Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bear with me, character development is life.

Currently, in some cool RP's with a friend. That's not important. What is important is this question, because I have some cool RP's in plan.

Can I create a clone of Kei and have bad Kei running around?

By that, I RP another Kei Garnik, (Kei Raxis because those name rules, same person) who is basically exactly the same as Kei, but while good Kei is being trained in the light, bad Kei is being trained in the dark. Awesome fights of death and ruin later, bessies.

Force can be cloned? I think Force Unleashed taught me that.

Basically, possible?


Disney's Princess
[member="Kei Garnik"]

Yeah. You can do this. It's been done before. Luke's clone comes to mind.


Connor Harrison

[member="Kei Garnik"] I think so!

Joon is a Jedi/Sith hybrid of genes and DNA cloned in an artificial womb.

She's unstable, but she's doing alright so far...
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Yeah, he will be. He'll be controlled by me, working for the Sith for a while then doing his own thing, and thus he will be earning his own promotions in much the same way that Kei will.

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