. A single blacked out uniform with no IFF tags, or marking of any kinds stepped out wearing Olympian armor that was not republic brand. On their side they carried various weapons and gear that showed they meant business.
The two stormtroopers on duty that night approached the landing pad with their weapons up and aimed at the figure.
"State your business!!" One of the trooper yelled from a good ten meters away.
"Are you in the system yet?" The man said to no one in particular.
"Master override is in place, killing all feeds now." A voice responded back on black clad figures comm as the academies camera system dropped down.
"Good." The man said solemnly.
With a quick draw of a silenced slug throwing pistol two shots were fired and the two stormtroopers fell to the ground dead.
The figure holstered their pistol and drew their assault rifle as other similar dressed men began to fall in behind the killer. With the people of the academy none the wiser the strike team funneled inside and would begin their job.