Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Col'dral Renfro Imperial Intelligence Sniper

Col'dral Renfro



NAME: Col’dral Renfro

FACTION: The Empire

RANK: Imperial Intelligence Sniper


AGE: 37

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6ft 1in

WEIGHT: 235 lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Caucasian



  • Dedicated to imperial ideology
  • Expert marksman
  • Skilled tracked an infiltration
  • Loyal to the Empire and all it stands for

+/- Deceptive
+/- Cloak and dagger tactics
+/- Manipltive

-Use of snuff
-Shaken faith in the military
-dislike of inter-service politics

APPEARANCE: A tall medium built man with neatly kept short flattop style brown, hair, caucasian skin, clean shaven except for a well-maintained and neatly kempt handlebar mustache, pricing brown, and a scar running for just below his left eyebrow, middle of his left cheek

BIOGRAPHY: Born on the ancient Imperial jungle homeworld of Dromund Kaas, he was the only son of a widowed lower-class ex solider, Their status meant he had to rely on a mix of charity, and his own will and skill to survive, his father taught about marksmanship, tracking, and hunting, and they were will import growing up as he or his father missed it usually meant they didn’t eat that day, despite the hardships he and his father remained devoutly loyal to the empire and what it stood for. As soon as he was old enough Col’dral enlisted in the imperial army, the skill he learned in his youth served him well, and impressed his superiors, he was selected for the Empire scout sniper program, and again, his skills severed him well, and he awards the rank corporal and assigned to a covert options unit, serval operations laters he promoted to lieutenant, he had earned the respect of many other officers, despite his low birth. He felt accomplished, as he has risen above the lower class status of his birth. This feeling would short-lived however as on the next operation due to the arrogance, and lack of experience of the commander, the operation failed leaving many imperials dead, The commander was the son of an influential Moff so the blame for the failure and deaths fell squarely on Col’dral shoulder as next highest ranking offer, he stiped of his rank, and was set to sent back to the academy, seeing it was politics, not the facts the lead the powers that be to the decision, he request and was granted a transfer for the army to Imperial intelligence at least he knew where he stood with Intelligence……





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