Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Coarse, Rough, and Irritating | EOTL Dominion on Garel

The Empire is in a crisis, the Sith has taken over Tion and are now deep into the Empire's territory. Angered and desperate of this revelation, Emperor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran resolved to retaliate by any means necessary. However, with Tion: A major shipyard planet taken, he'll need to go on another resource rush campaign so he can rebuild his fleet. Retreating into Isolation and transforming himself into a Pickle, Velran now turns his attention to the growing rebellion that was brewing in the southern Tion border. These spunky rebels will make great training dummies to keep the troops sharp while the Empire forage for supplies starting with the desert planet: Garel.

Objective 1: Subjugation of Garel City


Intel reports that the major of Garel City has been said to be funding a rebel cell created to destroy the Empire from within. All troopers, march towards Garel City and respond with brute force. Watch for ambushes by rebels in the street and fight your way towards the town hall where the major is making a stand. This city MUST BURN for even daring to speak nonsense to the glorious Empire. If there are any civilians in your way, you have permission to shoot them, they are most likely rebels anyway.

Objective 2: STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!: The taking of the Black Horn Syndicate Space Station


In their pitiful attempt to repel the might of the Empire, the citizens of Garel employed the assistance of their long time enemy, the criminal organization: Broken Horn Syndicate to serve as the bulk of their starfighter force. Thankfully agents with the NISB have detected the location of the Syndicate's space station located a few lightyears away from Garel. The emperor quickly gathered an Imperial fleet to surround the criminals before they go and reinforce the Garel rebels. Get inside of a starfighter or command your fleet, the rebel forces of the Syndicate must not jump into hyperspace. Expect fighters and battleships from the enemy as well as bobby trapped asteroids that they'll use to fight back against the Imperials.

Objective 3: Holocron Madness


Far in the outskirts of Garel city, lies a hidden temple containing a Holocron that is said to drive people mad as soon as they touch it. A special group of Inquisitors and Crusaders are dispatched to try to attain this Holocron and study its contents. Be warned, this temple is filled with traps and undead guardians and there are rumors of the Holocron owner's spirit guarding the Holocron and is ready to unleash their power towards any intruder who gets near it.


Objective 3: Holocron Madness
Tags: [Open]

I watched my planet burn.

The Tionese are angry and demand retribution. But they are not alone. Word has reached the ear of the survivor of Jedi Lords crusading within the Stygian Caldera, and to the south, the Tingel Arm Coalition rises to meet the supremacy of the galactic powers occupying the Tion Cluster. Retribution would not be quick. It would be a slow slog to accomplish revenge, but in the form of his saviour, Shén had a powerful ally set to help him accomplish it.

After all the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

It was with thanks to his friend that Shén and his rebellion had taken to Garel with the promise of discovering a weapon that was set to help them in their campaign of revenge. He expected conflict with the Imperials set to raid the newly discovered temple, but that mattered not to him. After all these so called 'lost' Imperials had failed to defend his home planet. Their weakness had cost him everything. He opened the opportunity to blacken the eye of the failed defenders of Tion.

Surrounding the temple in anticipation of the Inquisitors Shén stood at the mouth of the temple with a scowl and a hot temper to match it. He waited for the arrival of Teckla Tane Teckla Tane and her forces.

One way or another the weapon within would be his.

The taking of the Black Horn Syndicate Space Station

Objective: Objective 2: STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!: The taking of the Black Horn Syndicate Space Station
Location: Black Horn Syndicate Space Station
Outfit: Assassin - Sable & Scarlet
Equipment: See sheet for basics [Ping me for specifics/questions if we engage in competitive PVP]
Forces: Pinwheels [Kanni's company of Galactic Marines]
Tags: No specific tags yet for her immediate location

These criminals were in a pickle. They thought they were able to aid the citizens of Garel but their aim was pitiful. Meanwhile the denizens of Garel should have known better than to turn to the Syndicate to repel the Empire. It showed how desperate these pathetic rebels were. Unfortunately for all of them, they would soon be conquered by the mighty POWAH of Emperor Velran Kilran who also just so happened to be a pickle.

Fortunately for him, he had employed his daughter and princess to serve as his commander so she was General Kanni Ugaiya Kilran yet again. The Viper was her moniker, for she had the bite of a snake with the blades of her four-point shuriken. Some called this little lady to be pretty as much as PRETTY crazy. That was fine. She might be a bit insane. It was a genetic trait. Yet Kanni was her own person. A killer, yes, no pickle, but she liked vegetables.

So, sent forth by the lord of a Super Star Destroyer, Kanni was in her fighter and functionED as the leader of her fighter squadron. She took the vanguard of this little love triangle, suited and booted, determined to burn and bring ruin to her enemies. They took the form of the Broken Horns. How fitting. They would be broken and they would scream in defeat as loud as HORNS.

“All wings report in, wummfy,” Kanni called across the comms.

“Red ten standing by,” her Pinwheels began to chime.
“Red seven standing by.”
“Red three standing by.”
“Red six standing by.”
“Red nine standing by.”
“Red two standing by.”
“Red eleven standing by.”
“Red five standing by.”
“Red velvet cake or pie?”



“Ya talk silly and ya die.”
All wings: “YES, KANNI!”
Father had no more time to play games so neither did his daughter.


“Lock s-foils in attack position, yummfy.”

A wave of enemy fighters came toward Kanni’s from the space station.


They didn't listen.

Time to kick some syndicate butt!


The Viper counted down on her fingers. Well, also, there was cheesecake on them so the yummy wummy had to be licked clean off. Had to have a snack!




“Heh.” Kanni licked her lips. “YOU BET!”



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Location: Black Horn Syndicate Space Station - Deep Space
Call Sign: Miracle One
Tag: Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran

Bella had never expected to fly a mission with the Imperial Princess. Upon receiving the news, the Togruta had made herself ready to the best of her ability, as much as she could with only a few hours of advance warning. However, even during the briefing prior to takeoff, it was immediately apparent that the Princess did not seem to comport herself in line with Bella’s expectations of a royal figure. That, and her peculiar wummifiness.

However, the Princess' odd quirks were not necessarily a detraction of her character.


Bella blinked, but otherwise, she did not question the order. At the very least, it seemed to get the point across!

Thus, Bella accelerated to attack speed and drove her starfighter into the fray, angling towards a wing pair of Pirate Snub Fighters as she did. Without bothering to lock on, the Baroness lined up her craft’s nose with the two bandits in a very slight lead pursuit and opened fire. On cue, a burst of 30mm slugs tore through the engines and canopies of the two snub-fighters, shredding the bodies of their hapless pilots in the process. Then, leaving the wreckage of the two bandits in her wake, Bella vectored towards another wing pair of snub-fighters and opened up with a salvo of ion cannon fire, promptly disabling the two machines. With her targets left dead in space, the Togruta quickly finished them off with a quick burst of maser fire, the combined kinetic and thermal energy simultaneously ripping through and incinerating the craft, until nothing was left save a few charred pieces of their space frames.

“Scratch four bandits.” Bella breathed as she whipped her starfighter around in an ascending half-loop, before flying head-on towards a snub-fighter that had nearly gotten on her tail. The enemy pilot could only let out a hint of a scream before he was promptly incinerated by a surgical maser bolt directed straight for the canopy, consuming his form in a searing explosion of thermal energy. “Five.” The Baroness added, almost casually.

As if on cue, a veritable explosion of energy signatures manifested in her sensor readout, before suddenly, a small formation of attack corvettes dropped out from hyperspace.

“Our assigned targets are here!” Bella called out over the squadron’s shared comm channel as she drew in on another snub-fighter, before blasting the bandit apart under a hail of autocannon fire.

“General, how do you want us to engage?”

Craft: NCE-101b "Jagdhund" Elite Superiority Fighter
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Objective: II - STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!: The taking of the Black Horn Syndicate Space Station
Location: En route, aboard the Tempesta, in the cargo hold.
Allies: A squad of eight Imperial Paragons, and other PC Paragons that wish to join.
Enemies: Black Horn Syndicate Members
Equipment: IPAPA-1 Imperial Power Assisted Personal Armor, HIMAR-1 Heavy Imperial Multipurpose Assualt Rifle, FAE/M-01 "Scherezade" Energized Vibroblade

Dieter was currently on the bridge of the Tempesta checking in with the captain. He was double-checking that the captain knew the plan, and knew how to do it safely.

"So, the jump cords should be about 500 meters from the station itself. We will be diverting all power to engines and shields to ensure that we can get as close to the station as possible, then when we are close, we will purge our cargo bay. After which we will emergency jump away for our safety." The Captain recapped. It was a dangerous strategy for him, and Dieter knew that. But it was an even more dangerous mission for the Paragons below in the cargo bay, which is why he made sure to load the cargo bay the way he did.

After a few more conversational pieces were traded, the Lieutenant exited the bridge and headed for the cargo bay. Because of the small interior of the Tempesta, when he passed people they had to move out of his way due to his powered armor. There was a snap-hiss from the door to the cargo bay as it opened. The cargo bay was filled with crates, boxes, and other scraps of material; anything they could find before leaving on this mission. He walked into the room a bit further and was greeted by his team, albeit, not his whole team of twenty, but eight of the most effective under his command, among others. He was greeted by Drax, who asked a question right as he got back,

"So, Breaker, what is the plan again? Just one more time for me."

Dieter sighed with the electronic warble of his helmet, "Once more, so everyone listen up. The Tempesta is going to get in really close and purge the cargo bay. This releases not only the cargo but us as well gumshoed to cargo. We are using cargo as cover to get in close to board and capture station. Once in space, with cargo heading to station, we will degum and use rocket packs to reach boarding point, hopefully, hangar. Any questions?"

Another member of his squad, Zeit, spoke up. "Why do we need the cargo when we have rocket packs? Couldn't we just jump from the ship?"

Andra spoke before Dieter could. "We don't know what weaponry they have mounted to the outside of the station, we don't want to die before we get there." Zeit looked up at Dieter as he nodded along with Andra's explanation. She was right, there was no telling what the syndicate had on their station, other than starfighters. That's why Dieter decided to use this obscuring tactic with the cargo to keep his men safe.

Dieter continued, "Once inside hangar, we blow up whatever starfighters they have before we try to breach further in to locate command center. Expect medium-heavy resistance, but we are used to that, no?"

There were a few affirmatives from his squad before everyone started to do their final checks. The Captain came on over the intercom.

<<We are about to exit hyperspace, all hands man your stations.>>

With that warning, Dieter sat down with a loud thunk and pressed his boots to a large crate, activating their gumshoe nature. The others in his squad did the same, hopefully, any others were also following in their gum-steps. On the floor, he could feel when the ship dropped out of hyperspace and immediately got hit with some flak. The Corvette shook, but he was sure that it would get them where they needed to go.

The shaking only got more aggressive as the seconds counted down. Then orange lights came on and the familiar sound of an alert as the doors to the cargo bay flew open purging all of its contents into space. Dieter kept his eyes closed for the first few seconds to not get dizzy as the crate to which he was attached was pinwheeling through the expanse. Further behind him he heard the familiar sound of a ship entering hyperspace, the Tempesta was away. Then his helmet's audio system started to go wild with the sound of laser fire, he opened his eyes to see that Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran was already attacking the station's starfighters. Good, that's an even better distraction than some cargo being tossed at the station.

"All units sound off."

"Drax is good, dizzy but good."
"I'm still alive." said the familiar voice of Twain.
"Oh force, I almost threw up in my helmet. Tamora here."
The other five sounded off. Their company too.

"Alright" Dieter started, "Degum and start heading towards that hangar, push cargo along with you as cover."

Their rocket packs started in almost unison as everyone headed for the hangar that was right on the mark. Thank you, Tempesta! It seems the station's emplacements haven't spotted them yet, but they would soon enough. Their facade could only last for so long. Once they got spotted, hopefully, the cargo would serve its purpose.

Dieter and his group of Imperial Paragons were jettisoned out of a cargo bay heading straight for the station's hangar.
The Sword of the Empire
Objective: II - STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!: The taking of the Black Horn Syndicate Space Station

Modified IPAPA-1 Imperial Power Assisted Personal Armor
HIMAR-1 Heavy Imperial Multipurpose Assault Rifle
x4 Thermal Detonator

Shov approached the hangar where he saw his fellow brother Dieter Kovasch Dieter Kovasch hype up the Stormtroopers. It wasn't often that they'll be sent off to clear a space station. But the Emperor wanted to take Garel as quickly as possible. "This will be test of our skill brother!" Shov said lumbering towards him cladded in his personal armor. "Our foes are nothing more than just street thugs with outdated weaponry. This won't be a battle, it'll be slaughter."

It'll be a glorious slaughter at that, the Paragons were trained to annihilate the enemy. No prisoners and no mercy, they are the Vanguard of the Empire. "Let's hope Princess Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran can clear out those enemies so we can land!" Shov said. "I look forward in testing out the improvements to my armor!"

Bella Bella
Objective: II - STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!: The taking of the Black Horn Syndicate Space Station
Location: En route, aboard the Tempesta, in the cargo hold.
Allies: A squad of eight Imperial Paragons, and other PC Paragons that wish to join.
DraxExplosive Ordinance
EdwinExplosive Ordinance
Enemies: Black Horn Syndicate Members
Equipment: IPAPA-1 Imperial Power Assisted Personal Armor, HIMAR-1 Heavy Imperial Multipurpose Assualt Rifle, FAE/M-01 "Scherezade" Energized Vibroblade

Disaster struck right when Dieter suspected. His team was more than halfway to the opening of the hangar when he heard the electronic whizzing of a laser turret adjusting in their direction. He only had a split second to call out,

"Shit, turret watch out!!"

A storm of laser fire began in their direction smashing into all of the boxes jettisoned with the group of Paragons. There were a couple of curses from the squad as they were crowding behind cargo. Dieter looked out to his squad and brother Shov Brald Shov Brald looking for a specific person, then his eyes landed on the rocket launcher carrying duo of Drax and Edwin. All Dieter had to say was "Boom!" before the pair began to adjust their cover with their rocket packs to get a better view of the laser turret firing on them.

Drax equipped his launcher, lined up the shot, and woosh, as the rocket left the barrel and headed on an unguided collision course for the turret. They hit the mark but only knocked out one of its twin barrels. It decreased the firepower but they were still being shot at, ah just a normal day of the week. A second missile from Edwin knocked the turret out completely.

"Alright, let's ditch cover now. We make it to hangar before another turret locks on."

Ditching their cargo-cover, Dieter, Shov, and his squad made it to the Hangar bay. Many syndicate members were scrambling to get their snub fighters out, which meant many targets to slay for the glory of the Emperor. He looked to Shov,

"Would you like to 'start the party' as they say?" He said with a smirk under his helmet, taking out his rifle and checking his power cell.

TAGS: Shov Brald Shov Brald | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran | Bella Bella
Objective 1: Subjugation of Garel City


Location: Garel City
Objective I
FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor with heat instillation.
Equipment: Two Horus Blaster Repeater Pistols, D-93 Incinerator Flamethrower, Combat Knife, Thermal Detonators

Hours before

Justice looked down at the weapon he had been issued for this mission. It was an improved model of a D-93, a flamethrower that used a mixture of the extremely flammable Conflagrine-14 gel and Propellant Gas to make anything blaze alight with just a touch. It also made Justice very uneasy. A War Criminal he did not want to become but the emperor's words were clear, Garel City must burn. And he would have to be the emperor's instrument. Sighing, he leaned against the metal crate that served as his backrest, looking at the Star Destroyer hanger's metal roof, saying to himself with his helmet's microphones muted. "Nerf... What am I doing..." Pushing his split mind aside, he pushed himself up right and proceeded into the Ship's interior to the briefing room, dreading what this mission would contain.


Justice was largely doing the same thing in the shuttlecraft as it headed down to the ground, his helmet off and his eyes closed as his eyes pondered in thought to see if there was any way out of this, but he could find none. If he rebelled now, he would be slaughtered by his own brothers. He was stuck with this task, whether he liked it or not. As the pilot called over the Intercomm that they were 15 minutes out, the clone sighed tiredly as he opened his eyes and glanced out of the transport's doors to look at unnumberable transports of both men and material that laid in formation with them. As the brickwall approached, all the squad leader could do is sit down and tinker with his weapon and he prepared to lose his soul.

Tag: Oola Ven Oola Ven | Open


Objective: 3 - Holocron Madness
Location: Outskirts of Garel City
Outfit: Normal Dress


The ancient temple was not hard to find for someone gifted in the Force. Scoria could feel the power inside. It distracted her so much that the fighting inside the city was muted. Technically she was within the city limits still as the thumping power of the temple grew closer. The barren landscape that she walked towards was a disappointment. She enjoyed lavish settings, or exotic ones like she encountered on Felucia. She knew there was more to Garel than this, but there was no time for sightseeing. Reports of a dark side relic within the temple had brought not just the Inquisitors, but the Crusaders if rumor was correct. Technically they fought for the same Master, but the two groups of Imperial Force Users used their assets quite differently. Scoria wanted to be sure that whatever the temple held was used properly by the Inquisitors, not as some blunt object by the Crusaders.

With the rebels fighting the proper military of the Empire the approach for a being with Scoria’s talents was quite simple. Of course with any dark side temple had more than one entry and while Scoria sensed there were others around, she was not going through the main door. In the shadows of the Force, Scoria found the entrance less taken and quickly solved the puzzle that showed her inside.

Inside the temple was dusty and dry. Scoria gave a soft cough inhaling the irritating atmosphere within. It was a quick adjustment that she made easily and started through the shadows. Following the loudest thumping within the Force she carefully moved through the temple. The noble Inquisitor expected to find her prize at the heart of the temple. And she expected that it would not be easy even if she did not encounter another living being. Traps were the norm in a temple like this. Luckily a diligent seeker like her would not be caught off guard.
Objective: 1
Subjugate the city

Tags: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" | Oola Ven Oola Ven |

Fleet: 6 Impetum Heavy Cruiser three in orbit three landing
Imperator: 16,000 Zabrak Marines & Support Staff
Res'Auur: 100,000 Droid Troops
Colflax: 100,000 Droid Troops

His three Impetum grew closer to touching down. His personal ship the Imperator was laden with his mostly Zabrak marines in the main hold Darth Rasnuhl paced giving a speech "Marines. I use you for what is best for our people... the Emperor wants this city to burn for harboring traitors. I will not stoop to the Dark Sith's genocidal ways. The other two ships Res'Aurr & Colflax will deliver close to a quarter million droids to begin occupying and rooting out the so called traitors. Keep civilian deaths to a minimum. Onward to victory!"

The hold erupted in a chant of Rasnuhl repeated for a few times then stopped. Marines moved to the designated LAAT crafts, it was weird having access to so many new toys that the troops were ecstatic. Darth Rasnuhl quipped to the Ai <<Ai, open a secure comm to every fellow Imperial craft descending on the city.>> As usual the Ai responded very quickly with a <<Done>>
Darth Rasnuhl spoke <<Fellow Imperials it is I Darth Rasnuhl, Moff, and Warlord. I have no intent of committing genocide upon this city. I have committed nearly a quarter million droids to occupy it. And brought 16,000 marines to aid in the rooting out of the enemy. I extend the option of occupying the city the non Dark Sith way. I will see you all on the field.>>

The Emperor would not like it, but the best weapon is the one that can be used for propaganda. Burning a city to the ground and slaughtering its citizens would paint a very poor picture to all. And allow enemies within... and outside that propaganda tool to wield. History shows that the ones that destroy for the sake of it wind up losing it all sooner or later.

With ten minutes until the Imperator touched down the first LAAT's took off with the ship as covering fire if they needed it. Darth Rasnuhl stood at the edge of the open door looking upon the city... the chess match had begun.
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Objective 3: Holocron Madness
Tags(s): Open


The prospect of being chosen for an objective to retrieve a Sith Holocron ignited curiosity within him. Drenn couldn’t suppress it despite his best efforts. The idea of venturing into new territory and unearthing ancient secrets brought forth a sense of excitement.

He pushed forward through the unforgiving terrain, his boots sinking deeply into the sands with each step. While he had set out with a team of other Crusaders, their footprints were easily erased by the gusts of wind all around him. Despite any worries or doubts he may have had they were quickly dismissed as he was certain that the Force would lead them all to the same destination.

Soon Drenn stood before the massive temple, its stone appearing to have different intricate carvings. Inhaling another breath, he took another step forward, feeling the undeniable pull from within–a magnetic force that seemed to call out to him, urging him to dive deeper into the secrets that lay within. The massive entrance then came into view; the air inside felt thick. Shadows loomed before him, turning into dark corners. The only thing he could hear was the sound of crunching debris echoing under his boots.

It was almost too quiet here.

As he closed his eyes, he went into the depths of his mind. With each passing second, his senses sharpened, and he was more aware of his surroundings. The presence of another was detected within the temple, but not quite close enough for him to pinpoint the exact location.

Drenn unexpectedly found himself in a small room after stumbling through a door. As he stepped inside, his foot unknowingly pressed down on a seemingly ordinary stone covered with dust. A faint click was heard, activating a trap, and causing the ground below him to suddenly give away. He fell into a dark pit, surrounded by jagged rocks and bones of previous victims.

After regaining his senses, he noticed that the walls were too high to climb, and the only source of light was coming in from a small hole in the ceiling. With precision from years of intense training, he directed his attention towards collecting his thoughts and controlling his movements. He propelled himself towards one of the cracks in the rugged wall, determined to use it to pull himself up. At first, the odds seemed to be in his favor for the climb; however, his fingers then slipped from the smooth stone, sending him plummeting back down.
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Location: Garel
Objective: 1 - Subjugation of Garel City
Tag: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"

“Okay troopers!” Oola called out to the assembled clone troopers as the troop transport shook with turbulence. “These rebel dogs have holed up outside the town hall, like a clan of filthy rats!” She began. “We’re going to smoke them out and send them running for their mothers!”

“Justice! You’ve proved yourself already.” Oola continued, her high-pitched voice suddenly rising as she called out the trooper’s name. Indeed, after Sanctuary, Justice had drawn her attention. His creativity, initiative, and courage in the face of horrible odds had impressed her. “You will be leading the flame trooper element. Your responsibility will be to flush out the rebels with your flamethrower, while the others shoot down any soldier who comes out. We won’t be taking any prisoners here, today.” The Twi’lek finished.

“Remember, we do this for the Empire! This will not be easy or pretty, but we will get it done!” Oola finished, her words just as much a warning as they were a promise.

Location: Garel
Objective: 1 - Subjugation of Garel City
Tag: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl , Oola Ven Oola Ven
Equipment: Two Horus Blaster Repeater Pistols, D-93 Incinerator Flamethrower, Combat Knife, Thermal Detonators

As Justice heard the Darth's speech over the comms, he only thought If this isn't the Non-Dark Sith way, what is? Oola's voice cut him out of his haze though, her words making him give her a forced grin. From what he had researched about her in-between missions, rumors buzzed around her. There was no public information about her at all and very little else. Everyone said she was either a saint or had some sort of demon inside her that made her feast on blood. Either way, Justice wasn't about to cross her anytime soon.

When the pilot announced they were closing in on the Landing Zone, Justice ordered "Prep your Smoke Grenades and throw them as soon as we land! They should give us some cover while we disembark!" Or at least he hoped. The Landing Area was a large just outside the town hall. It was the only real area large enough to land the transports and by the way their fortifications looked, they knew it too. Aftermarket heavy blaster turrets dotted the stairs and entrance of the town hall behind sandbag walls, its defenders readying their weapons as the whine of the transports came closer and closer. Clearly, High Command thought the Imperial Army's hammer was enough to get the job done alone. But as the gunships went into their landing approach and blaster bolts started to skitter across their ship's armor, he was starting to have doubts.

Despite his lingering worries, they did land intact though they were one of the lucky ones. Many of the other transports had gone down either to the blaster fire or portable shoulder launchers that sent guided rockets blazing into the sky with only the more skilled transport pilots able to jink and avoid them. The rest just went down in various states of Firey wreckage with their crews ends hopefully being swift as they burned up alive. The Gunners did their best to keep the enemies heads down with both blaster fire and cluster missiles as his flame troopers stepped off the transport, flicking smoke grenades in the enemy's direction that created plumes of smoke, covering their advance. Though the fire was heavy, Justice and most of the others made it to the cover of the first line of sandbags. Taking a second breath, he thought about the squire words for a moment and could only think. When is this job every easy or pretty? It just has different shades of dark. He wondered what shade the smoke from his flames would produce when he actually used his weapon.
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Horsey Imperial Crusader Captain


Objective: III - Holocron Madness
Location: Ancient Dark Side Temple, Outskirts of Garel City, Garel
Equipment: Tags: Drenn Drenn | Scoria Harik Scoria Harik


Treasure hunts were not usually the task of the Crusaders and even less so something that Zoltidas would take on himself. However he was tasked with being close by as Squire Oola Ven Oola Ven led into the city without being an overbearing shadow to the young Twi’lek. If the intelligence provided about what was within the temple was accurate, it was something that the Crusaders could use going forward. So Zoltidas allowed himself to be swayed in that direction.

The Chironian Crusader was also encouraged to hear reports that the Grandmaster’s shadow had been let loose of his guard duties and was seeking to gain the treasure within the temple as well. Zoltidas also sought to stay out of Drenn’s way. Garel was a relatively insignificant mission in Zoltidas’ mind. A good test case for the less established Crusaders. He would provide parallel competition to Drenn and support if needed to both Crusaders should they not answer the challenges before them adequately.

Like Drenn, Zoltidas felt the pull from within the temple. After giving the young bodyguard space, he trotted through the large main entrance into the temple. He could feel the other presences within the temple, but couldn’t be held to focus on the competition. The secret powers within were his goal, and the darksiders of the past didn’t just leave them lying about. There would be traps, and Zoltidas would be aware.

With Drenn pushing further into the temple Zoltidas’ hooves took him slowly in the same direction. As he sensed Drenn passing through a barrier Zoltidas stopped. That was the direction of the pull, but the pull was just as likely to mislead them as to guide. Zoltidas heard the click of the trap being initiated, felt the moment of falling within Drenn and smirked at the quick recovery of calmness. The Grandmaster had chosen a bodyguard wisely it seemed.

Zoltidas felt the effort of Drenn to free himself. And the failure. With an animalistic grunt the Chironian canted forward, through the doorway and paused at the edge of the pit. ”Greeting Knight Calgemerr. I am Captain Zoltidas. Would you like another opportunity to free yourself, or do you desire a hand?”
The Sword of the Empire
Objective: II - STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!: The taking of the Black Horn Syndicate Space Station

Modified IPAPA-1 Imperial Power Assisted Personal Armor
HIMAR-1 Heavy Imperial Multipurpose Assault Rifle
x4 Thermal Detonator

As the ship crashed inside of the hangar bay skidding against the floor, the Stormtroopers began to panic at the possibility of them being fired from all angles. "We're going to die!" One of the shouted. "We won't make it!"

"You will SERVE your Emperor soldier!" Shov growled taking out his rife as the door opened blaster bolts began firing at the squad with one piercing a Stormtrooper on the chest.

"Let's move!" Shov charged first firing on the mercenaries taking them out one by one.

Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran , Dieter Kovasch Dieter Kovasch , Bella Bella


Objective: 3 - Holocron Madness
Location: Ancient Temple, Outskirts of Garel City
Outfit: Normal Dress
Tag: Drenn Drenn | Zoltidas Zoltidas | OPEN


Scoria inched deeper and deeper into the temple as she felt the surge in dark energy. The feeling filled the Inquisitor with excitement and fear. A hand reached behind her to pull a plush Loth-cat from the small pack. It was a matter of comfort for Scoria, but not in the sense that a doll could comfort a little child. This plush doll began to glow an eerie hue as soon as Scoria’s hands touched it. Since she had discovered her powers, Scoria had found that certain things were more powerful when focused through one of her dolls.

In the dark Scoria felt quite comfortable walking forward in with her eyes closed and focus on sensing everything through the Force. Liquidy pink tendrils of Force energy exuded from the doll and seemed to examine every step before Scoria took it. Fingers of iridescence radiated throughout the temple, eventually coming to the room where Drenn and Zoltidas were bogged down by a floor trap. Though they were on the same side technically and whichever of them got to the prize first it would end up with the Empire a smirk formed on Scoria’s lips at the Crusaders’ troubles.

Scoria could feel the power growing more and more as she walked further into the temple. With her enhanced Force “Magic” she was able to avoid multiple small traps, but as she got deeper into the temple the traps were not as obvious physically and the proximity to the great power within the temple clouded even Scoria’s magic. Stepping into a room, Scoria would see a bright red flash, even through her closed eyes. As she opened her eyes, Scoria saw all of the magic energy return to her doll and felt the walls shake. As she looked around the room she saw no exits and started to panic.

Then the walls from her left and right shook again and started to move in towards the center. Scoria released a panicked scream along with more pink ethereal Force energy. The bright red energy that sealed the room was not able to contain Scoria’s torrent of panic and once more the pink tendrils filled the entire temple. Slowly gaining control of her emotions Scoria started using every trick she could think of to stop, slow or break through the constricting walls.
Location: Garel
Objective: 1 - Subjugation of Garel City
Tag: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"

Oola listened to the transmission from Darth Rasnuhl in contemplative silence, a frown coming over her features as she did. While she didn’t trust the Sith, the Squire was still glad to have Rasnhul’s forces committed to the assault. At the very least, the clone troopers under her command would not be outnumbered as had been the case during the attack on Spring Island.

All the while, the transport pilot took no chances as she approached the landing area. The craft’s laser cannons unleashed searing tibanna hellfire into the heavy blaster turrets dotting the stairs, followed by a barrage of homing missiles towards the entrenched defenders. Only after unleashing enough firepower to level a building did she bring the transport into a low hover over the landing zone, at which point the clone troopers began to swiftly disembark, using smoke grenades to cover their movements in the process. Oola jumped off a few moments later, her lightsaber already ignited as she drew on her preternatural senses to assess the terrain. All the while, the transport screamed off into the distance, yet still remained close enough to be on-call for close air support.

Indeed, Oola had learned from the last mission what could happen if air support wasn’t available. She hoped to never have her clones put in a situation like that again.

“Let’s clear out these buildings, then we move for the town hall!” Oola called out to the clones. “Justice!” The Twi’lek gestured to the nearest structure—an office building with four stories. An indication for him to direct his flametroopers towards it.

“Flame it!” Oola hissed, her tone seeming to carry just as much bloodlust as it did elation!

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Objective 3: Holocron Madness

Tags: Zoltidas Zoltidas | Scoria Harik Scoria Harik

The Crusader couldn't believe he had fallen for such an obvious trap, and the burden of his foolishness was heavy on his mind now. It could have been worse, he supposed. He could have been impaled by sharp objects awaiting at the bottom of the pit, or perhaps even faced with a surprise lurking in the darkness. Drenn gritted his teeth, determined to find a way out of this situation.

As he soon picked up the presence of another, it was confirmed by a voice that reached out to him. He approached the towering wall and lifted his gaze upwards, looking to the minotaur at the edge. "This is not quite the scenario I pictured for my first encounter with the Captain, but yes I could certainly use some help," he remarked with a hint of dry humor, hoping to soon move past this all and continue their quest for the holocron.

With his senses attuned with the surroundings, he began to channel his energy and make way for another jump until something else—something dark—caught his attention. It was as if a tremor rippled through the Force, an echo from elsewhere in the temple. Somehow it felt suffocating to Drenn, as if it wanted to wrap around him. Yet, it brought forth a surge of compassion, as if it were some call to action that he couldn't quite explain–he had never experienced it before.

He knew for certain that there were others here, before they were divider earlier.

Deciding not to waste any more time he took a deep breath and crouched low. He propelled himself upwards once more as his hand reached for the nearest rock, and then used the other to secure himself. Unfortunately it was unstable, and his body was straining as he tried to pull the bulk of his frame further up. Limited on options and not wanting to repeat the same mistake just moments ago, he reached out for another and tried to gain some kind of footing on it.

The distance between himself and the minotaur was still too much. As he held himself with one hand, he outstretched the other towards the Crusader. Drenn was clearly determined. "I assure you, Captain Zoltidas, I am much more skilled when I have a live target in front of me."
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Location: Garel
Objective: 1 - Subjugation of Garel City
Tag: Oola Ven Oola Ven
Equipment: Two Horus Blaster Repeater Pistols, D-93 Incinerator Flamethrower, Combat Knife, Thermal Detonators

While the top cover did make things a little easier, it didn't stop the enemy that had been taking cover to seemingly pop out from every hole they could find to take potshots at them. Or at least that is how it seemed as blaster bolts sped by him. Omen glanced at the Squire, hearing her voice over his helmet's commlink and followed where she was pointed. When he realized what she wanted he could only mutter to himself. "Four stories of Death..." How her voice sounded concerned him more though. It sounded like she was turning into a cultist whose only want was to kill more people. That wasn't sounding good for his and his brother's long-term survival. He should help get her out more. "Hey Squire? Remind me to talk you out on the town when we get back to civilization. Now Squad on me!" And with that he was over the wall of sandbags and running towards the building, trying to push his concerns about the Squire out of his mind.

The defenders inside the building noticed the squad running towards them quickly but not quickly enough as Justice reached their defensive wall of sandbags before anyone could react. The Militia Member certainly didn’t as the butt of his flamethrower slammed into his face nor did his buddies as their flesh burned and their lungs screamed until the fire burned through their skin to their organs. Now it was time to rip out the heart of the beast and as he pushed open the double doors and threw one of them open from the side and tossed a thermal det in. He tried to push out the screams from what must have been reinforcements that he had just creamed and pushed into the building, flame projecting at any burst of movement he saw. Let's hope that we don’t burn the building down before we can get out of it…
Horsey Imperial Crusader Captain


Objective: III - Holocron Madness
Location: Ancient Dark Side Temple, Outskirts of Garel City, Garel
Equipment: Tags: Drenn Drenn | Scoria Harik Scoria Harik


As Drenn heard Zoltidas’ voice he looked up and gave a response mixing embarrassment and humor, perhaps the humor was to cover the embarrassment. Whatever the reason Zoltidas gave a chuckle to hopefully break the ice. ”We’re an organization of action. Caution isn’t something that is given as much stock as it is for the Inquisitors and others. Don’t fear. I won’t hold a misstep against you. I’ll judge you properly when you put your blade to use.” His statement might not have been the same as what the Grandmaster would have given, but it was sincere from Zoltidas’ viewpoint. The Crusaders were blunt weapons that would occasionally get stuck as they bashed their way through obstacles. Being stuck was nothing to be ashamed of. Staying stuck was.

As Zoltidas waited for Drenn to make his move towards escape, the Chironian felt a tickle of energy cross his back. Someone else was here. And they likely knew the Crusaders were there now. That meant little to Zoltidas. Competition is something that the Crusaders did not flinch from. Returning his attention to Drenn and preparing aid, Zoltidas was hit by a second burst of Force energy. This time it was no gentle exploration. Zoltidas would see visions of himself that filled him with dread. Dishonored and defeated on a battlefield. It took only a moment for him to realize that it was not real, but the power was something he could not ignore.

When the assault on his senses ceased, Zoltidas returned his glare to Drenn, who obviously had felt the attack as well. Zoltidas gave a nod and the next escape attempt started. The bodyguard’s leap still did not bring him high enough to exit the trap, but Zoltidas didn’t need to physically grab Drenn’s hand to facilitate the remaining climb. The centaur’s hand lifted and closed into a gentle fist. Drenn would feel the Force grab hold of his wrist and lift him effortlessly the rest of the way out of the pit. Zoltidas nodded as he placed Drenn down on his feet. ”And answering the challenge of a foe is where a Crusader is needed most. You felt that Force attack? What do you think? Should we ignore it and continue to our goal or investigate it further?” There was no wrong answer in Zoltidas’ mind. If Drenn chose the treasure within the temple they would need to be careful not to allow the other presence to sneak up on them. If they went to investigate, that might delay their success, but it would eliminate one piece from the field. Both had their merits.

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