Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cody Beamont

NAME: Cody Beamont
FACTION: The Order of the Silver Jedi

RANK: Ensign


AGE: 23

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5' 10"

WEIGHT: 190 Lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Pale White



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Natural Pilot

Farsighted astigmatism (Untreatable)
Weak Immune System

Cody was born and raised on the wayfarer class transport ship the Elysium that his parents Lisa and Marcus Beamont own and ran. Cody’s childhood consisted of classes taught by a second hand protocol droid, chasing around his mother and father as they dealt with the operation and maintenance of the ship, and watching holovids they occasionally intercepted on the Holonet. The majority of his family work keep them traveling through space the majority of the time as to make ends meet and keep debtors from closing in, but on a rare occasion they would make planet fall on one back water world or another. Cody was never allowed to leave the ship whenever they dock at a station as his parent feared for his safety even in the most mundane systems. This lack of interaction with anyone other than the handful of droids and his parent stunted his health creating a weak immune system that his family couldn’t afford to contend with due to their poverty. As he grew up he maintained his isolation not only out of reluctance to meet new people but also out of fear that he might contract yet another illness in which he would suffer. One such illness caused a severe infection in his eye that temporarily took his sight and once it returned he found himself unable to focus on distant objects. The disease that damaged his eye sight was never diagnosed and the few doctors that Cody visited were unable to cure his aliment but instead outfitted him with corrective lenses.

Cody learned the end and outs of space travel, piloting, trade, and space ship mechanics from his family and their droids but as he grew older he wanted more out of life. Nearing the end of his teens Cody had finally begun to grow out of his social inadequacies and wanted to do more to help in the chaotic conflict world around him. Unfortunately Cody’s family not only forbid it but pleaded with him as both his parents had reached advanced age and would soon be unable to continue their work and would need Cody to take up the slack for them. Cody unwilling to go against his parent wishes stay and continued their work for a short time. Tragedy would strike shortly before Cody’s twenty first birth day as he and his family carried out an otherwise insignificant transport job a group of raiders struck the station they were docked at. Cody had been managing the loading of goods as his parents were finalizing the deal aboard the station. The strike was quick and brutal, the raiders knew exactly how and where to hit to cripple the station and starve the occupants of the life giving oxygen. Cody watched in horror as the stations exterior erupted flinging the contents of the station out into the deeps of space. The only thing that saved him was the R4 unit that acted quickly enough to seal the Elysium’s airlock and preserved Cody’s life. Unable to do anything but watch in horror Cody quickly found himself the target of the raiders but thankfully for his years of piloting and sheer luck he out maneuvered the attackers who quickly moved on to easier pray. The Elysium escaped into hyperspace and Cody found himself suddenly alone and without direction.

Cody initially attempted to continue his family work but found it to be too painful and instead opted to sell his ship and belongs so that he might start anew. Wanting to do anything he could to have his revenge and to bring at least a little bit of peace to the universe Cody went in search of a place he could enlist and use his piloting skills.


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