Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers

One of the major questions I have is, if the stormtroopers liek, the early ones are supposedly the ones from the Kamino place, why can't the stormtroopers aim, yet the clones can aim? I mean, I think you are all well aware how well those clones did. They were able to destroy and decimate many of the Droid army and even the Jedi, yet the stormtroopers couldn't even get freaking Solo nor the rebel troopers!

I mean... It would make sense if they were humans in 5-6 but... Come on...
There have been several explanations given, some in games, some in the canon.

There is the part where the Kaminoans stopped constructing the armies, how original samples from Jango were destroyed, how clones were made from already cloned genes, less time put into training / mass production of an army needed to protect the newly formed empire and fight outbursts of rebellion all over the galaxy, etc etc.

I am not sure how much of it is Canon and how much is just there in the games, but you get my point.
Well basically for the plot. The other argument is that Clone Troppers (who died because of their high aging process) where clones of Jango, a high marksman. Thestormntroppers are just regular humans trained in combat.


Well-Known Member
Also to note, the another theory that the only reason the stormtroopers appear to miss all the time is because the only ones we ever see, there are specific reasons why, as in, there is always a force user present. So a more direct way of saying it is that it was all part of Vader's plan for them to miss, just as the clone wars were part of Palpatine's plan for the clones to kill what they needed to since he would be issuing order 66.

If that makes sense.

Sor-Jan Xantha


It's because Clone Troopers are awesome. The original. And accept no substitute.

'nuff said.

Connor Harrison

[member="Sereniama"] As people say, my idea is the Clones were highly-trained, genetically identical soldiers moulded from an already experienced bounty hunter and so were simply bred for combat and trained as an elite army.

Stormtroopers are general men and women enlisted in the Imperial/First Order ranks and trained but not to the standards of a Clone army. The troops were normal humans with nothing superior about their knowledge or skill, unless you hard elite recruits (former army sorts etc) taking the more lethal ranks of the Troops.
I find that weird since the Empire had so much territory, did you think they would have the time to actually train the stormtroopers to be FAR better skilled?

I mean, look at the Old Republic troopers, they were well trained for the army of the Republic. I don't see why the Stormtroopers can be like that. The troopers there were regular men and women.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
The Stormtroopers are well trained. They're some of the best in the galaxy. In A New Hope, Obi-wan Kenobi remarks that only Stormtroopers could shoot with such precision, when examining the destroyed sandcrawler. The reason they missed their shots was because the main characters had plot armor. It wouldn't have been much of a movie series if Luke, Han, and the rest where cut down by blaster fire half way into the first movie.
To extend on the above; the Clones were the 'heroes' in the prequels. Therefore they get a +10 to accuracy because they're cutting down droids.

The stormtroopers are the 'villains' and so get a -10 to accuracy.

All movie logic depends on this because otherwise Luke, Han and Chewie would all go the way of Uncle Owen.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Maybe the guy who organizes the army has hearing problems and misheard the emperor, sending the worst troopers at them, including the one so dumb he bumped his head on a hanger door.

This question was actually addressed partly in one of the episodes of the SW Rebels series. Rex was in storm trooper armor so he could infiltrate a military base. He commented about both the armor and the helmet during it. The equipment that the Empire issued to their soldiers was barely able to protect them at all, and their helmets were so terrible that it seems no one was able to hit anything while wearing them. Rex who is well known for his marksmanship couldn't even hit anything until he took the helmet off it was so bad.

So basically as it has been said before, you got the difference in the training (which I forgot to mention earlier was also something Rex mentioned being a problem) between the two. Clones were much better trained than the stormtroopers were. And then you have the difference in the quality of the equipment provided to them. The Republic was simply willing to spend more on better equipment for their soldiers than the Empire was.

So basically to sum it up, the Clones were far better over all than the Stormtroopers were.
One of the things I noticed was that Storm troopers were terrible shots with a rifle, but put them in a vehicle and they kicked ass. Just look at Hoth and their use of AT-AT's, or the battle of the deathstar in which gold squadron was destroyed and Luke was one of the few(if not the only) who survived from red squadron. Maybe they focused training on naval war rather than planetary?
[member="Vulpesen"] That is likely very true because the Empire focused much of their military might on their technology. They used far more vehicles than the republic did during the Clone War, but that might also be because the Republic army focused on anti-droid weaponry that would also effect vehicles.

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