Cipher 007
NAME: Colton Renfro
FACTION: Galactic Alliance
RANK: Lieutenant
AGE: 35
SEX:.. Male
HEIGHT: 6ft 1 in
WEIGHT: 230lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian
He a skilled tracker and marksman, decided on the mission, he has a strong moral compass and is knowledgeable about imperial tactics and procedure
Former Imperial military, single-mindedness, mission first and at any cost mentality
A tall athletic built man, with brown hair, always kept in a high and tight flattop, his brown a deep-set and pricing, his a cross tattoo around his right, leading to his Callsign, he sports a neatly kempt horseshoe mustache, His caucasian skin has a slight tan completion to it.
Born on Ord Mantell to a former republic soldier, and a nurse he spent his youth in the forest, and Backcountry of the planet, learning how t shoot, track, and to survive from his father. The family was lower-middle-class citizens, so their skills in tracking and hunting will pivotal to survival, at the age of 16 he left to find his own way in the galaxy being a bit naive he enlisted in the Imperial Army a year later, and his skills in tracking, stalking, and his excellent marksmanship earned a spot in the Imperial Army scout sniper course, which he excelled at. He was promoted to corporal and assigned 2nd infantry battalion as a scout/Sniper her served for 3 years before a mission on Backwater outer rim planet open his eye to what the empire really was. A company including him was sent to the planet to aid an ISB agent to locate and capture a suspect Rebel spy. The hunt went on for weeks, the ISB agent ordered the entire village burned to the ground, men, women, and even children were summarily executed for not telling the agent what he wanted to know. Finally, about 3 weeks in they got a lead the Spy wife was held up in the nearby village, and the ISB agent and the infantry Company decent on the village like a swarm of Locust. Colton was with the Agent when they found her in her home, as the Question Colton caught a glimpse of a picture of the Woman and a man to gather, it was her husband, Colton had Killed him a week and a half ago during a rag-tag assault the Company Foward Operating base. He tried to tell the Agent this but agent wouldn’t listen, the agent beat the woman, dragged outside order a pole erected in the center of the village, and attached her to via a cable and restraint cuffs lifting her arms above her head. Guards were posted to ensure she received no food and very little water, as the agent stipped her naked, and would viciously whip her with the entire village looking on. After seeing this Colton sent his concerns up to his chain of command and the resource he got chilled him to his core ISB knows what they are doing it's all part of the plan. That night Colton took his gear slipped out of camp and set a hide on a ridge line 900 meters from the center of the village. When the agent had the crowd assembled to witness the woman's morning whipping he stuck as the drew back the whip and prepared to deliver the first blow a shot from his sniper rifle rang out snapping the cable that held her as she fell to the ground, the agent turned his eyes to ridge Colton voice came over the COMLINK “that enough, the man you sent to find is dead and been dead for weeks, and your brutality ends….” A second rang out and a moment later the agent collapsed beneath a cloud of pink mist and the shot right between his eyes “Now!” Colton finished before stealing a shuttle, defecting to the Republic. After several months of investigations and interrogation, he was granted republic citizenship, and quickly Enlisted in the Republic army, again his skill saw him quickly put into the scout/ sniper program and he did very well, which prompted Sargent and assigned to 1 Republic infantry Battalion. He had several deployments and his performance. was excellent, he was selected for Special force training, and while it was difficult he passed the course and was assigned 3rd Spec Ops group. After several more deployments and excellent performance, finally, he was transferred to the Pathfinders
EQUIPMENT: Sniper riffle1, Sniper Riffle 2, Armor, knife,
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