A few months ago, Valessia was on Dosuun entertaining the guests of the then Commonwealth, an ambitious government that now fell into the tyranny that was this galaxy. A collapse from within. Governments come and go these days, as she watched the holonews with a robe tied tightly around her waist. The view from her penthouse was spectacular and it seemed the sky traffic was light this morning. Edra approached her from behind handing her a glass of quint-berry juice, a sweet little drink for the morning. "What's on the agenda today?" The Zabrak wondered as she saddled up to the view. Shoulder to shoulder with Val, the new penthouse was an upgrade that was a definite. It also beat Val swapping her house, Edra actually liked it. Still, here they were in the new penthouse. "Val.""You remember the banquet?" Val asked aloud as she nursed the glass of quint-berry juice, a finger sliding along the top of the glass. Eyes fixed on some building that dotted the skyline the holonews chatter still going on in the background. Still with the anti-First Order propaganda, "can you shut that off?"
Edra did as asked and came back to hear what Valessia had to say, "yeah, the military bash something about honoring the heroes of Castameer."
"Well," she says turning, an elbow on the rail of the balcony that overlooked the city, "got a hook."
Edra gave Val a smile, "who?"
"Gunther Creed."
"That stuffed uniform who looked like he'd die if he had to smile?" Edra inquired, "jeez Val, you sure do know how to pick'em, don't you?"
The Scion of House Brentioch rolled her eyes and headed inside, just as she stepped into the living room the brunette waved her hand over a sensor that shut the door. From there she tucked her glass of juice into her arm while keying in the code to bring down the visor along all the windows. The penthouse was decorated just as the last one had been, Galactic Empire-era motifs with artefacts from the Sith Empire and now First Order awards and banners started to decorate the house. Her personal droid, Paddy wandered about, her servants Edra and Cin their own rooms. "At any rate, Mr. Creed and I will be meeting for lunch."
"Hopefully this date will go better than how the one with whats her name turned out to be."
Val shot Edra a look, and the Zabrak put her hands in the air. "Listen, gonna go talk to Ori see how she and the girls are doin' and see if Hudir is playing nice Zabrak with the new tenants."
"Alright, behave - give Bruno my love," leaning over she gives Edra a sweet kiss on the cheek, "take Cin with you, keep her out of trouble."
The Devaronian peeked her head around the corner, "oi I 'eard that."
"Then you know I say it out of love, if I need anything Paddy will get in contact with you." Val says watching the two of them disappear, leaving her alone in the penthouse. She wonders for a moment why she purchased such a big place. Compensation she gathered, not that she'd admit it out loud, now then. "Paddy, can you help me pick out something to wear?"
"Of course your worship, at once," the droid said with a bit of cheer in his voice, clinking and clanking away from whatever chore he was doing at the moment, walking with Valessia to her new closet. "I must say it will be nice to meet this Creed fellow, his record is impeccable, although his manners leave something to be desired."
"He's a military man, not a boardroom politican, Paddy. Leave that to me, besides who knows what will happen - now do I go with the red or the black?"
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