Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Colra Renfro

Colra Renfro

Name: Colra Renfro
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birth Place: Mandalore
Home World: Mandalore
Height and Weight: 6ft 1 in tall 220 lbs.
Body Tone & Skin Tone: Tall broad shouldered muscular build Caucasian skin tone
Overall Appearance: A Tall board shoulder man with a muscular athletic build and Caucasian skin tone, short to medium length dark brown hair slightly unkempt at times, squinty, steely brown eyes and neatly trimmed goatee.
Starship: D5-Mantis
Clothes & Armor: Mandalorian Shock-Trooper Armor (Silver, Blue, and Green
Weapons: Mandalorian heavy blaster pistols( x2), Mandalorian disintegrator,
Possessions: Mandalorian Shock-Trooper Armor(Silver, Blue, and Green Mandalorian heavy blaster, Mandalorian disintegrator, EE-3 carbine rifle, Shockwave generator.
Starship: D5-Mantis
Spoken and Understood Languages: Mando'a,(Mandalorian), Galactic Basic, Imperial Basic
Strengths: Mandalorian Mercenary/Bounty Hunter, Adherence to the Mandalorian Code of Honor, warrior culture.
Weakness: In experienced, headstrong, quick to resort to killing instead of capturing his target.
Personality: He is a hard, honorable warrior, with strict adherence to the Mandalorian Code of Honor. He also adheres to a strict set of Mandalorian cultural laws
Notable Relationships:
History: Born on Mandalore in a camp of the Renfro clan his father was a member of the Death Commando's He grew up on Mandalore raised not only by his parent but the clan itself. At age 3 his father took over rising Colra from his mother as was customary in Mandalorian for the next ten years his father instructed him in the art of war, as well as the Mandalorian Code of Honor which his father, the clan and buy now Colra himself took very seriously they like true Mandalorians lived and died by that on his 13th birthday his father woke him in the morning and told him it is time for your verd'goten this is what will turn you in to a true verd'goten warrior.
The verd'goten was a test meant to access the military and survival training he had received from his father over the past 10 years. To complete the verd'goten would have to assault a small of camp of seasoned Mandalorian Soldiers and capture one them, finally he would have to booth survive and avoid capture for 7 days and 6 nights on the 7th night he was return to his clan’s encampment with the captured solider. He sat out on his verd'goten he found the camp quickly and spent a day and night scouting and observing the guards and patrols around the camp. He formulated plan and spent the next day and half preparing it once the preparation was completed he got a little sleep as he waited for night fall. As night fell and most of the solider were sleeping he quickly and quietly made his way to west end of camp this was point were the defenses were lightest and easiest to overcome, He made way deeper into camp and found the spot the patrols like take a break an waited for the two man patrol to come to him. As they did he leapt form his hiding spot killed one and stunned the other, he quickly bound and gagged the stunned guard and threw over his shoulders and made his way of the camp and in to mountains north of it. For 6 days he and prisoner made the hard climb up over the mountain range and finally arrived at the Renfro clan encampment late that night. As they entered the encampment his father and all the clan leaders were waiting for and they told him he performed well so far the final part of his verd'goten was to recited and explain Mandalorian Code of Honor to which he replied “Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule, Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead, Death is life, one should die as they have lived. Strength is equated with life. The strong have the right to rule and conquer the weak. If an opponent fights back then they are not seen as weak, even if they can not defeat the Mandalorians; the act of defending oneself instead of capitulation is seen as giving one both spiritual strength and honor. Honor is gained by fighting, no matter the odds or situation. Once battle is engaged, victory brings honor. And while defeat is not desirable, even fighting and losing gives honor to the defeated for at least they acted and fought. It is considered more honorable to die fighting than to survive though dishonorable means. Everyone dies. But what matters to the Mandalorian Warrior is how a person dies. Do they pass on with Strength and Honor, or some other way?” The clan leaders conferred for while before the proclaimed him a Mandalorian Warrior.
Now a Mandalorian Warrior he sought a to bring honor to family, his clan and himself .

Jorn Mair

Nice info. but you may want to add a blade for close combat. (susgestion) and Welcome to the Boards.

Colra Renfro

Thanks I'll add a blde in formal miliarty training post I'm working on Mrec in the making

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