Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cloak and Armor.

Planet: Narshadaa
Location: Entertainment district

Tsolan's feet tapped against the ground, his golden eyes the only hint of what was hidden under the black cloth. Still, such a thing would hide his true identity more than it would reveal it. Vulpesen's eyes had been brown and hazel. Once he had found a sufficient spot, somewhere out of public eye, he took out a small holoprojector and tapped in his transmission. If his plans were to succeed, a nude army would have to be avoided at all cost.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Harmony looked on, the holoaddress for her master on the ship was known only to a few. Some that she had taught like Jeela and Aika, some that she was friends or more with like Hanna and Alli Wren.. then there were the few who she had known in the jedi. This one contacting brought the jedi's attnetion as she stood up and Harmony heard her while she set the holoprojector on the HRD's hands and spoke walking. "There are not many who have this number. May I ask what brings you to me? Or who you are my senses have been damaged with time and cannot sense over the holoprojector." Harmony continued to move while they came down the ramp and standing here on Shri-tal in the capital city she was going over what had been created for her master. They were getting a new headquarters here on the planet that would allow them access to the world and businesses who were happy to support them. With all the tax deductions they gained it was easier to bring in a charity that was trusted and donate for their own benefit.
Tsolan smiled and tapped a button on the mask under his hood. "I am simply a client who wishes to take a part in your business adventures. Who I am is unimportant. All you need to know is what I want. So, am I to assume that you are an employee of sorts of the Sasori Corporation? If so, then I wish to make an order regarding any armors you might be able to make for a force sensitive group that I intend to raise." His voice was distorted, both by the mask and a natural growl in his voice, a product of his recent transformation.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]"

"You could say that" Harmony watched Matsu's face somewhat light up at the mention of an order. This wasn't something normal but Harmony was registering it. Then she was pulling up a list of what they could give to the group. "As for Sasori... we are less a corporation and more you give us resources and we'll make your things free of charge. I'd rather we never need credits exchanged but send to me what you need and I have some designs, robes, bodyarmor and some equipment like staffs designed to be used for several purposes. With enough work you might be able to help expand the force pontite crystal earrings but that would require more of the crystals."

Harmony sent the data displaying the bodysuits and robes designed to go over them while maintaining a sense with hand crafted insignias from the order. The place they came to for the new headquarters was.... questionable but it was secure. No leaks and no damage just dirty but they could work on that while Matsu met with her research team and they began getting to work as the jedi spoke. "We are currently working to get everything setup for larger production and we are loyal to those who are loyal to us, we will share our research with you when we design and find new things as well as offer you chances with items we develop. Does this sound acceptable?"
Tsolan nodded to her words. "I'll keep your limitations in mind. But when they are needed, and once I have the materials, I'll need three armor types. A light, a medium, and a heavy. While I won't be expecting much of the latter, it would be nice to have. As for your proposals, I don't see why those terms wouldn't be acceptable."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Harmony was still cleaning as she watched Matsu stopped for a moment running some ideas in her head. The jedi was many things but she knew when to telegraph her thoughts and when to hide them. For those to be at ease she was thinking about it and finally spoke. "That can be done, we have some light armored suits right now and can send you some. They are good for sparring and keeping people quick on their feet. Some medium and heavy suits I have an idea about, we made a suit for a matukai user and it was more then heavy enough. The others I can think of a few things and work them out. Now what other business should we discuss, it isn't often someone contacts me. What colors, what insignias are going into the armor? We need to know these things for making them." Harmony continued throughout the room following her master and as more and more of the trash around got cleaned she was taking it all in. "We have and make the robes by hand so we will need some measurements or do you just wish for general sizes?"
The hooded figure produced a datapad from his robes and typed onto it. A few moments later and a golden eight pointed star would be sent to Matsu's side of their communication. "This will be their mark and the other colors are blues and blacks. Beyond that, you have freedom the freedom to do what you wish. Though I will say that I prefer sleeker designs in armors. And would you by any chance work outside of force user armors? If not I'm sure I can find another for the job."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Harmony watched and Matsu came over to her now using a pad, the jedi's eyes were dilated as she didn't speak for a moment but produced three designs that could be used and sent a light, a medium and a heavy version of the outfits they could design while she spoke coming out of it. "We can work for you non force user equipment, it will be easier but our limitations are still there, materials and resources. We have taken to having worlds set up donation warehouses within Silver jedi space and the scraps, the junk they give has brought plenty to us. We may need such a place setup somewhere for your order. Your choice of location but somewhere we can pick it up." Harmony was running more numbers and nodding her head in agreement. They could add a new location and stop onto their route for pick ups.
Tsolan nodded and and glanced over the designs. "I might have a place, but I'll wait in case I find another. Rather not keep all my eggs in one basket." He remembered Sasori's donations back when he was a jedi, in fact his room at the sith temple still held his old robes stashed away(it had been quite a pain getting them exported out of Ossus and Tython.) It was good to hear that their work would be continued into more than his force sects. "And a light armor for our diplomats. Other than that, I can't think of any more I'l need. By the way, the diplomats and the non-force user armors will require their own insignia." He sent her two more pictures, one of a pair of blue wings, and one of a black shield. "The shield for the diplomats, and the wings for the others."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Harmony was looking at Matsu as the jedi gave a nod continuing to clean up. "That can all be done, with enough resources we can make anything you need and the location I am sure will be more then sufficient. We do not need much just enough to hold and gather when our research teams make their rounds. Then we'll bring them back to our main ships and work on all you want. If you have symbols and images please ensure they are sent to our vender droids to handle the process of it all." Matsu bowed into the hologram and clasped her hands. While Harmony looked around with a good deal of it clean. "Is there anything else you require we have planned out a great deal."
He nodded and started his preparations to send the symbols to the appropriate place. "I'll send the coordinates of the planet once we have the materials for our first order. For now, that's all I require. Its been a pleasure." Under the mask and hood, a smile played on his lips. If only she knew. Who he was and what he was planning. Perhaps their discussion would have a few changes.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Harmony watch Matsu bow her head to that, they had a new headquarters to setup. Her master had an order from a force sect in the galaxy and as she went towards the back Harmony followed deactivating the hologrom while speaking looking at her master. "Will we be able to secure the orders Master Ike?" The jedi looked at her and spoke sitting in an old chair. "Yes we will, there is a great deal we'll need to work on and work with but we shall see. This will not be an easy thing Harmony and the researchers have been working hard to ensure the Silver jedi have what they need." Harmony gave a nod of her head to that, they had what was needed and working hard now would only benefit them in the long run.

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