Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cleaning House

[member="Jared Ovmar"]

Alli knew it would be a while before anyone had an idea of the security of baktoid computers. She might of signed over Baktoid but that didn't mean she wouldn't fight back. She was still connected after all to the network, It was going to be interesting indeed. She began copying and erasing everything off of her computer other than corporate files on accounts and the stuff you would expect be there. A patch was being deployed to upgrade some of [member="Serenity"] 's core directives, mainly it's loyalty to Baktoid so that if the republic used her again she remained loyal to them. . She began doing all of this stuff but time needed to be on her side and she doubted that anyone knew Baktoid as well as herself. It was time to make some small victories and start the war, the first was to play nice. If she was going to have any chance with her plan of ultimate vengeance she was going to have to be in line with the new owner of Baktoid.. She sent the commands to erase her own designs, and keep anything made by other employees or any established projects backing them up and compiling the list to be at the Count's disposal so he could see what the company was up to and had in it's pipeline. She wanted to make everything run smoothly, perhaps too smoothly.

This of course was in progress but in no way done, no it would take most of the next few hours to finish this job. Alli began putting status reports for the count, trying to make it seem that things were as amicable as he would expect, informing him of immediate and in progress projects such as the Naga Battle Tank. She then began to ensure nothing of her's was on the computer systems, she had to cut connections to her estates, and also put the order that several storage containers were to be 'returned to the owner as she didn't mean to let them have her things, as one such as her had been arrogant enough to use the company for personal storage at times.

Overall Alli Wren was doing the good by her buyer. She wrote progress reports and planned several meetings with whoever the count sent to get things organized. She plotted briefings of her employee's and ensured that none of her secrets could be revealed, so that clients were kept confidential as she had promised them.It would be only a personal briefing with whoever took over that would reveal those secrets.. It was all really run of the mill, other than preserving her own future designs and upgrades which were mostly doodles and the efforts of her recent burial into work.. She also sent a bottle of rare wine to the count, ensuring that it informed him of the meetings and reports and his new log in instructions in the message accompanying it. She wanted him lulled into thinking she had bowed to him, because she would play the role, the defeated queen submitting to the conquering King, she would play nice. She gave the order to have her personal ships moved to personal hangers, rather than the corporate ones on Wren'goa Station. It was largely cleaning house that she was doing. It was going to be a nasty process if she didn't.

The problem with letting personal and business mix had become to clear as she went through some things ensuring she rectified that problem she would erase or move whatever might belong to someone she had kept on company property for someone else. Such as Matsu Ike's ship and items from the jedi, She had been tasked to keep them safe and they no longer were without Alli at the helm so she gave the command to have the droids move the ship. That in all honesty should of had been picked up by her friend [member="Matsu Ike"] already. Alli Wren had no contract like her employee's saying her work belonged to Baktoid so she even let it be logged that she removed her personal files from the computers. She wanted it clear that she wasn't trying to hide anything, the only thing she hid was the fact that Serenity had been loyal to Baktoid's CEO . After all she had done that to ensure that the A.I wouldn't go berserk. Now it was the republics problem like it should of been since her dismissal from the post of director of the GIA anyways.

She made sure the logs were clear, and even quoted reason for every move she made. She sent the order to have her office cleaned of her belongings, and personal furniture. The secrets meeting rooms in the headquarters were pointed out in a encrypted file to the count. It was going to be a fun couple of days she rolled her eyes as she scanned another report and compile thoughts on it for the Count. She needed to be valueable and trusted, so she ensured that nothing she did was shady. Each move was logged, each file transfer was for a reason and it was mentioned. The biggest being her personal data that had found its way on a surprising number of servers. She kept things by the books, ensuring not to do anything as foolish as sabotage. No everything but the freeing of the A.I was public. She erased all traces of that or began to anyways. She wanted to ensure that it seemed that the CEO never had control of the product. Just Alli Wren, as that had been known by the former Supreme councilier and it would be noted that that information was classified.
The Admiralty
[member="Alli Wren"]

Pay up Starchaser, told ya she would try something. Yeah just give me those 25 credits back.a Sith Lord replied to another Sith Lord, before closing his eyes and immersing himself into the wildness of the river. Things were going to get interesting real quick.

You have to understand something about Sith Lords, well not Sith Lords in general, but this Sith Lord specifically. Jared Ovmar did not care a single digit about Wren’s personal assets or the secrets she had been hiding within and outside the company.

He had too many toys as is to really want anything more, and yet… there was one thing he liked to do.

Appear magnanimous in victory.

Had Wren simply waited for a day or so more, she would have been summoned in a meeting and in that meeting she could have simply spoken about her assets being tied to Baktoid, or perhaps Ovmar would have made note of that fact himself.

Through that Jared Ovmar would have nodded, made a display of taking considerable consideration of Alli Wren’s situation and then make actions to show Wren kindness in her defeat by simply ordering all her personal assets to be released from Baktoid.

It was a thing of appearances.

Now though… Wren had made a display of rebellion and Ovmar could not forget such a thing. Because it would show her that doing such things were profitable… that perhaps in later situations she could do the same thing without consequences and be able to get home free.

Every action Ovmar had taken was to show Wren that she was in fact powerless over her destiny and that submitting to the Sith Lord would work out for everyone, and would even be profitable for her in the long run.

…and so now he would have to display another demonstration of power, to sufficiently hit home that he was in fact in control.

Didn’t mean the Sith Lord would show all of his cards that easily though and this act of rebellion had actually helped him. After Wren had signed her contract, the Count had sent copies over… everywhere.

It had been made clear that the former owner and CEO was no longer allowed on the premises, didn’t have the same access anymore and that all her accounts would have to be disabled.

The fact that was able to get in regardless showed Ovmar the kinks and waves of loyalty within the corporation, which would also show him who he had to fire and who he could keep on - where the weaknesses lay of the system and how to fix ‘em.

His eyes closed and immersed into the river he descended into the systems and so… he saw everything there was to see.

There were no secrets for him, no secrets to a Techo Sith Lord.

While Wren was deleting files, sending commands… the Sith Lord accepted them on the front-end of the system, it would look exactly as if every command went through and was executed - but in the back-end… the Ovmar intercepted all commands and sent his own in response.

There were the hidden items of Matsu Ike, taken away to a secret facility by Ovmar’s henchmen, there were the secret files backed-up to a remote server just before being deleted - the point was made, at least for the Sith Lord himself and then he spoke yet again in the mind of the Wren.

His voice cut through her mind and made her focus on his words, at the same time the computer display that Wren had been working on shut-down.

A point would have to be made.

Alli, Alli… Alli. You disappoint, yet do not surprise me at all. I know all, Alli Wren. I see all and you cannot hide anything from me. I do not care about your personal belongings, because I am magnanimous in my victory… I won’t take everything from you. You will be taken to me and then… we will have a nice, little chat. Boys?

The last tone blinked out and behind her two apparitions appeared, seemingly cloaked for the entire time she had been here. One of ‘em had a syringe and with a quick motion inserted it in her neck, knocking her out.

She would be brought before the Sith Lord, his form cloaked in shadows, his identity not clearly visible and with a blink she would wake again.

His silhouette was silence, but it seemed he was studying her and waited for her to say something.
Alli opened her eyes, she could see clearly again, whatever had interfered with the ocular implants had been shut off. Something had interfered with her implant. How did he know damn it, the voice and everything. It was crazy to think that one person could know something that fast. Alli was an expert in computers, The reason she could get in is because only she handled her access, she had never put anyone in charge of that sort of thing. No one in Baktoid would of had the proper permissions to turn off her account.

They could try but it would of never worked, she would of had to turn it off herself. But that brought her to what was really worrying she was clearly not on her ship anymore. " Well then, it seems someone is operating in the shadows.I didn't think the count was capable of what was going on. I couldn't care less if you did care about my things. I after all have a legal right my own things. Of course you can see it, I logged it all. Now, if you could one let me know how you got agents on my ship, and got me here and perhaps let me know how long have I been out?" She asked wondering how much time she had lost. She hid that bit of panic deep inside her. It was after all time to appear strong, even if you weren't.

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
[member="Alli Wren"]

The Sith Lord yawned rather audibly, before giving out a faint noise that vaguely resembled something akin to: ‘Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.’, before his silhouette shifted slightly to change his posture.

You bore me with your demands, Wren.’ the man’s voice bounced through the room. ‘You won’t like me when I am bored.
"Well I am at your mercy then it seems" She said not sure what to make of the Sith Lord before her. She really didn't know what to do, and that was new, she just sat there looking up at him. She was pretty sure it was a him. That much she could tell.

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
[member="Alli Wren"]

Again the voice spoke, this time distinctly feminine and as the sentence prolonged itself the voice warped, distorted from feminine soprano to male tenor and backwards. The silhouette too shifted, cloaked in what seemed to be living shadows.

‘Forgive me, dear Wren. I do not mean to add assault to injury, I simply want to impress on you the urgency of this situation you find yourself in.

Next to her a table appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, with a glass of liquid in it. The silhouette extended its hand.

"Such pleasantries despite the urgency of this situation? "

She said taking looking and analyzing it with the implant in her mind to ensure it was wine before taking a sip, if she found it safe that is.

"So Please let us get on with what is so urgent, I would hate to waste yours or my time.."

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
[member="Alli Wren"]

She would find it to be real wine- it served no purpose to try and poison her now, Wren was already in his power and had been made clear about the situation she currently found herself in; poisoning her would just be a breach of confidence that even a Sith Lord as Ovmar would not do.

A promise… was a promise, even when it was delivered by proxy.
Especially when it was delivered by proxy, reputations mattered in this world.

‘This, miss Wren, is about the promise my man made to you. You did good on your end, Baktoid’s assets will be put to very, very good use, there is just the simple matter of your reward.’
"Well then, what is my reward.. as you put it?"

She asked curiously drinking the wine and figuring that it was best to just accept the situation. It wasn't every day you were drugged dragged to a strange place and in front of what seemed to be a being of some power. She was relatively calm considering

. " I am sure I will get paid an hefty amount of credits considering how many assets you just gained. But surely you have something else in mind or else I wouldn't be here. "

[member="Jared Ovmar"]

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