Cipher 007

Name: Colton Renfro
FACTION: New Imperial Order
Rank: Special Operations Sniper
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6ft 1in
WEIGHT: 235 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian with a slight tan
+Skilled tracker and marksman, + Skilled survivalist, + Focused, +Loyal to the NIO
-Gruff, -very matter of fact, -Cold,
+/- Mission first and all cost mentality, +/- Dogmatic in adherence to Military protocol
APPEARANCE: A tall average-built man well-groomed with dark brown hair; he keeps himself clean-shaven except for a neatly kept mustache. He has a bit of a rugged look to him like his square jaw and board cleft chin.
Born of the jungle world of Dromund Kaas he is the son of an Imperial regional governor (mother) and an Imperial military officer. His life was not unlike any other well to do imperial non-force user he had one of the best educations and training in the empire. He began the imperial indoctrination process at a very young age hard wiring him for obedience and loyalty to the empire, he did very in school he was very charismatic and intelligent. His life went on like any other imperial with wealth and influence until he turned 18. He had become a very suave, cunning, and intelligent man and he was selected to attend the Imperial military academy. He served in the army for 2 years as a scout and designated marksman before being accepted to Imperial sniper school he did very well there graduating 2nd in his class. He served in the army for 3 years before being selected for Special operations.
Ship: REC-LE01 AEG
EQUIPMENT: Storm Recon Armor Mk. II, REC-DC/04 Particle Blaster Pistol; Feverwasp,IL-25X Sniper Rifle, BH 'Specter' Slicer Vibroknife, Thermal detonators, Revealer, KXM-OS-01A 'Electric Eye' Weapon Optics System, VOID | ASE-X | | Imperial Monitor Probe Droid,