Jorus Merrill
is mek bote
This wasn't one of your big-pull classes, the kind that had three hundred students and ten teaching assistants. Enrolment here was about a dozen, seminar-level, and he'd opted for seminar format as a result. A ring of narrow tables, each with two or three chairs; a discussion circle, with him as facilitator. He was out of uniform, or rather in a different one: the Captain's uniform of the Levantine Frontier Corps.
"All right, it's five after the hour. I'm Captain Merrill, and this is Command Studies 1492: Introduction to First Contact. We'll be running on a seminar format, which means you'll all be expected to give presentations on case studies this semester. Now, I'm not one for big open-ended questions; I like the more grounded approach, though we'll definitely be covering some coloniality theory.
"Let's start by going around the circle. Introduce yourself, tell us what your area of focus is here at the Academy, and tell us if you've been in, or close to, a first contact situation before. Reconnecting with worlds lost in the Dark Ages absolutely counts. Doesn't have to be silicon-based sentients from Wild Space or Unknown Regions hive minds."
"All right, it's five after the hour. I'm Captain Merrill, and this is Command Studies 1492: Introduction to First Contact. We'll be running on a seminar format, which means you'll all be expected to give presentations on case studies this semester. Now, I'm not one for big open-ended questions; I like the more grounded approach, though we'll definitely be covering some coloniality theory.
"Let's start by going around the circle. Introduce yourself, tell us what your area of focus is here at the Academy, and tell us if you've been in, or close to, a first contact situation before. Reconnecting with worlds lost in the Dark Ages absolutely counts. Doesn't have to be silicon-based sentients from Wild Space or Unknown Regions hive minds."