Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Collecting a valuable Text. (Sunrider Holocron)

Nar Shadaa, Sector 2093​

Solan was dead, well as far as people knew.

In truth he had grown too interested in correcting the mistakes of the galaxy and gathering information to continuously protect his home. Did that mean he no longer cared for it though; that he simply ignored the place he had cultivated and worked on for years of his life.

No, not at all.

Edric knew Solan remained alive, and the young man retained a way to contact him if ever there was the need to. But that would be a unlikely and far between thing, otherwise he would simply be a masked man who maintained the library at which Kesh kept most of it's records and artifacts of old. He was specifically here to help find a certain Holocron which had come up in the markets of the underworld, an Item a friend of his had been keeping her eye out for and interesting enough his Shadow Legion had heard about its existence here.

Honestly, he didn't care about this woman named Nomi Sunrider, she was dead and her Holocron had no significance when it came to pyrokinesis or plantsurge, much less repairing the damage created by use of the darkside. On top of that he was also revealing his no so obvious deception to those around him, granted anyone that knew him like Taeli and Joza would have known the body that was buried wasn't his. He was a corrupted man without his illusion and they had seen such. Sure he had started to repair some of it, but the darkside was not a wound you can heal with the force quickly if ever at all.

The thought was cut off by some Rodian knocking into him, staring at the masked and robed figure before muttering something that Solan didn't quite hear. To them he looked like some masked being with nothing of note on his person, an observation that was more than enough to discredit that Solan was important in any way. Or that he had anything worth saying to those that passed him. Like some sickly being who shambled through the streets.

He smiled at that and looked up at the place where they were holding their auction.

Slaves, ships, weapons and artifacts all in one place. It was a place for people to enjoy themselves and buy items off the black market that might not be entirely legal out in the open. Granted on Nar Shadaa anything was legal as long as they could pay off the people who came around to ensure things were remaining civil. Something he was certainly going to disrupt with his hand gripping the cane in his hand, pushing him into the building now as he stumbled.
Solan sat down, listening to the voices around him with an annoyed sigh erupting from his lips.

He truly hated slavers sometimes, and the comments made his head tilt the side. The conversation was one that he would rather put out of his mind but was far too loud for him to do so.

"You think that a Human is far more useful than one of them Nautolans? Those tentacle heads can do far more things than a human, and you can stick them in a tank for entertainment after you are done with them." Spoke a human. This man was beady-eyed, with a vulture-like nose that was quite distracting.

"Perhaps, but at least they don't smell like fish all day and have some decent looks. If I wanted a lovely fish, I would get one that could not complain or fight back." Responded the creature beside it, one he couldn't quite discern the origins.

They continued their conversation while Solan sat nearby, his hand closing around the walking aid he had with him and wanting to strike down everyone here. He needed to wait, though, to be sure that the item he was waiting for would appear and as he waited the first auction started. It was on some pistol that they were trying to sell off, getting the audience focused on items of low importance before bringing up the ships, slaves or more lucrative artifacts.

Solan merely had to wait and watch for the Holocron to make its appearance.

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