Colton Blue
New Member
Character Name: Colton Blue
Colton Blue isn't a person that can use the force hes good with a blaster and thats what he want's to stay with.
He Travels in the city to find a good place to lives and wants to decide what side will be the best for him and how it will let him achieve his goals. He always wanted to be a soldier or a guard. He loves the city's there he would shop and travel around to see what was going on. Colton is a neutral guy but can get on a side when he feels he needs too. He hopes to find a good place to live and a faction to join. He lives in a apartment by the trading section he hears Republic ships fly over him. Its a good lifestyle for him one time he was able to check out the Republic museum to see their gear and their vehicles. He loved it and loves to live in the city. He goes out for walks sometimes and when he does he brings his light handblaster. At night he visits the cool partys and things going on. At night its busy cars jampacked into parking area's at clubs people playing music, Republic Soldiers walking around, Theres also Taxi's there pretty good cheap too. Hes a hardworker and hopes to be able to join the Republic Army in the future and be stationed in Coruscant and go to planets to defend the people. He currently helps people out and sometimes is able to go to the firing range to test out some new blaster prototypes the Rebel's were making. He thinks of his live so far as a fun life.
Sex: Male
Hair: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Age: 20
Weight: 160
Height: 5' 6"
Skin: Tan
Faction: As for now Neutral
Force Sensitive: Yes
Faction: Republic Empire
Rank: None a plain Citizen of Coruscant for now.
Strengths | Weaknesses
+++ Expert Marksman Good with a blaster.
++ Can figure out how to operate a weapon he doesn't Know of.
++ Fast and Quick Reactions
-- Not That Strong
- Can get into bad fights.
--- Doesn't know how to use the force
Gear: Mark 14 Kevlar Body Armour, Mark 3 Automatic Blaster, Mark 5 Light Handblaster, Cap That say's "Colton", 6 Bandages, Repair Kit, 4 cans of Beef, 14 cans of Blaster Soda, and a Standard Issue Knife.
Ship: Civilian Unarmed Sheathipede Transport Shuttle Bought from Traders.
Home: Currently a Apartment building in Coruscant City by the Trading Area.
Colton Blue isn't a person that can use the force hes good with a blaster and thats what he want's to stay with.
He Travels in the city to find a good place to lives and wants to decide what side will be the best for him and how it will let him achieve his goals. He always wanted to be a soldier or a guard. He loves the city's there he would shop and travel around to see what was going on. Colton is a neutral guy but can get on a side when he feels he needs too. He hopes to find a good place to live and a faction to join. He lives in a apartment by the trading section he hears Republic ships fly over him. Its a good lifestyle for him one time he was able to check out the Republic museum to see their gear and their vehicles. He loved it and loves to live in the city. He goes out for walks sometimes and when he does he brings his light handblaster. At night he visits the cool partys and things going on. At night its busy cars jampacked into parking area's at clubs people playing music, Republic Soldiers walking around, Theres also Taxi's there pretty good cheap too. Hes a hardworker and hopes to be able to join the Republic Army in the future and be stationed in Coruscant and go to planets to defend the people. He currently helps people out and sometimes is able to go to the firing range to test out some new blaster prototypes the Rebel's were making. He thinks of his live so far as a fun life.
Sex: Male
Hair: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Age: 20
Weight: 160
Height: 5' 6"
Skin: Tan
Faction: As for now Neutral
Force Sensitive: Yes
Faction: Republic Empire
Rank: None a plain Citizen of Coruscant for now.
Strengths | Weaknesses
+++ Expert Marksman Good with a blaster.
++ Can figure out how to operate a weapon he doesn't Know of.
++ Fast and Quick Reactions
-- Not That Strong
- Can get into bad fights.
--- Doesn't know how to use the force
Gear: Mark 14 Kevlar Body Armour, Mark 3 Automatic Blaster, Mark 5 Light Handblaster, Cap That say's "Colton", 6 Bandages, Repair Kit, 4 cans of Beef, 14 cans of Blaster Soda, and a Standard Issue Knife.
Ship: Civilian Unarmed Sheathipede Transport Shuttle Bought from Traders.
Home: Currently a Apartment building in Coruscant City by the Trading Area.