Blake Morrigan
The Nightraven
Assassination Mission
Location | Naboo
Opposition | [member="Lynn Nantaris"]
Cycles of existence uninterrupted and unimportant in their vague, muddled rambling between locations played out like a damaged home video, all jittering fuzz, tattered reels of tape and images holding true significance only to their actors. It was an abstract metaphor only mildly interesting at best, even to pondering minds tainted by sentience, while certainly holding a purpose much less romantic to prehistoric predators with their own agendas, the growl in their bellies demanding more rank, more monarchs, more sock-puppets to belch out spittle of influence for their charlatan masters. How they needed her so, these barbaric creatures pining for slaughter, how they'd beg for her, how they'd strut and rut like corpse-hopping flies, so many squirming imps pinched from flailing organic matter (The Ascendancy matronly strumpets themselves) to further demolish the landscape bloated and hopeless like a cadaver burst at the gut. Sharp amber eyes set against black and suggesting a dangerous mind opened expressionlessly as the raven haired woman pulled up the silky fabric of her face mask up over her nose. - was anybody home? - gait crisp and telltale of a playful weave as it always was, for the Raven was in a rather foul mood, avian life keeping her alert as she rested upon the smooth curved rooftops of Naboo...she reaped in this evenings rather special work. As she braved the trend of ducking around the public eye and stalking to a targets location, her existence fading in and out of the inconsistent light, the grayscale would contemplate with a characteristic hum her plans for this assignment, each method of entry and evaluation taking her several moments to decide upon as she peered through the open skylight window into the office of Grand General Helios Vaar...
... yet it seemed she'd be almost obscenely relaxed for such a vital workload. Oh yes, it would be a pressing series of trials indeed, but she'd receive her own cut of the glory it seemed, this silent businesswoman with stone cold gaze.
Her lucky target came near and it was there Blake would settle, her breathing slowing as she watched the Human male ventured into his office and settled his books and datapad on his desk, going to take a seat and relax after a long day of work...
Blake gave a brief nod, retreating for a moment and allowing a bit of time to pass.
She had to strike during the meeting between him and the ambassadors...several birds with one stone yes?
"Soon, my lambs...soon."