Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Armor Colossus Heavy Battle Armor

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Manufacturer: Rakvul
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Extreme





  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Extreme
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Extreme
    • Force: Extreme
    • Elemental: Extreme
    • Sonic: None
    • Electromagnetic: None

  • Helmet
    • Integrated Force Mask - Designed to protect against force-based attacks.
  • Chest
  • Arms
    • Wristband Blades - Wrist mounted, retractable blades.
    • Bardottan Sphere - Embedded orb utilized to absorb force energy.
    • Grappling Device - High tensile strength grappling device.
    • Hive Shard - Embedded in a Telecrystalline cradle to bolster Rakvul's command and control strength over the network.
    • Modular Hardpoint
  • Universal Components and Features
    • Magnetic Equipment Attachment Strips
    • Utility Hardpoint
  • Utility
    • Various Satchels, Straps, Holsters, and Harnesses - Optional

  • Indomitable Defense.
  • Cortosis-Weave Fabric.
  • Powerful Resistance Against the Force.
  • Adaptable.

  • Extremely Heavy.
  • Lack of Modern Technology.
  • No Protection Against Electromagnetic Weapons.
  • No Protection Against Sonic Weapons.


When the Bryn'adul Empire consumed world after world in fire it was Rakvul the Darkener, who put many such worlds to the torch. Back then he was one of the Warlords of the Ish'Makra, the Wrath of the Chieftain. It was the Titan, Tathra Khaeus who bestowed upon him the moniker of the Darkener. To all he was the living fury of the Titan, his rage unleashed upon all who called themselves his foe. Over time this led him to the some of the most brutal conflicts during the war. It didn't matter if it was denizens of the galaxy or heretical Drael, if they crossed the Chieftain they would fall.
For such a being of legend he needed an equally are inspiring suit of armor to exude power, authority. Something he could wear deep into the thickest battles and emerge despite overwhelming odds, to accentuate his incredible Drael resilience. In order to forge such a creation, he scoured the whole of the empire for the resources needed. Rakvul chose the rare metal Kraelmundr and Malabast for his primary metals. These two were carefully synthesized together in a unique forging process he created with the assistance of other alchemists for the suit. Once this was done the armor began to take its original shape into the awe-inspiring battle plate, he became known for.
While the war progressed and turned against them, the Drael began to gradually adapt. The armor began to gradually change and expand clear through the fall of the Bryn'adul. It wasn't until the fall that it truly began to take shape. Now the leader of his own fiefdom the Bryn'adul Remnant, largest of its kind in the galaxy, Rakvul began his efforts to modernize the arms and armor of his troops. This extended to his legendary suit of armor. As he continued to innovate his successes translated to his own armor, expanding. It wasn't until his reunion with Tathra Khaeus that it underwent its latest transformation. Kardun's Last Flame & Serpent's Hide were introduced separately, carefully synthesized as layers of this suit of armor. In addition, there were various artifacts and new additions added.
However, unlike the suits designed for Remnant forces much of the technological innovations put into those suits were not placed into this one. It was a deliberate choice as he was the Wrath of the Chieftain. While the culture was changing, he himself couldn't allow complacency to creep in during troubling times. Now more than ever he needed to remain at his top strength. The final product was a true marvel of creation, the epitome of Draelvasier craftsmanship.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a suit of armor for Rakvul.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Rakvul
Model: Colossus-Pattern Heavy Battle Armor
Modular: Yes
Material: Armor: Reinforced Kraelmundr-Malabast Kardun's Last Flame Serpent's Hide Multi-Layer Body Glove Cortosis Weave-Integrum Composite Armorweave Self-Sealing Properties Reifflex Cellular Padding TYI Flex-Armor
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Extreme
Energy Resist: Extreme
Kinetic Resist: Extreme
Sonic Resist: None
Thermal Resist: Extreme
Radiation Resist: Very High
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