Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Cold Case

TAGS: Kyell Laysel | Miri Nimdok
This was a journey Yenna had been looking forward to. A diplomatic mission to help the concerned leadership of Neshtab in a rumoured plot against them after they expressed interest in siding with the Alliance. It wasn't another battle filled with senseless bloodshed and it wasn't another archaeological expedition. She knew that her padawans weren't as passionate about the preservation of history as she was. Which was why she brought them along for this trip. The first proper trip where they were both accompanying and aiding her in this potentially delicate mission.

"A beautiful planet, this is. Think, do you not?" She asked with a warm smile as she peered out the window, only turning to spare a glance at her two padawans. She hopped off the seat in the cockpit and rested both hands on her cane. She realized that it was also the first proper time she could see both padawans after Rothana. The fallout of that fight still weighed heavily on her heart, but she would get through it. There was no need to have Kyell and Miri worry about that, they had more important things to worry about. "Packed a jacket, I hope you two have." She giggled as she looked at them.

"Sharp, we must be, with this mission. An attack on them, the leadership worries about. Investigate this concern, we must, but also protect them. True, if this is, in grave danger, they are." She explained to them one last time. It would be good practice for them to put their lessons into practice. The lessons of a Jedi, a peacekeeper. Not a soldier.

Another soft chuckle escaped as she took a deep breath in. "Peaceful, this planet is. A retreat, it might also serve as. Said and done, when all is. A break, you two deserve." She continued, pulling her flask from her pocket and taking a sip. However, the taste was not at all what she expected. She blinked as she stared down at her flask for a good moment. "Water, in here, why is there?" She muttered to herself with a light frown of confusion.

Miri Nimdok

"A beautiful planet, this is. Think, do you not?"

Yes,” Miri replied dryly. She was bundled up in stylish furs.

Standing a few feet apart from Kyell—she didn’t want to deal with Yenna’s disapproving looks if she stood too close to him, and besides, he was a distraction for her—she listened to the goblin’s spiel. For her part, Miri would’ve preferred to be off on an expedition to preserve history, but instead she was here as an investigator. Which wasn’t so bad, but archaeology was where her heart truly lay.

She stood up a little straighter at the mention of a possible break afterwards. Skiing might be fun, but she could deny the appeal of viewing the snowy mountains from the window of a warm lodge room, perhaps with a mug of hot chocolate…

"Water, in here, why is there?"

Snapping out of her daydreaming, she glanced at Kyell and winked.


Kyell Laysel


Tag: Yenna Yenna Miri Nimdok

<Beautiful, but I still prefer Jerrilek. It's nice and warm there.> There were other reasons for his preference, but he didn't feel like dealing with an angry and cane-wielding Yenna either. Instead, he listened to his Master's explanation of the ongoing situation on Nesthtab while he tugged a little on his jacket. While it was a mission with high stakes, he was just glad that they weren't being thrown into another warzone for once.

Not quite as fun as artifact hunting, dealing with mermaids or ancient masks, but he recognized the importance and would do his best for his Master.

<We'll keep them safe, Master, and if all goes well...> he glanced towards Miri, <I'd love a short break out here.> Kyell grinned a little and watched in anticipation when Yenna finally reached for her flask, took a swig... and realized it wasn't booze.

"Water, in here, why is there?"

Kyell snickered and returned the wink to Miri before he spoke up telepathically again, <Can't be drinking on the job now, can we, Master?> He was grinning from ear to ear and stepped forward, then lowered his shoulder so Yenna could hop on if she wanted to. He figured that after what happened on Rothana, she'd want to take it easy on the walking.

The moment the little green Jedi felt the hints of stifled amusement from her two padawans, she knew what was going on. Kyell's remark merely sealed the fate of the young couple. In a smooth motion, Yenna flipped her cane around and gave Kyell a knock on the head with the knob, quickly followed up by a whack at Miri's shin. "Stand a little higher, you might want to, next time." She commented as she gave them both a look before turning to leave.

A soft giggle escaped her as she limped off towards the boarding ramp. She had to admit that they were good at swapping the contents out. She didn't leave her flask alone for long. Though Kyell did raise a good point as well. She would have to talk to them both about her conundrum involving her bad habit.

She would have to talk to herself as well.

By the time the boarding ramp lowered, Yenna donned a fur cloak around her that was clearly made for her stature. One of her most treasured gifts given by Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida . She walked down the ramp towards the king with a smile, sparing a quick glance at her padawans as they neared him and his entourage of guards and other dignitaries. "Welcome to Neshtsb, Masters Jedi. My name is Tythos, king of Neshtsb." He greeted with a bow. "I hope your journey was good for you?" He continued as his gaze drifted from the little green Jedi to the other two figures. There was a faint look of concern as he watched them, clearly uncertain on who exactly the higher ranking one was among the two young people and "child".

"Pleasant, our journey was, king. Master Yenna, I am. My padawans, these are. Miri Nimdok and Kyell Laysel." She introduced them with a calm voice, gesturing to Kyell and Miri as she spoke. The king looked on with confusion for a second or two before a smile adorned his features, clearly well trained over the years.

"It is good to meet you all. I certainly hope that the three of you could get to the bottom of this situation for us. Please, come along. My people will bring your luggage while we walk. I had them prepare a room for each of you." He motioned to a few of his servants and they quickly moved forward to transport their luggage into the palace.

In the meantime, the king led the way for the three Jedi. "Miri and... Kyell, was it?" He spared a look at the two for a moment. "How long have you two been in the Order?" He asked them with curiosity in his voice.

Kyell Laysel Miri Nimdok

Miri Nimdok

Miri winced at the blow against her shins, but Kyell received a much worse knock against his head. After sticking her tongue out at the departing little goblin, she turned to Kyell. <I hope she didn’t hit you too hard...>

Miri harbored genuine concerns about Master Yenna’s drinking habit, but replacing the whiskey in her flask with water was still just a prank, not an intervention. Though perhaps it could serve as a warning, should things continue in the manner they had thus far…

Following Yenna down the ramp, she was met with the sight of King Tythos and his royal entourage. She curtsied when introduced, but otherwise let Yenna do much of the talking.

"Please, come along. My people will bring your luggage while we walk. I had them prepare a room for each of you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Miri said. Of course, she'd leave her door unlocked should Kyell prefer her company to the solitude of his room. But she was content to at least give the appearance of sleeping alone, if it would keep Yenna off their backs.

I have been a Jedi since I was eight years old,” Miri answered Tythos' question, before giving Kyell a familiar look, prompting him to give her his answer telepathically and let her act as his voice.

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Kyell Laysel


Tag: Yenna Yenna Miri Nimdok

He should have expected retaliation.

But for her to jump up and whack his forehead with her cane while he offered her help was not something he considered. He grumbled silently in response and rubbed the spot she struck before looking at Miri, <I'm fine but we might need to be careful with our pranks,> he said to her alone with only a small smirk revealing that he was talking to her.

The focus shifted away rather quickly though, as the ramp lowered and the three Jedi stepped out into the cold. Kyell seemed to quite heavily dislike it, and hid the lower part of his face within his jacket, while his hands never left his pockets. At least, until the King approached and introduced himself. Fearing he'd look like an idiot, Kyell held his arm by his sides and straightened his posture before bowing his head.

His actions reflected on his Master too, and he wanted to leave a good impression.

"It is good to meet you all. I certainly hope that the three of you could get to the bottom of this situation for us. Please, come along. My people will bring your luggage while we walk. I had them prepare a room for each of you."

The last part briefly drew his eyes to Miri, but he knew it was something they'd have to be careful with. As much as he enjoyed being difficult for Yenna sometimes, she was right about taking missions seriously.... Luckily sleeping didn't count as part of the mission, so maybe he'd pay her a visit anyway.

As they walked, Kyell could only nod along, smile, and try his best to convey gratitude through expressions alone. So when a question was directed to them, he briefly panicked but Miri had him covered. <I've been a Jedi for as long as I remember. Practically born and raised within the Order.>

<Please tell him I'm mute, this is getting awkward.>

Was the king looking at him?


Miri Nimdok

<I’ll be sure to take all the blame for the next prank, then,> Miri replied.

She dutifully translated every word Kyell gave her to the king: “Kyell is mute, but I speak for him. He has been a Jedi for as long as he can remember, practically born and raised within the Order.

As they walked, the king spared the occasional glance at them with a curious look. His brows raised at the two padawans' answers with clear admiration. "Your whole lives, then? Always wondered how your order works. Do forgive my questions, I have always been curious about the Jedi Order and its workings." He spoke with a smile as he looked at them. "Oh and Kyell, if you do find yourself separated from your fellow Padawan, just bother one of my guards. We do have a translator droid that can speak for you if you wish." He continued as he looked at Kyell.

"And you, master Yenna? How long have you been in the order?" He asked the little green Jedi. Yenna pondered over the question for a moment as she looked up at Kyell and Miri. "Well... this year... sixty-eight years, I have been a Jedi." She answered truthfully with a nod. The king halted and turned to look at her with shock. "Sixty-eight years?" He asked her as he stared down at her. "Yes. A hundred-and-eighty years old, I am." She gave a smile as she stared up at the king. The look of borderline horror and confusion on his face was priceless.

"Is she being serious?" He asked the two Padawans with wide eyes before pressing on. "That's four generations of my family..." He muttered as he looked at his followers beside him. Their expressions weren't much better.

Their walk, however, was soon interrupted as a soldier came from ahead with a firm walk and a serious look. "My king, I need to speak to you immediately. It's about the reb-"

"I'll be with you in a moment, lieutenant." The kind king's elegant and gentle voice shattered for a moment with a firm tone as he interrupted his officer. A hint of nervousness emanated from his aura before disappearing just as quickly. He turned to look at the three Jedi. "Please excuse me, this is a rather serious matter. My servants will call you for dinner later, but for now I'll have to leave you." He turned on his heel and left the three of them along with his followers. Yenna watched then turned to Kyell and Miri with a raised eyebrow. "Feel that, did you?" She asked them softly.

She looked back to where the king left them for a long moment. "Kyell, Miri... ask around, can you, about these assassination rumours? When they started, how it was noticed, anything and everything. The same, I shall do. Meet again in an hour or two, we can." She looked up at the two of them for a moment longer then left to start her end of the investigation.

Kyell Laysel Miri Nimdok

Miri Nimdok

It is quite all right.” Miri bowed her head slightly, hiding a smile of amusement at the king’s reaction to Yenna’s age. “Master Yenna is quite young and spry by the standards of her species.

The king was suddenly called away to attend to a pressing matter, leaving the trio alone. Then Yenna took her leave, giving them the task of asking around about the assassination rumors. Miri nodded, then turned to Kyell.

<Well then. The faster we get to the bottom of this, the more time we have to ourselves. Any idea where we should start?> The palace security seemed the most obvious place to ask about the rumors, but servants were notorious gossips as well.


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