Commander Firestorm
ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
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NAME: Commander Firestorm (First Name is Alex)
FACTION: Galactic Alliance, The New Mandalorians
RANK: Commander, Jedi Master
SPECIES: Human (Jango Fett Clone)
AGE: 19 (not counting years in cryogenic stasis; actual age is over 800 years old)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.83 m (6 ft)
WEIGHT: 185 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Light Tan
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Is battle hardened and is capable of tangling with a commando droid barehanded. Has specialized ARC Trooper training and has limited training in the Jedi arts. His free thinking has overridden his base programming to serve a now non-existent Republic, but he still feels it is his duty to stay true to its principles. He knows multiple different lightsaber fighting styles and has a decent amount of knowledge of the Force. Virtually immortal (to age) due to the reversal of his accelerated aging. Invulnerable to Jedi and Sith "mind tricks" due to his faulty inhibitor chip and force sensitivity along with a strong will.
Weaknesses: Is emotionally scarred by battles. Is, in rare occasions, subject to PTSD-like symptoms. Is inexperienced in piloting spacecraft outside of gunships and shuttles. Can feel out of place in the galaxy after being displaced from his time by suspended animation.
Jango Fett clone. He carries 2 custom DC-17 blaster pistols and a lightsaber disguised as a thermal detonator.
Due to his prolonged exposure to cryogenic chemicals, his accelerated aging has reversed to the point where it completely stops him from aging and allows him to remain youthful, this makes him physically immortal to age but still prone to physical trauma, disease, gas, etc., but age will never kill him. He wears the prototype phase 2 clone armor given to ARC troopers, or Phase 2 ARC armor.
Lightsaber Color: Blue
Lightsaber disguised as Baradium-Core Code Key Thermal Detonator:

FORCE TECHNIQUES: Force Stasis Field, Doppelganger, Force Cloak, Electric Judgement, Detoxify Poison, Force Heal, Force Grab, Force Jump, Force Throw, Telekinesis, Force Stealth, Hibernation Trance, Force Meld, Psychometry, Telepathy, Control and Sense, Alter Image, Alter Damage, Alter Environment, Animal Friendship, Mind Trick, Illusion, Force Speed, Sever Force (Temporary Effect)
Commander Firestorm is a force sensitive clone ARC trooper who was being trained in secret by his jedi general until he was placed into cryo stasis near the end of the Clone Wars when his force sensitivity was discovered. The Venator-Class Star Destroyer he was being transported to Coruscant on was hit by a large electromagnetic storm in hyperspace. The crew had abandoned ship, leaving him as the only one left on board and in suspended animation aboard the now derelict Venator-Class Star Destroyer, Unbroken.
He woke up recently do to his cryo pod running out of reserve power and triggering an emergency release. This left him confused and alone aboard a ship that's been drifting through space for hundreds of years.
The Destiny (LAAT/i gunship modified with shields, speed modifications, and a hyperdrive)

The Unbroken, Venator-Class Star Destroyer (within the navy of the Galactic Republic faction)
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