Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coming Back From The Abyss

Aka my life, hello! =D

I'm sure most of you know me, or at least know of me. Or only vaguely remember. Or you don't know from Adam =P I've been here twice before, stayed for about three months, and then disappeared for about a year. Why did I leave? I don't know. There was a reason, yes, but looking back on it, probably a stupid reason.

I keep coming back though, so I am hoping third time is the charm xP

So what's up people?! =D Has the galaxy blown up yet?
[member="Willa Isard"]

I remember youz!!! =D It's good to see people I know. Last time I remember, one of your characters was one of the masters of the Jedi Order.

[member="Coryth Elaris"]

I definitely remember you!!! ^-^ Especially the red hair =D

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