Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Clearing Vergesso (Vitae Faction RP)

The Vergesso Asteroid cluster, once a base for Rebel Operations and the shipyards of the Tenloss Syndicate, now subject to the use of the Outer Rim Pirates. It was a place where the shipyards of old that repaired Cruisers and Frigates operated and worked to be found in a new light. The many that had been destroyed by vader were now rebuilt, and with them a growing pirate fleet. The Vitae were here to stop that as they reverted to Realspace.​
"Ok, seems they were waiting for us soldiers and pilots of the Vitae Alliance, i do believe it is time we dealt with these creatures now, do you not all agree? The objective is clear, captains of ships, you are to wipe out the Pirate ships before us, and make sure that you show as little mercy as necessary. These men have been reported to be slavers. On that note, the Shipyards must be secured and any peoples that had been used as cargo are to be saved. Is that clear Vitae?" He would wait and smile.​
"Let the games begin."​

Ashe Senari

I was raised to be a weapon, but I was born to be
Ashe stood next to Solan and glanced over at him. "Remind me again why you brought a martial artist with you? I'm not blasterproof you know. At least last time I checked I wasn't. Anything specific you want me to do, sir?" Ashe asked with a small smirk as she glanced over at him. She hadn't actually been forced to come, but fighting pirates sounded like a good workout so she had decided to tag along. Her vibrosword was in a sheath strapped to her belt, so she did have a weapon if it was absolutely needed, but she was much better with her fists. [member="Solan Charr"]
It had happened he had received word that some killing was to be done and he had mobilized his forces. A small group of pirate vessels flying under the Corsair Brotherhood transponder codes would begin the journey to the Vergesso Asteroids. Sitting in the command chair of the armada's flagship was Aedan Miles pirate and Mandalorian of little infamy. Looking up as his ships exited hyperspace he yawned and keyed his personal comlink muttering into it. "Corsairs are here we are moving in to give them a small present." Gesturing his ships launched fighters as his personal started jamming the enemy signal sending threw various songs that were personally selected by Aedan. Gesturing left and right the two frigates that were flanking the cruiser Aedan sat in broke off their shields up and weapons hot as they prepared to give the slavers hell.

[member="Solan Charr"]

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
Bhaltair made sure that everything was in place for the coming battle. He made sure that tools were working, first aid kits were out, bacta was fresh, etc. He also made sure that the comms were a-okay between each of the ships (and this ship) which had a medical bay, just in case his expertise was needed elsewhere that he couldn't go. In a battle, there was always casualties. Even if they didn't take a single lick of damage in this battle, which was likely unlikely, the reported slaves where most likely going to be treated for at least malnourishment.

[member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Ashe Senari"] | [member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Ashe Senari"]

It didn't take long to exit hyperspace, and join the others in It was easily something Romeo could have done by himself, but at last this was something the Vitae wanted of him, and so he would comply as asked. Celty found herself on the second bridge of the Ryuk, a ship that everyone chastised for having two bridges, like Solan. Yet there he was, using one. Romeo chuckled to himself, forgetting the coms were open.​
"What's funny sir?"
Celty had spoken in response.​
"Note how Solan always had something negative to say about the Shinigamis, yet there he is, using one. In fact I heard he has the rest of them. I find this funny, yet he doesn't have the Ryuk, so he doesn't have the best one. Anyway's this is Ryuk reporting it. Point them out, we'll slag them."
Solan looked for a few minutes at the Echani to his right for a few moments before shrugging at her and speaking. "[member="Ashe Senari"] correct? Did you know i used to work for two other Echani. One used to even be a politician. Not sure what ever happened to the guy but he was cool enough..." His hands came over to rest on the console while he spoke and his ear perked as Romeo's comm rang over and through his ear and his smile only grey. "To be fair Sin, the two bridges still make sense and once the beautiful [member="Taeli Raaf"] and I finish production of Project Bastion, you will wish your Shinigamis were actual death gods." His hand kept the channel open with [member="Romeo Sin"] and then smiled as new signs popped in.

"[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"], prep the med bays for wounded, and if your file is correct how about you be careful ok?" His hands came to look back at the console and spoke in a voice that showed nothing but surprise. "[member="Aedan Miles"], long did you wait to show yourself again, did you know the king was back or are you here to see the prince and check up on your hot head of a boy?"

Ashe Senari

I was raised to be a weapon, but I was born to be
"Yeah, Solan Charr right? I've definitely heard some interesting things about you. We should spar sometime when we're not busy," Ashe replied with a grin. He hadn't really told her anything about what she was supposed to be doing, but she guessed he'd have orders for her soon enough. For now she kicked back in a chair on his ship and stared up at the ceiling, absent-minded, and contemplating what she and Kharen should have for dinner later. [member="Solan Charr"]
Aedan chuckles as he hears Solan's voice turning he nods to the comms officer who brings up a real time communication with Solna's ship a hologram of Aedan appearing. "Oh come know Alek can't be that bad as to my appearance I have been preparing certain things for up coming events." He grins as he taps the arm of his chair pointing to the holotable before him that held a real time battlefield hologram indicating the fighters were to form a screen before him glancing back at Solan he grinned darkly. "I have more ships on the way just in case we need them. Also Sin if you are listening in speak up now its rude to eavesdrop on people."

[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Ashe Senari"]

Flashes of light at the edge of the system announced a few new arrivals. Taeli stood on the bridge of Project Bastion, but it was here for other duties besides combat testing. Asteroid fields were generally not great places for Star Destroyers, but the massive armored ship would be put to good use today with its interdiction field.

Today though, she was bringing out another new toy for testing today while they secured the Vergesso shipyards from the pirates in the system.

"Solan, I'm sorry to be holding out on you again, but I have a new surprise," she said, nodding over at the officer on the Bastion's bridge. Three more flashes of light announced several 950 meter long ships. They were diamond shape in design, using the same exact armor plating as Project Bastion. They were the natural evolution of the Invidia-class Cannon Cruiser from her Sith days, and she couldn't wait to show them off. "Something you might like. Captain?"

"You may fire when ready," he said over the ship coms.

A moment later . . . three roiling balls of plasma rocketed out from the new arrivals, followed very shortly by an intense burst of ion charged hypervelocity rounds, all of which were aimed at several asteroids to begin clearing a path through the field. Only tiny chunks of rock remained and it certainly had a reaction from the pirates.

"I call them PulseFlare-class Heavy Cannon Cruisers, though it is a bit of mouthful," Taeli said, smiling as another volley was fired from the ships. "Another outreach of Project Bastion."
He looked at [member="Ashe Senari"] for a few longer moments with curious glances over the viewport. "Come now my Echani friend, you are here for when i decide to board the shipyards these pirates hold in their grasp, which means simply that we are going to have to fight them one way or another." He was going to enjoy doing such in the end, but decided to add one more part to it. "Of course though, mercy should be shown if at all possible." With that two voices rang in his ears.

First there was that of [member="Aedan Miles"]. "My old friend, your boy is more than just a handful as it can be quite a fun time to deal with him. Certainly alot like you in many ways, especially in the department involving a hot head." His hands came up to his chin as he though about Aeden's arriving. He cant say he was surprised. "You know what Aeden, Go ahead and take as many of the bastard's ships prisoner as you can, do that and i have a long term job for you involving the Vitae Alliance. That is if you are willing to sign on as a privateer?" He smiled as his form leaned back and waited for the answer. Talking to Taeli as he witnessed the display at the same time.

"You really need to stop doing that Taeli, you know i could help with the creation of weapons of war like you. If you keep doing this i will never get the chance to have fun with you."

Ashe Senari

I was raised to be a weapon, but I was born to be
"My main weapon is my fists... Killing people with nothing but some kicks and punches is a little hard even for me," Ashe replied with a grin, turning to face Solan now. She remained in her chair, scanning the room of the ship. "Got any vodka? I could go for a drink before a battle. Might be my last you know," She asked, giving him a rather cheeky smile. Drinking before battles was almost sacred to her. [member="Solan Charr"]
Aedan nodded his head looking over at the weapons coordinator before typing some commands into the arm of his chair parts of the enemy ships highlighting on the table holograms. Specifically their engines and shield projectors once those were down he could begin the fun part. Nodding his head Aedan activated the ships internal comlink and called out calmly. "Oi Kezeroth if you are there prepare for some fun. I want you leading boarding parties on ships that are disabled these guys are slavers but I leave it up to you whether or not they get shown any form of quarter." Knowing that the boarding parties were now in good hands he watched the small fighter engagements taking place sure they were out numbered but they had vast amounts of quality on their side both in the fighters and pilots. Smirking Aedan stood and walked forward stopping before the bridge window he went into a cross legged position and started to meditate. He had only done this once but now it was time to boost his allies with Battle Meditation reaching out with the force he focused his mind. As he did the pilots of the fighters felt it once again grinning they started to slowly gain the upper hand as the enemy started to falter their will still intact but slowly it was failing them.

[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]
" Ready up! Its time to get some loot!" Kezeroth shouted as the Akaata clan brothers smiled and scrambled about gathering the materials needed to shed some blood. Minding the darkness Kezeroth was focused on his actions against the pirates. He considered it a challenge to keep himself in check rather than fully rage about, It was something new to try and maintain but in the end he was hopeful. Readying his armor Kezeroth snarled and started walking to the raiding ships.

"Hah lets get this done!" he growled and laughed at the same time as he responded to [member="Aedan Miles"]

[member="Ashe Senari"]
[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Ashe Senari"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Romeo Sin"]

"I always enjoy surprising you Solan, so where would the fun be if I didn't share such developments," she said, smiling as the PulseFlare-class heavy Cannon Cruisers opened up again, slowly making a path for the Bastion to move through the asteroid field towards the Vergesso shipyards. The marines and Aurora personal on board knew that she had an eye of gaining those yards for her company. Just needed to deal with the infestation.

Clearly, they had caught some attention as ships started heading their way . . . right into the path of three plasma cannon blasts and ion-charged HVC rounds. Needless to say, they disappeared as more asteroids were also reduced.
[member="Ashe Senari"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

"Ah but Taeli... perhaps we should give these men a final poem before they meet their makers?" He smiled as his hands moved over the console, putting on a open channel as he smiled.

"Remember your happiness and Sorrow,
The beauty of those around you and those that you passed,
For we have come to make you Hollow,
Now my friends... let your hopes be dashed."

With that he waved his hand to his attendant and the order was signaled, the Shinigami for which his dropship sat upon opened its guns and the space between the pirates and the Vitae turned red with the color of the turbolaser, his hands gripping the controls of the dropship he dropped into the seat of and smiled. "Echani, sit down and buckle in. Im known for crashing my dropships in the hangers of the other ships." He laughed, the comm still wide open as the laugh was broadcasted throughout the entire fleet, both the Vitae's and the Pirates. The deal was simple. Kill them all if they don't surrender.

After all, the thrill of battle became intoxicating.
[member="Solan Charr"]

"He truly is insane," she sighed as she looked out the main viewport of the Bastion. The PulsarFlare-class Cruisers were doing exactly what she hoped they would do, and the data coming back to the Bastion was exceeding her wildest hopes. The recharge rate for the main gun might be a bit long, but because they weren't equipped with any other offensive weaponry, they could devote more power to that.

"Any evidence of overheating yet?' she asked Jaxson as she watched another three balls of roiling plasma rocket out to consume a small pirate corvette that was trying to sneak its way towards them.

"Nothing yet, but we're keeping a close eye on that after the weapon testing," her right hand replied.

Before they had built the ships around the main guns, Aurora Industries has been testing the plasma cannons when they discovered a small problem that the main plasma cannons had a problem with overheating if fired too much. It was something they had tried to address in different ways, but it was still a ball of plasma being fired. There was only so much one could do. They would need to be very observant of when the overheating might occur.

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