NAME: Colton Renfro/MT45401
FACTION: The Empire
RANK: Stormtrooper Medic
AGE: 37
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6ft 1in
WEIGHT: 235 lbs
Skilled medic, and biochemist, knowledge of healing properties of various plants and herbs, adaptable, cool under fire, dedicated soldier
A strong moral compass, hate of needless slaughter, dislike of the officer using troops as disposable resources, use of snuff, bouts of alcoholism
A tall, well-toned slender build man with Caucasian skin, brown hair, and eyes, a neatly kept mustache, and always wears a necklace with medic symbol on it.
Born on Alderaan, The youngest 3 sons of a Doctor and a botanist his father had joined the empire aligned hose Thual and tried of seeing good people die due to the bureaucratic delays of the Republic senate. Colton spent equal time with both parents learning their craft, he learned to shoot and fight from his eldest brother Cody. He and his friend were hiking in the woods one day when his friend slipped and cut his arm rock it was a deep cut and bleed a lot, Colton Applied pressured and made a makeshift bandage out of the sleeve of his shirt, and found some plants and ground them into a politics to and smeared it on the wound to help prevent infection before helping his friend back to father’s office. Later that year his father was killed during an Imperial Medical Corps supply run, Colton was angered that the GA would attack medical transports, and his mother died a year later when a comment field failed on a rare toxics she was studying for the Imperial science bureau. Colton worked as a volunteer medic for House Thual for a few years, before studying biochemistry at the Imperial Science Academy. His brothers both Joined the Imperial Army. Colton took several civilian positions in the medical field, and biochemistry fields over the next several years before finally enlisting in the Imperial military and set on becoming a Combat medic to honor his father.
EQUIPMENT: Armor, primary weapon, sidearm, malee, droid, GRENADES x4
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