Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Combat and PVP

Is there a specific system for PVP?

Because honestly, I am comfortable with people using the dice system, or a simulated battle and run it through several times and gives the perfect one to the person and they post based on that battle.
I think (don't quote me here), that it's more a case of deciding what's a reasonable attack to offer, leaving room for it to be evaded or countered in the way you write so that should you not succeed you can still continue through it.

*Karrus runs up to Seren' and flicks her in the eyeball*
The above isn't cool, it's dictating what happens to someone elses character but if you did this...

*Karrus runs up to Seren' intent on flicking her in the eyeball, ready to keep running in the instance she's faster than he is...*
That's much more acceptable. This is of course in my experience of role playing and sadly I've not yet had the pleasure of going PVP in Chaos but just from what I've read and the rest I've assumed. It's more of a matter of players being lenient towards each other, fair and offering as many openings as you do throw punches.

That said, I've heard of a dice system, I can't recall if it's used here or not but it's not for me personally. I prefer to work with people than chance.

Might pay to let someone experienced chip in though, just trying to offer some helpful insight if and where possible.


Well-Known Member

If you and your writing partner are so inclined, you can of course use dice. I think there's a couple of people on Chaos that do, but it's not very common.

For the most part, PvP doesn't really have any specific guidelines. The normal RP rules apply (they can be found here). Otherwise, it's a matter of communicating with your writing partner and engaging in a sort of give-and-take throughout your duel. Take into account your character's background, training, knowledge, skills, etc., and try to write true to those characteristics. For FUs, ranks of course play a small role in what kind of power levels your character can get away with, but it's never black and white, so don't let that deter you.

Invasions can be a bit of an exception in terms of rules, as the respective FAs can impose certain restrictions if they want, but apart from time constraints (24h or 48h being the norm), this is rarely seen.

If you have any more questions, feel free to @mention.

PvP between writers Chaos doesn't really have a set system for rules wise, but if I could sum it up its a turn based posting order between you two. It's all about communication with your other writer and see what they're comfortable with. Some writers here like to have things happen naturally and don't care about limb loss, or even death on occasion. Other people aren't comfortable with that stuff and might want more structure. Talk with your opponent and overall as a rule of thumb I like to try and be very reasonable when I'm fighting someone, I take hits just as much as I dish them out.

When writing combat it's crucial to make sure your reasonable with your own characters strengths and force powers respectively, as well as respect your opponents strengths. If your opponent is for example like [member="Spencer Varanin"] who specializes in mentalism I believe, if she attacks you with her specialty she masters make sure to respect that rather than shrugging it off. Overall being reasonable and respectful to your opponent is key.
Thanks everyone! I was just curious because well, I have my methods and thats how I usually like my PVP. Of course, I do bend and try to make it fun for the two of us!

Filius Stellarum

To me, its like these guys say you have to understand how the other person plays and how you play. Some people like PvP that is structured, where you know what the result is going to be and then you simply get to that point. Often this means that they will take a lot more hits because they feel that they have a responsibility to make it fair. Me, I fight hardcore. I am always in it to win it, meaning that if I think that there is a way to evade or counter an attack, I am going to take it. Getting a hit on me means that you have exhausted my options, or just given me reason to believe that there is no way I could have avoided the attack. I believe this adds a very good level of challenge and fun to the fight, because you have to really think about an attack You have to be careful with this though. I never, ever expect anyone to follow my pattern to the letter, and have no true problems if they fight like I do and don't take any hits. Most lightsaber duels in the movies go for several minutes with no injuries and finish with a single decisive blow. Only if I think that there was no way to avoid an attack, or your evasion doesn't make sense will I bring it to your attention. I simply do what I do, and allow the other person to take it as they will. However, if you are doing this and your opponent is fighting structured or trying to make it fair and are allowing themselves to be hit, it makes you look like a God-modder when they say "Hey, I'm getting beat up and your character hasn't taken a single hit!" I see it this way: your character is your own. No one can tell you how to play it, as long as the way you play it doesn't force anything on anyone else or break any rules. As long as you don't expect or force anyone to respond in a certain way, you are not a God-modder. And the fact of the matter is that not all fights are going to be fair. If you drop me, a master assassin, into a fight against a bumbling rookie soldier who can't even hold a blaster the right way, of course I am going to decimate him. Anyway, that's my two-cents. Like I said, take it as you will.

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