Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Coffee, Tea, and Apologies

Despite its name, Javawookiee was about as far from casual as a cafe could get.

The interior of the establishment was impeccably clean, with carefully chosen minimalist decor. It was the sort of place that tried to mimic the informal vibe of a caf house, but highly sanitized.

Cora had noticed a familiar - if nearly forgotten - name on the roster of Jedi that happened to be planetside. Khoe Ghafara Khoe Ghafara . It had taken a few long moments for her to put a face to the name.

Then, the adjoining memories flooded in. They hadn't been…entirely pleasant. At least not for Khoe, who more than once, had been on the receiving end of Cora's sharp tongue during their Padawan days.

Fortunately, other Padawans had managed to stem the blonde's arrogant attitude since then. Somewhat.

Unfortunately, you couldn't take back words after they'd been said.

If she didn't show up, Cora wouldn't have blamed her. A quick message of 'Hey, it's been a while. Want to meet?' was hardly a proper apology. Still, she would wait at the window-side table, stirring sugar into her tea with a tiny spoon.
Chill Jedi to relax and study to
To be frank, the fragrance distinct of Aldera was not somewhere she frequented hell she didn't frequent Alderaan period, she'd just been here to refuel, big mistake. Not only is fuel way price-gouged on Alderaan she received an invitation nearly spitting out her service station dewbeck salad sandwich. The invitation that appeared in her inbox was from somebody she'd really hope she'd never have to speak to again, Corazona von Ascania, the snootiest little rich girl she'd ever met who tormented her when she was younger, an invitation wishing to take Khoe out for caf at one of the cities fanciest cafhouses.

Despite this Khoe saw this as a golden opportunity; first, free high grade caf and sweets, second, sweeeeet justice baby, on the walk over with her nose hairs singed from the strong perfumes from the rows upon rows of boutiques she decided she was going to be as obnoxious to Corazona in the most passive aggressive ways possible the whole time, firstly by her appearance, she hadn't gotten a chance to change or shower before the invitation and decided to keep it that way, her clothing was filthy from slush and dirt after trekking through Boma Canyon on Fest and secondly by being as uncultured and classless at the cafhouse as galactically possible.

Khoe came through the door slamming it hard behind her nearly making a woman siting one booth across from the door jump, Khoe's muddy footprints trailing onto the ornate white marble floor, the jizz band stared at her for a minute.

"Welcome to Javawookie, do you have a reservation?" I well dressed Twilek concierge with a thick Fren- I mean Rylothi accent asked clearly stating daggers into every inch of Khoe, Khoe ignored it and noticed where Corzona.

Khoe answered making sure to speak the loudest in the cafhouse so everybody could hear her.

"Yeah, hiiiiiiiiiii, I was invited here by a friend I know what they look like but I don't their name exactly uhhhh... Coruscant? Cal-i-Vaun? Calzone?" Khoe incessantly waved at Corazona "There she is! hiiii hiiii hiiiiiiii!" Most of the cafhouse be it staff or patrons eyes darted back and forth between Cora and Khoe in awkward interest or just plain cringe.

"Madame do you have a change of shoes? you are bringing dirt inside"

"No, I'm on my way to catch podracing on Nubia just got back from mudskippin' on Kashyyyk all I got is the cloths on my back this is just a pit stop so if I-"

"Than I cannot let you in sorry" The server rebutted clearly pleased with himself. Khoe simply took off her socks and shoes and placed them gently next to the coatrack now barefoot the host just stared, in complete bewilderment unsure of how to proceed; just... dumbfounded at the situation, Khoe walked past him eagler to the table Corazona sat at.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

The door to the cafe swung open, then slammed closed. Muddy boots stomped across pristine flooring. It was enough to garner the cafe's attention - even the Bith stopped their playing, staring at the intrusion with glassy black eyes.

"Coruscant? Cal-i-Vaun? Calzone?"

In lifting the cup to her lips, Cora paused before she could take a sip of tea. Her left eye twitched. With slow, careful movements, she lowered the teacup back into its saucer and fixed Khoe with the tightest of smiles.

The concierge seemed intent on not letting her guest pass, and Cora couldn't blame her. Perhaps this was partially her fault – she should've clarified the dress code earlier. Scooting back her chair, she prepared to rise and intervene on behalf of her fellow Jedi.

But, her help wasn't needed. Khoe removed her shoes and socks, and was now approaching Corazona completely barefoot.

Her other eye twitched. The tight smile didn't budge, but it did seem a little more forced.

"Khoe, thank you for meeting me here."

Cora dipped her head briefly in greeting, eyes scanning the woman's soiled outfit. Years with the Order had changed them all in some way, and she wondered what the Kiffar was like now.

"Do you- would you like a change of clothes, perhaps? I've a spare set of robes on my ship. They're...clean. And dry."

Khoe Ghafara Khoe Ghafara
Chill Jedi to relax and study to
"Pleasure is aaaaaall mine."

Khoe winked back, no courteous bow to be found. she reached for her chair and dragged it out causing it to loudly scream against the floor before flipping it 180 and sitting in it with the back facing the table.

"Why would I need that? Last I checked we lived in the Galactic Alliance where my civil liberties are protected, I should have full rights to wear what I want where I want to the dismay of Sith-thinkers like that concierge. Besides, I have a bit too much of a gut, don't I?"

Khoe stared daggers into Cora's deep blue eyes trying to say the stupidest things imaginable. No waiter had shown up yet but to Khoe, Cora had already been served.

"How royal life your hiney, what was the name of the planet you ruled? Ukulele?" This one she genuinely didn't remember, but she for sure knew that wasn't the name.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania


An eyebrow went up at that. Combined with her clearly forced smile, it was a rather odd expression.

"Certainly. But a private establishment has their right to a dress code." Cora lowered her brow and took a demure sip from her tea. All the while, intense eye contact was maintained between the two women. "One of the many benefits of democracy."

The mention of Ukatis - or Ukulele, whatever - broke her thin facade of pleasantry. Cora's gaze shifted somewhere over Khoe's shoulder, staring at a middle point in the distance. Her strained smile dropped. For a few long moments, she said nothing.

Cora took another sip of her tea as she organized her thoughts.

"Ukatis is recovering well from the Enclave's attack. And to clarify,"

Her gaze snapped back to Khoe, "I was never its monarch."

Khoe Ghafara Khoe Ghafara
Chill Jedi to relax and study to
Khoe laughed to herself nearly in hysterics "The princess hailing of an absolute monarchy touts the benefits of a democracy."

Khoe rolled her eyes saying that as a server approached in a flash, placing a tower of confectionaries and pastries delicately organized. Immediately as it was placed down Khoe snatched at least five of the desserts stacking them on her plate as she began devouring one like a rat. To her credit she hadn't eaten in nearly 16 hours, the server attempted to ignore this but her shudder was hard not to notice.

"Hello you two always nice to see you again your highness." The waiter did a slight bow, Khoe rolled her eyes so hard she nearly choked. "what would you like today the usual or something different?"

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Khoe's boisterous laughter was a sharp, discordant note against the cafe's softer ambiance. They were drawing stares.

Cora chewed the inside of her cheek. Though they hadn't interacted in years, she had the impression that her guest's behavior was...intentional. To a degree, at least.

"I am," she affirmed. "I suppose the closer you are to a system of governance, the more apparent its flaws become. I never knew that you had an interest in politics."

She didn't know much about her, actually. It was something she'd initially sought to remedy, but perhaps that was a little too delusional. It took a conscious effort to keep an eye from twitching as Khoe loaded up on pastries, then tore into them like a starving gremlin.

"Just Cora, please." With a polite nod to the server, she gestured to the Kiffar seated across from her. "Bring her anything she likes."

In the ether of the holonet, Cora's bank account writhed in agony.

Khoe Ghafara Khoe Ghafara
Chill Jedi to relax and study to

"Guilty is charged." Khoe shrugged at her comment on politics, her cheeks full of pastries dropping crumbs on the doily placed in front of her just as the server approached. Khoe patiently waited for Cora to finish before speaking with the waitress.

"Yes hiiiiiiiiiiii, do you guys have that caf they make after it passes through a Momong? Both of us have been dyyying to try it."

She glared a near Cheshire grin at Cora

"Um, Zanbar Omrut?"

"Is that what it's called? Hunh!" Khoe gave Cora a fake bewildered face, breaking character for just a second snorting as she almost began to laugh at the circumstance she'd gotten herself into. "It's expensive? Let's have a pot of that."

"And I see you guys do Gavaged Nuna Mousee can we both get that? We've heard amaaaazing things about it. Thank youuuuu."

Khoe had been scouring the menu in search of the most repulsive item imaginable for Cora remembering she hated Nuna she knew what she had to do, not that she liked Foie Gras a la Nuna either but it was a sacrifice Khoe and Cora's bank account were willing to make. This whole encounter had so far rubbed Khoe the wrong way nothing she was doing was getting as under her skin as she'd wished thus far she'd found Cora much more timid and dare she say modest since they last met. Khoe slouched in her chair and crossed her arms looking to the window.

"So... how're things?"

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"Passes through a-"

Cora almost sputtered, but then seemed to catch herself. She'd expected for Khoe to ordered something expensive, but expensive and strange?

As her guest scoured the menu for an entree that was as undoubtedly as costly, Cora raised the cup of tea to her lips. She choked at the term Gavaged Nuna Mousee.

There were few dishes which she liked that incorporated nuna. It all started in the temple's cafeteria and their subpar fare that had never quite meshed with a noble's delicate palate.

Years of field rations had tempered her tastes. Not that she enjoyed them - she never did - but unpleasant food became easier to stomach when you were in the middle of a war zone and in need of calories.

"Are you…sure that's something you want to eat?"

There were, in her opinion, far more appealing dishes available. Ones that wouldn't be causing her credit stick to scream in agony. Guilt over why she'd invited Khoe here kept her relatively demure.

"Things are fine. Thank you for asking."

Cora paused for a few long moments and wrapped both hands around her cup.

"Listen, Khoe," she began, voice low and slow. "I…well, I wanted to apologize for how I acted towards you when we were younger. I hadn't realized how rude I'd been to the other Padawans, including you, until…"

There'd been no shortage of clashes when she'd first arrived at the temple. Some of the more brazen apprentices had called her out, directly to her face. That had shocked the young noblewoman, who'd had a poor awareness of her own behavior.

"Well, it took a while,"
she admitted. "Probably longer than it should have."

Khoe Ghafara Khoe Ghafara
Chill Jedi to relax and study to

"Hahahahahahaaaah" Khoe nearly wiped a tear from her eye. "Yeah, good one; anyways have you tried these birdnests? they are amazing! You picked a good place."

Khoe completely disregarded what Cora said and leaned over the table trying to put one of the jam filled biscuits into Cora's mouth. You didn't have to be a Jedi to sense the conflict in Khoe at this moment. Despite the way she was behaving she didn't exactly want her apology nor did she think she was being sincere.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

It occurred to Cora, in this moment, that she didn't really know Khoe. She never had. Even as Padawans, their interactions had been rather limited.

An apology wasn't something anyone had to accept – but she was still caught off guard by Khoe's reaction. A little annoyed by it, even. Here she was, oh so graciously trying to make amends, and all the other woman could do was…


Cora blinked, and pulled back sharply as Khoe shoved a biscuit into her mouth. She chewed through muffled sounds of surprise, waving the Kiffar off with one hand and covering her mouth with the other. The reprieve was actually a good thing; it reminded Cora that just because she felt bad about something she'd done, it didn't take away how she'd made Khoe feel.

Am...I only doing this so that I feel better?

The thought struck her as she swallowed down the confection. The rich, tangy taste of blackberry and lemon lingered on her tongue.

"Oh, that...actually is quite good," she murmured in surprise.

Maybe she shouldn't push it. Not yet, anyhow. Another sip of tea to wash away the crumbs, and Cora cleared her throat.

"So, what have you been up to that has you covered in mud?"

Khoe Ghafara Khoe Ghafara
Chill Jedi to relax and study to

Khoe nervously looked at Cora as she scoffed before looking back at her legs awkwardly. Cora's remark regarding the pastries breaking the awkward silence. "I mean duh. it's got lemon in it of course it is, that's just the best fruit."

"Oh you know here and there, catching bail jumpers on Attahox, accidental entered a fighting ring on Balamak. What my master would of done." She paused awkwardly.

"How 'bout you? how's corelife?"

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania


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