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Approved Melee Weapon Clawe of the Waves, The Clawe Family Katana

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Manufacturer: Clawe Family
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy
Melee Type:
  1. Sword
Size: Large


Image Source: Here
  • Way of the Water: The blade naturally draws moisture to it passively through it's imbuement of the Force. While this would damage any other blade, the Force allows the blade to collect the water on the blade, and unleash it as an extension of the blade when slashed.
  • Shatterpoint, A Clean Cut Wins: The blade is infused with the ability Shatterpoint, naturally allowing the user to 'see' points in which the blade would most naturally cut through any material, allowing for 'perfect' cuts.
  • Victory, At Last: When the blade is sheathed, the water is compelled to wash over the user and heal any minor wounds.
  • Crest of Crashing Waves: The water sent from the blade is infused with the Light side of the Force, acting as a sort of 'holy water' against dark side creatures. While by no means as powerful as Force Light, it does act as a way for the Clawe Family to fight against sithspawn and other creatures of the darkness.
  • Weaver of Water and Steel: The blade, designed to strengthen the Clawe Family's nature affiliation with the ocean of their homeworld, allows the user limited hydrokinesis with the blade, able to send out blades of water just as sharp as the blade itself with a single slash.
  • Blade of the Fallen: The blade, having been passed down from member of the Clawe family for generations, has been bonded with every head of the family since it's creation. As such, it allows the user to fight off mental manipulation through ancestral guardians of the mind, the souls of generations of masters ready to fight off those who would intrude on their descendant's mind.
  • Bonded to the Past: To anyone other than a member of the Clawe family picking up the blade, it is a simple Songsteel katana. But beyond that, any attempt to force it to your Will will be met with resistance from it's previous owners, whom reside in peace within the blade.
  • Without the Waves, Steel Will Fail: The blade is one designed to be used in wet environments. Without any source of water, whether it be the ocean, ground water, or moisture in the air, it's powers are useless.
  • Blade of Steel, Not Light: Despite it's many features, this is not a lightsaber. It's ability to cut is entirely based on the user's strength and skill with a traditional blade.
Designed and forged by the first head of the Clawe family back during the age of the Je'daii, the Clawe of the Waves has acted as the traditional blade of the family since, passed down from generation to generation. It's most recent owner, Sayno Clawe, has taken it as his primary personal side-arm against the Imperial threads that the Tingel Arm Coallition must face.

A Force Imbued Blade, the katana has all the cutting power of any other Force Imbued blade, but featuring the power of the Ocean at it's side.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a force imbued heirloom for my new character
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Kyber Crystal, Songsteel, Lightsaber Components, Reinforced Duraplast
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe

Nicely made! However, I have some concerns about this sentence. You can't force anyone to do anything, as all attacks and such are decided by the other player how it affect them. Please rephrase this sentence.
As such, it allows the user to fight off mental manipulation through ancestral guardians of the mind, forcing anyone trying to fight through generations of masters.
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