Clan Verd
Intent: The Angelic Fury is created for the express need of transporting the Confederate Rapid Response Unit, AKA, the Dauntless, under the captainship of Adjudant Allya Vi’Dreya. During the current time period, it also serves as the mobile command center, housing unit, and recovery center for many of the Dauntless commandos and troopers, and currently under the command of Commander Luna Terrik.
Image Source:
Star Gate Atlantis
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Affiliation: The CNS Angelic Fury is under the command of Adjudant Vexia (Allya Vi'Dreya), Commander Luna Terrik, and the CDF.
Model: Prototype "Angelic" class Command Carrier
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Titanium, Alusteel, Quadranium Steel, Glasteel, and high grade ship components
Classification: Command Carrier (Star Destroyer)
Length: 1,500 meters
Width: 600 meters
Height: 390 meters
Armament: Moderate
- 10 Long Range Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
- 35 Quad Laser Cannon Turrets
- 35 Rotary Point Defense Cannons
- 35 Droid controlled Antimissile Octets
- 2 Space Mine Ejectors
- 6 turreted advanced concussion missile launchers
- 10 Dual Ion Cannon Turrets
- Defenses: Moderate
- Reinforced Military Grade Destroyer Class Hull and Armor Plating
- Standard Military Grade Destroyer Class Deflector Shield. Overlaid Particle and ray shielding
- Secondary Military Grade Destroyer Class Deflector Shield. Overlaid Particle and ray shielding
- Standard Military Grade Destroyer Class ECM and Countermeasures, including Chaff and Flare Launchers
Hangar: Extreme - 12 squadrons
- Fighters
- Bombers
- Various landing craft, shuttles, and transports
- Various ground assault vehicles
Maneuverability Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Low
Hyperdrive Class: 1
All Standard Features
Advanced Communications Suite - Capable of breaking through anything but the highest jamming suits, it allows the Angelic Fury to remain in contact at all times and coordinate all attacks and defense.
Advanced Sensor Suite - Able to see in great detail within the system, these sensors allow the ship to remain ever watchful.
Advanced Droid Control Module - When in the area, this module allows the Angelic Fury to better coordinate with the droid armies of the CIS, enhancing their effectiveness, and cohesion.
Carrier: It serves its main purpose well, holding many fighters, bombers, shuttles, landing craft and the like, making it able to overwhelm lesser ships.
Home of the Dauntless: With Dauntless, the CIS’s elite Rapid Response Force, on board using the ship as a mobile base, the ship and her land forces are boosted greatly by the Dauntless’s talent and experience.
Capable defense: While not too strong to make up for the large number of squadrons needed to defend the land forces, the defenses and armament of the Angelic Fury are capable of defeating unprepared enemies.
Able to close off the hangers with giant armored durasteel doors once the fighters and landing craft have disembarked.
Enhances droid abilities when in orbit
Not so moving target: The Angelic Fury is slow, not very maneuverable, and big. As a command carrier that, obviously, carries a lot of resources, it needs to be quite big. This obviously means it doesn’t even sniff the definition of fast. Because of this, it is a large target for any swift moving squadron or smaller ship.
Hanger Dependent: The Design of the Angelic Fury forces it to be reliant on its main asset, its massive hangers. However, if the hangers are then destroyed, its chances of survival go down drastically.
Escort Reliant: This ship needs it escort ships to function at its peek performance, destroying the smaller ships protecting it, will put the ship into a panic.
Designing the Angelic Fury was the first joint project between Adjudant Vexia and Commander Luna Terrik of the Dauntless. It was designed as a Command Carrier, able to oversee the entire fleet, enhance the detection range, communication abilities and the droid cohesion, It serves as both a fighter carrier and troop transport, able to launch a lot of fire power at a planet quickly. It's massive hangers have four large doors, that allow the fighters and transports to leave quickly.
Once everything has been launched, massive Durasteel doors come down to protect the vulnerable hangers. This vessel was designed to work with the Dauntless Commandos and Dauntless troopers to provide support in taking, and holding objectives, in quick insertion and extraction of troops, and the recon of potential threats. It works within a flight group of at least five capital ships at all times.