Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Col Thaine

Col Thaine

Age56 Standard Human Years
HomeWorldRaxus Secundus
Height6 Foot
Weight80 Kg's Approx
Force SensitiveNo


Colonel Thaine is an imposing figure who commands attention as soon as he enters a room. Standing at around 6 feet tall, his solid and muscular build speaks of decades of military discipline and rigorous training. His hair, a distinguished salt-and-pepper, is neatly cropped, with gray streaks accentuating his temples. His sharp blue eyes radiate both profound wisdom and an unyielding intensity. The lines etched into his face are subtle yet tell the story of countless strategic campaigns and years of steadfast leadership.

He is clad in the standard Tingel Arm Coalition Admiral uniform, but his attire is personalized in a way that underscores his unique position. His uniform is impeccably maintained, every crease and detail reflecting meticulous attention to appearance. The rank insignia on his chest shine with a polished gleam, radiating a quiet but unmistakable authority. His epaulettes are distinguished by additional gold bars, marking his elevated rank and the deep respect he commands from those around him.


Col is celebrated for his exceptional strategic acumen and unwavering discipline. He speaks sparingly, preferring to let his decisive actions and calculated moves demonstrate his capabilities. His approach to leadership is characterized by a firm yet equitable demeanour; he holds his subordinates to the highest standards while extending personal loyalty and unwavering support to those who earn his trust. His deep and resonant voice carries an authoritative edge that commands respect and attention in any context.

Possessing a remarkably sharp tactical mind, Thaine can anticipate and counter enemy maneuvers with impressive precision. Beneath his stern exterior lies a dry wit and a sharp sense of humour that occasionally emerge, catching his subordinates off guard and revealing a more nuanced side to his personality. His strategic decisions are calculated and pragmatic, consistently aimed at achieving efficiency and securing ultimate victory.


+ Sharp Intellect and a Strategic Mind.
+ Well Educated, Trained and Experienced.


- Former Sith-Imperial Naval Officer (Defector).
- Ambitious.


Born and educated on the world of Raxus Secunda within the Tion Cluster, Colonel Thaine embarked on his military career with the Naval Corps of the Order of the Silver Jedi, later known as the Silver Jedi Concord. Initially joining as a Starfighter Pilot, Thaine quickly distinguished himself through his sharp intellect and dedication, propelling him through the ranks. Driven by a desire for further education, he volunteered for officer training and was eventually promoted to Squadron Captaincy.

Despite his rising status and recognition for his service, Thaine harbored ambitions beyond the confines of starfighters. Envisioning himself commanding the imposing capital ships that symbolize true naval power, he set his sights on serving aboard these colossal vessels. However, his aspirations were abruptly challenged when the Silver Jedi Concord disintegrated after eighteen years, leaving the region vulnerable to the encroaching Sith Order.

Disillusioned by the Concord's failure to protect his homeworld and surrounding systems, Thaine, though idealistic, resolved to serve with honor within the Sith Order's Naval Corps. He took up a position as a Gunnery Officer on a capital-class ship, where his ambition and extensive experience earned him pride in his role. Over the next five years, he witnessed the harsh realities and unethical practices of the Sith-Imperial Naval authority.

Upon learning of the Tingel Arm Coalition's formation, Thaine saw an opportunity to align himself with a new force. He made contact with Commander Fynch Fynch , seeking to evaluate the man's ambition and integrity and to understand the Coalition's long-term objectives. Armed with his expertise and insights into Sith-Imperial naval tactics and armaments, Thaine successfully negotiated a position as the captain of a Destroyer-class vessel within the nascent Tingel Arm Coalition. This move allowed him to contribute to the Coalition's discreet expansion and strategic buildup, all while avoiding the attention of the Imperial forces in the South-Eastern Outer Rim Territories.

By the time the Tingel Arm Coalition waged war against the Empire of the Lost, aiming to undermine their grip on Mon Cala and Lothal, Colonel Thaine had risen to the prestigious rank of Fleet Admiral. His journey had transformed him into one of the Coalition's foremost strategists, playing a crucial role in orchestrating the naval campaigns that sought to destabilize the Empire's stronghold. Thaine's ascent to this pivotal position was marked by his exceptional strategic mind and his ability to navigate the complexities of galactic warfare, solidifying his reputation as a key architect in the Coalition's military efforts.
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