Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Colors Added to Black & White Pic

I have a pic I'd like to use for Julius/Galvo's new outfit and robes... I'd like it colored for the sub, if possible. The following pic is this:

The boots could be dark brown or tan, with the outer cloak being dark blue/royal/navy blue. The inner tunic/shirt could be white, with the under being a leathery color. And the sleeves being black where they turn to inner sleeves/gauntlets. To be honest, I mainly just want blues/greys and leather shades, not picky on the where. Not sure if this can be done, I have zero knowledge of PhotoShop or the like.

I'd try and be thankful if this was done for me!

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
Since my headache's gone enough for me to do some art, but not enough to do some quality writing, I'll try and tackle this task. I've actually done a few things like this before. It's tough, but can be fun. I can't guarantee a good result though, so if anyone else wants to try, please feel free to do so.
[member="Glavo Pahro"]
[member="Kadala Skirata"] - Face and hair I will actually probably just try to cut out of the picture. Only gripe is that that bottom of the sword sticking out near the left side of the pic is blended blue.... But I'll happily take that!

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
[member="Glavo Pahro"]
Yeah, I kinda thought that was a weird part of the robe until a few minutes after I posted the 'final' copy. It'd be an easy fix, if you want me to change it.

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
[member="Glavo Pahro"]
Didn't see your reply until a few minutes ago, but I got it fixed up. Here's the new link:
There's this handy tool in the editor I use called "splash" (no idea why it's called that) that let's you turn part of an image into black and white while keeping the rest of it in color. I just had to use that then do ten seconds of touch up on the sword. Hopefully this works better for you.

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