THE Wookie Jedi
Netherworld state)
[ Include a description of the species history here. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - include major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this species, is a plus. ]
- Intent: Reason for this submission is to create a interesting and complex species born of the netherworld. A species that is alien in every sense.
- Image Credit: [
- Canon: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Name: Xerstor'ai
- Designation: Sentient
- Origins: Netherworld
- Average Lifespan: Age is a foreign concept to the Xerstor'ai in their natural state within the netherworld, but as soon as a Xerstor'ai leaves the netherworld their lives are numbered. Though long lived. On average a Xerstor'ai can has been known to live hundreds of years.
- Estimated Population: Rare
- Description:
- Breathes: Type I, II, III & IV
- Average Height of Adults: Typically 1.8 - 2.1 meters
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: Varies, Skin color changes depending on the mood of oneself and also those around. This is reason for a fluctuation of color patterns. Their skin often looks akin to a scene in space. Shades of purple, red, pink, yellows, blues and greens in detailed cloud like nebula's or spirals that originate from the center of the torso and expand in tendrils outward to each extremity of the body. The rest of the body is pitch black with specs of white covering the entire form.
- Hair color: Varies. Do not typically have hair but can shape-shift to suit this need.
- Distinctions: Wraith like in their natural state, smokey, vague and almost akin to a shadow wisping back and forth between locations with humanoid form. Others effected by Realspace are akin to most silicon based species like the Vaathkree or Gutretee in appearance. They are trapped, entombed beneath solidified masses with a energy core.
- The Xerstor'ai can be best described in their natural state as wraith like entities and exist as pure thoughts manifest. Humanoid in appearance generally standing no taller than the average human as well. These beings have little distinctive features in common with other known species. There is a lack of nose, mouth, ears and at times hair. The eyes glow faintly during the day and bright at night. Within the netherworld itself the Xerstor'ai are truly ghost like in appearance but when they enter realspace their form changes drastically.
- Originally made of what is thought to be a sort of energy, the bodies of the Xerstor'ai harden into a material similar to silicon that binds the Xerstor'ai. The process of stepping into the dimension of realspace in a sense stains the body and traps the once loose energy the Xerstor'ai were birthed from. Focused masses of energy harnessed by pure thought now trapped within a shell. Once a Xerstor'ai enters realspace their bodies cannot convert back through the same means. The prospects of time affect them despite their lack of knowledge of this topic. Like most Silicon based life the bodies are prone to erode, wither and wane to the elements or nature.
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: All, but restricted
Incorporeal state: Unrestricted in usage. Can use and learn everything if they chose. Though this freedom is limited as long as they remain in the Netherworld. - Corporeal state: Granted a Force Reflective barrier around them. Cannot access the force actively otherwise.
- Ganglionic Intelligence: Compartmentalized consciousness. A single central conscious connected to a number of other branching sub-consciousness's across the Xerstor'ais being. Each doing its own job to perceive the information of its environment. This is known as Ganglionic intelligence. The Xerstor'ai can perceive the galaxy within a four dimensional hypermanifold. Seeing a fourth dimension "time" how most species simply view space. Due to their viewpoint the species would be able to predict future events, if only they knew what they were looking at and could understand it in the same way other species do. When one is able to see whats beyond descriptive words like past, present and future merge into one. Beyond this though the species see everything below the fourth dimension as well and from different angles or perspectives. They are highly complex.
- Mimicry: Can mimic the general skin texture, shape and language of a species they come in direct physical contact with. Shape-shifting their bodies to better fit the environment. Although the process of shape-shifting takes a couple minutes to completely rearrange the body and finish. It is limited to species of the same size as the Xerstor'ai.
- Born of the Void: Every Xerstor'ai has the potential of being immensely powerful with the force. Within their natural Incorporeal state confined in the Netherworld they reign. But outside within realspace? The Branding occurs once they enter this new reality. Xerstor'ai that exist in realspace are enveloped with force energies to shield them from outside influence. A reflective barrier surrounds them at the expense of their own mastery and usage. Force powers used against the Xerstor'ai are often reflected back on its own source. This process was dubbed the branding due to the fact that this somehow solidifies their bodies as well.
- Armored: The inner energies that make up the core of each Xertor'ai is entombed within a dense mineral type substance hardened to endure harsh conditions. Blaster energy is generally resisted within the limit of several shots before and that of a lightsaber however is detrimental to this armored mineral type skin.
- Age: Are long lived. Capable of living for hundreds of years under ideal conditions.
- Force Cancer: If a Xerstor'ai actively feeds for too long the species can die. Their Corporeal bodies degrade on a rapid rate and inner energies grow unstable. This in turn can reduce their corporeal life span to the mere amount of weeks.
- NaCl: Oddly enough Xerstor'ai have an allergy to common salt. If consumed the Xerstor'ai experience euphoria, mania and spouts of aggression.
- Blue: Cannot swim or float. For obvious reasons.
- Legacy: When a corporeal Xerstor'ai dies they do so violently. The inner energies that make up who they are rupture and suck in their physical modes to a singular point leaving behind only a shard of who they were. A crystal hailing from the nether itself.
- Silent Judgement: Since their arrival after the events of the netherworld the Galaxy on average tends to view the species as demons or monstrosities. This is partly due to their allergic reactions to consuming salt as well.
- Diet: Rocks and the Force. Can sustain themselves off the force. This can be done in a similar way that a plant takes in sunlight. In this way the Xerstor'ai do not eat force energy but let its energy flow through them for sustenance.
- Communication: Telepathy. Can mimic others verbally enabling them to learn languages very very quickly.
- Technology level: Galactic standard
- Religion/Beliefs: Is different according to each individual. The Xerstor'ai all adopt or create different religions and beliefs.
- General behavior: Xerstor'ai can be summed up with one word. Curiosity. They having been birthed in what most cultures and traditions view as "Hell" or the realm of the dead the Xerstor'ai seek to understand why they are seen in negative views. Many can be found as scholars, zealots
[ Include a description of the species history here. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - include major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this species, is a plus. ]