raptor noises

NAME: Cle-Var-Ri
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Acolyte
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Acolyte
SPECIES: Tiss'shar (Orl-ar subrace)
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.7 m
WEIGHT: 96 kg
EYES: Black
SKIN: Scales, Green with stripes
VOICE SAMPLE: Kelly Hu - D’Vorah
LANGUAGES: Tiss-Shar (Native), Basic (Fluent)
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.7 m
WEIGHT: 96 kg
EYES: Black
SKIN: Scales, Green with stripes
VOICE SAMPLE: Kelly Hu - D’Vorah
LANGUAGES: Tiss-Shar (Native), Basic (Fluent)
Are people born wicked?
Or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?

+Gotta Go Fast: Be it trained or inherited, Cle-Var-Ri's more speed than brawn, opting to outflank rather than overwhelm. That same applies to her overall mentality, considering any issue that can't be solved within the first few minutes of coming across it, it's probably not worth her time.
+/-Aggression: Crucial in combat, not so much outside of that, it's easy to get the Tiss'shar worked up. Convincing Cle-Var-Ri to back off, however, is another matter entirely.
-Cutthroat: In Tiss'shar society, failure or even weakness is asking for death. Cle-Var-Ri took that mentality a bit closer to heart, having absolutely no qualms in eliminating all who only slightly displease her.
-Self-oriented: One has to look out for themself, right? That idea is one that is taken to an extreme, the reptile being willing to step overall to get what she wants.
A predator if ever there was one, this reptile was one built for agility. Possessing a long neck, tail, and a jaw just full of sharp little teeth, she is a sight to behold and probably not the best dinner guest. Between the teeth and the talons, actual weapons could easily be forgone. While her scales are mostly green, different light at different intensities reveal traces of other colors and faint patterns in scale work. A closer look at them would reveal little chips and chinks in the scales, filled in by scar tissue. All that can be traced back to playing with siblings and those occasional instances in which a brother bites back more than Cle-Var-Ri herself.

Her body moves directly proportional to her tail. With each step comes another little flick and even post-movement another little flick and sway can be expected. The tail is her main source of balance but also a prime indication of mood. A pleased Clever has a tail that just goes with the flow while an agitated one's moves in aggressive flicks. With it being her source of balance and perhaps most pronounced distinction from other species, Clever's grown quite attached to it, growing very agitated when it's threatened and snapping at anyone who would make an effort to touch it.
With the movement of her tail also comes that of her head. One could also acquaint that movement to that of a bird, giving the way her head moves from side to side as each different thing claims her interest. Put all of this together and you get a near constant stream of movement. Part of it's just the youth's general curiosity. The majority of it, sweet, sweet instinct. There's a constant tensing and loosening of muscles, both a display of her being ready to pounce at any time and an attempt at making the Tiss'Sharl seem bigger and more imposing than she actually is.
After all, she had a mother, she had a father.
As so many do.

From the moment Cle-Var-Ri hatched she was, well, different. Even at a young age, she took predatory instincts to an extreme, always playing a bit too rough with her hatchmates, always being the first to bite in play fights, utterly ripping meat to shreds rather than enjoying the meal. At first, it was written off as the child being a bit more rambunctious than her fellows. As years progressed, it became all the more apparent that her excess aggression was more than just a kid being a kid. To her particularly business-savy family, Cle-Var-Ri was a wildcard.

Impulsive, hard to control, not even the assassins wanted to train the girl if not for sheer effectiveness. There was hardly anything subtle about her kills, save for perhaps the lack of anything identifiable left of the victims. Her skills, however, would not be wasted with the Sith. To the other acolytes, she appeared at first to be some lord's pet. And they treated her as such. It was a fatal mistake on their part, giving Cle-Var-Ri ample opportunity to show her superiority in both combat and sheer animosity. Limbs were lost, children were traumatized, Clever feasted. All this garnered the attention of Darth Carnifex, the Dark Lord taking her on as his apprentice.