Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cody Bantam

Van Bri'tsyd

Professional Man of Mystery
NAME: Cody Bantam​
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral​
RANK: None​
SPECIES: Near human​
AGE: 35​
SEX: Male​
HEIGHT: 2.1 Meters​
WEIGHT: 86 Kilograms​
EYES: Blue​
HAIR: Brown​
SKIN: Pale​
TATOOS: Dancing Twi’lek on forearm, unit insignia on right shoulder​
VOICE: Baritone​

+Natural leader+
Cody has charisma and ma chemo galor, many are drawn to these traits and naturally follow him.

+War Vet+
Due to spending over 20+ years in military service he has many of the same abilities as a veteran infantrymen.


-Trust only the law-
To Cody the law is everything, reason and humanity doesn't matter if you break the law, you pay the price.

-Cold as Ice-
Although a great leader Cody is a distant and remote individual, few ever get a chance to know him on a personal level.

-No love for witches-
Distrusts all force users as he has seen the horrors of what they can do in battle


Van Bri'tsyd

Professional Man of Mystery

A Tarisian born human, and illegitimate son of merchant Elliot Bantam. Cody left home shortly before his fifteenth birthday to join the Army. Lying on his application he entered service and served as an infantryman for four years till his ruse was discovered and he was dishonorably discharged.

Due to his skills and battle record, he was quickly recruited into the New republic as part of the Chazwa armed forces and worked his way up the ranks from private till reaching the rank of Colonel. Recently he has been approached by the Supreme Chancellor of the armed forces to rebuild the armed forces of the Galactic Republic and help it regain its’ former glory.

Not happy with the way the republic was being lead after he took on his new position he decides to take his retirement package early in the form of an old Frigate be left to explore life as a rogue. Now with the outback, he uses his skills as best he can to aid their cause.

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