Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Click for Drama

Click bait, boys and girls. Gotcha'.


No drama. Just a LOA. But, here's a little background, first. I have ADD. Starting up multiple ideas and falling through on carrying them out is me in a nutshell. RIP, Dark Swarm (but, then again, audience participation OP...or, the lack thereof). Just look at my character roster. I'm in the running for "Most Characters". Although I still retain most of my muse, it's ever shifting, especially if my interest is grabbed by video games like Skyrim and Gator Golf for the PS1. kappa

Anyway, it's Finals Week. Give me a week and then it will be summer. Wish my procrastinating posterior luck or just shake your head and say, "Get to work, ya' stupid dum-dum". I do plan on responding to my threads. I feel sorrow for having left them hanging for this long without warning my friends and thread partners of my need for a LOA.

List of Victims:
  • [member="James Justice"]
  • [member="Pyro"]
  • [member="Darth Erebos"]
  • @Aaron Senpai
  • [member="Miss Blonde"]
  • @Anyone who has had to put up with Sid, especially in the Revan Mask thread...However, that's already Cluster Truck on Star Wars 'Roids. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a ruse to kill every fighter involved with a bomb, mask be darned. #CriminalLyfe
  • [member="Lord Ajihad"]
  • [member="The Republic"]
  • [member="The Mandalorian"]s
  • @The One Fish
  • @The Black Ties
  • [member="Gorteko Graye"]

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