Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Collecting Bounties on Zonju V (BHS fun competition)

Planet: Zonju V
Task: Complete bounties to earn cash and prove yourself as a hunter.
Reward: Each bounty has its own credit reward. The top hunter will then be chosen and that hunter will get a special prize.

On the planet Zonju V, is the homeworld for the Bounty Hunter Society. Here, I have managed to secure connections in the two leading forces of the planet. The planet government itself, and a major mercenary faction. The government is trying to reestablish itself on the planet, as right now there had been a long time of no government. However, the local mercenary faction is trying to get rid of the government. They have been in control for awhile, and they want to keep it that way. Both sides have offered bounties on each other. As a neutral party, it is up to us to take these bounties. While I personally don't care who wins or what, this will be a major deciding factor for how the planet will grow. Will the new government reestablish itself and the planet will become part of the galaxy once more? Or will the mercenary leaders win, and thus try to keep the planet to themselves? This will be decided, on what bounties we take and how we complete them.

How to post:

Side: Say what side you are taking your current bounty for
Objective: Say what bounty you are currently working towards
Location: State your current location, then others can say the same thing if they are near you.

Bounties Given by Government:

1: Disrupt mercenary com lines
The government wants us to disrupt the mercenaries com lines. If we do, the mercenaries will no longer be able to communicate with each each other as much, and this will lead to information not being passed around, and possibly squabbling between mercenary captains about leadership.
Reward: disrupt remotely 50,000 cr; capture comm. Tower 150,000 cr.

2: Raise a champion for the people
The government doesn't have a hero. It wants one. Having someone that has proven he helps people and can save them, would make people want to join their side. As such, they would like a warrior to prove himself by defending villages on the outerlands. By doing so, you will make a name for yourself, and then, when the people love you, you will direct them to the new Government for guidance.
Reward: 100,000 cr; The people of the planet will trust and admire you. You will become a hero to the planet's population.

3: The front lines
There is currently a small war going on between the Government and the mercenaries. It is a single battleground, but this will be a test of strength for both sides. Winning this fight could lead to the victory of either side for good.
Reward: depends on how many soliders you kill, and whether our side wins. If we win, at least 100,000 cr, and more depending on how you do.

4: Killing/Capturing Captains
The mercenaries are run by a single leader. But this leader has captains under him, and these are the men that most of the mercenaries actually follow. If we take out the captains, then some of the regular mercenaries might just leave. However, if we can capture them, they would give great intel on the strength and weaknesses of the mercenaries. It might even lead to information on where the mercenary leader is hiding.
Reward: for each Kill: 75,000 cr; for each Capture: 150,000 cr;

5: Gaining intel on the leader
There are currently no leads on where the leader of the mercenaries is hiding. We need to find intel on him in order to stop this war. If we can find him, then we can attack him and take him out for good. Intel might be gathered from major strongholds, leaders, communication networks. Anything might have information on him.
Reward: each piece of intel is worth 100,000 cr;

Bounties Given by Mercenaries:

1: Disrupt food supplies
The government is new, and is trying to gain support by organizing trade routes with food supplies. If we can disrupt them, then the people will start to fall away from the government, and will turn to us instead.
Reward: each caravan 50,000 cr; Major food supplier 250,000 cr;

2: Raise a champion for the people
While the mercenaries have been here for a long time, they haven't ever tried to have the people love them. But, if they could raise someone to be their champion of the people, then the people will naturally come to them. They have been protecting these people for a long time, so if someone told them to come to us, then it would only seem natural to trust in us again. We don't care how you do this, but come to us if you are a champion of the people and we will talk.
Reward: 100,000 cr; The people of the planet will trust and admire you. You will become a hero to the planet's population.

3: The front lines
There is currently a small war going on between the Government and the mercenaries. It is a single battleground, but this will be a test of strength for both sides. Winning this fight could lead to the victory of either side for good.
Reward: depends on how many soliders you kill, and whether our side wins. If we win, at least 100,000 cr, and more depending on how you do.

4: Destroying factories
The government is trying to create and reestablish old weapons factories. If we can destroy them, then they can't equip more soliders. This also benefits us in the long run in that future people that might try to raise up a government will have to bring an army off world because all military weapons and armor are controlled by the mercenaries.
Reward: for each, 200,000 cr;

5: Capturing weapons storage
The government has a limited supply of weapons at the moment. If we can capture and steal their weapons, they won't be able to equip more soliders. However, most of these facilities are hidden, and we will need to find them first, and then capture it. But the government has a lot of security near these things. So, capturing one of these isn't going to be easy.
Reward: 100,000 cr; Obtain a weapon of your choice from the stock (PM me about ideas you have for what you want and we can talk)

Few ending notes:
To become top hunter: At the very end, I will declare that this particular thread is done. I will then ask for everyone who participated to send me a PM with who you thought was the best hunter. You cannot pick yourself for this. Then, whoever is recommended by the most people will be the top hunter on Zonju V. They will be awarded a prize, and of course be known as Top Hunter of Zonju V.

To complete each bounty, you must have a few posts to each. If I feel their isn't enough story, I will tell you to so. Also, you are not allowed to hunt down the leader of the mercenaries, or the leaders of the government. Just thought I would put that out there, but they aren't bounties......yet. :)
OOC: Well, since others haven't been interested in this yet, hopefully if I start things off people will get more interested.

Side: Government
Objective: 4
Location: Capital of Planet

Well, seems like this was their chance. This was the chance that the BHS needed to help itself become more prominent. These bounties would be a great addition to the ones he had already completed, and would bring in many credits for him to use in the future. Hamter looked at his holopad and scrolled through the list of available bounties, and saw one that caught his eye. In his opinion, this task was the classic bounty. Go capture or kill some guys. Plain and simple. Shouldn't be too hard, he could hack into the mercenary networks no problem. So, Hamter grabbed himself a cup of coffee, and sat down with his datapad where he proceeded to hack into the mercenary database. It was largely undefended since most people on this planet didn't know anything about setting up a firewall or anything to keep him out. He looked through their files and finally came upon what he was looking for, a list of captains.

He looked through the list briefly and saw that each captain had a sector assigned to him. Perfect, now he could just go around and collect them one by one. He downloaded the information onto his secure datapad, and set off. He got on his speeder and rode out into the wilderness to find his target.

[member="Maanis Vizla"] | [member="Omi Rin"] | [member="Ronan Dyre"] | [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

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