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Approved Tech Combat Resistant Duty Uniform (New Order)

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Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
The variant reserved for Generals, Admirals, Moffs and other high ranking government officials​

Standard military duty variant​

Standard military dress uniform (Captain and below)​
Intent: To create a standard dress for New Order NPCs and and PCs
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Aratech Repulsor Company
Model: CRDUs
Affiliation: The New Order
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Armor Weave

The Combat Resistant Duty uniform is a simple armorweave uniform that is being used as the official uniforms of the New Order armed forces and government.

The General's Variant
The "General's Variant" is made very much to give those who wear it a firm presence of power and make them unmistakable to the eye. The uniform consists of black and red armorweave jackets, trousers and gloves to give the wearer blaster resistant protection across his body. The collars are exaggerated to offer a little more protection to the vital neck areas and the can be worn button up or down on the collar.

The red sashes adorned across their chests symbolizes their position as a major leader in the New Order and are always adorned with a durasteel impression of the New Order insignia. The chest can be adorned with medals and other awards while a red armband with the impression of the Circle of Darkness's insignia is worn to further exaggerate their standing. Rank insignia are worn on the collar.

Standard military variant
The standard military variant is made for extreme comfort as it is to be worn as fatigues for the infantry and both fatigues and battle uniform for naval forces. Each uniform depicts the New Order insignia upon the left breast and over the heart, with rank insignia placed on the collar. One can always tell which branch of service the wearer is in by the color of the liner on their uniform. Army liner is yellow (like shown above), Naval fleet liner is dark blue, starfighter corp liner is light blue and stormtooper corp liner is light grey

Military Dress Variant
The military dress variant is a less flashy version of the General's variant. The uniform is grey with a cap depicting the branch of service's insignia which is also worn on the collar. Rank is displayed on the sleeves of the arms and the New Order insignia is displayed on either shoulder. Grey/white gloves are also worn with the uniform. Unlike with the standard armor, medals and awards can be displayed on the chest and the liner/sash colors for each branch are slightly altered. Stormtrooper Corp liner is light grey (as shown above), Army is dark green, Navy dark blue and starfighter corp is tan.

Universal protection
Universally, each variant offers the same amount of protection and is able to disrupt a blaster's path to the target and can stop kinetic rounds and is highly resistant to stabbing. However, the uniform can only save you from lightsabers if it is a glancing blow which can still cause severe burns or death. Each uniform also is worn with black leather boots with durasteel caps and can be worn with or without gloves or the optional duty holster and pistol.

Classification: Anti-Blaster, Anti-Kinetic, lightsaber-resistant (weak)
Weight: 4.2 kilograms
Quality: 4
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