Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cliff Stryker


24 Hour Party Person
Cliff Stryker

Talking. I'm not good at it. I don't like to do it. But I'll talk. I'll break for you. I'll tell you about my life and the things I've done.It all started a few months ago. Between you and me, I was a pretty normal guy. Everything was going pretty well for me. I had a job, a solid, stable position at a delivery place. I was kind of like a mailman. I was doing alright. My relationship with my girlfriend was really strong. In my own eyes, it seemed like I was doing fine. Like I was swimming along.

That's when it all changed. That's when things got rough. And, oh man, did it karking suck. It started with my girlfriend leaving me. I thought we understood each other. I thought there was a connection. I was wrong. She had been seeing some other guys. And I just waved it off. I wasn't going to let this hurt me. But it did. It hurt me worse than anything. Things got worse. They always do. They always get worse. All your hopes and dreams start tumbling down. That's what they do. That's what they're supposed to do.

I went to work the next morning. I got up at my normal time, and I showered and got ready. Threw on my jacket and my shoes. When I got to work, one of my coworkers said the boss wanted to see me. So I went to the guy's office. I walked through the door, and he tells me to sit down. So I sit. I look up at him. He tells me I'm fired. I didn't even let him finish. I walked out of the office, out of the building. I got into my speeder and left. Cranked up the music. Drove well over the speed limit.

It was a few weeks later that I reached a turning point. I was in my apartment, and I got a call. Somebody told me to meet them at the corner of one street and another. At first, I thought it was nothing. Just a misdial. So I didn't go. I got another call a half hour later. Same message, with a more threatening tone. I was starting to get pissed off. I was already really karking low. I was already pretty karking pissed off before the fact. I answered the call. The message was the same. I didn't say a word. The voice on the phone said there was a parcel outside my door. Waiting for me. I set the phone down, and I looked out my door. Sure enough, there was a cardboard box. I dragged the box inside, and locked my door.

I opened the box. There was a mask in there. Some kind of animal mask. I looked at it. I didn't even think about it. I just slid it on. It fit well. It was like I was letting out my inner animal. It was a Corellian sand panther mask. Fit like a glove. I looked in the mirror. It hugged my face so well that it looked real. Like I was really an animal. It reminded me of the my time in the military. I shook my head. I didn't have time to think about it.

When I got to the address, there was a building in front of me. Beside the door was another box. For Cliff, it read on the label. I opened up the box. There was a gun in there. A gun and a vibroknife. I tucked them both into my pockets. That's when I went inside.

And then my mind kind of turned itself off. There was blood. Lots of it. And that's all I remember. That was it.

It's been like this for about two months now. And it keeps going. And going, and going...

NAME: Cliff Stryker
RANK: Antihero
AGE: 25 standard years old.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: Six feet tall.
WEIGHT: 170 pounds.
EYES: Blue.
HAIR: Blonde.
SKIN: Caucasian.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+A proficiency with weapons
+Not bloodshy

Cliff is tall, and somewhat muscular. As a result of his current occupation, he's acquired numerous bruises and scars. He walks with a stiff gait, as if stressed. Cliff always wears his jacket. Even in hot weather. That thing never leaves his side. No matter how much blood it acquires, or how roughed up it gets, he always wears it. Most likely, you'd find an animal mask tucked away within it.
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Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


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